


(Listen daily for the RP Commentary on the All New Hits 98 CKHD & LTD Radio)


You know I can never remember which kids group had the motto “Be prepared”.

Was it 4-H or the Boy Scouts?

Good thing I belonged to both clubs, growing up in Milestone, Saskatchewan. Concepts like that stick with you through life, especially the good ones, and they’ve served me well in a half century on this earth.

Last night was another example.

Through friends and connections I got lined up with Wellington High School here in South Florida. The varsity baseball team – which is coached by a former Major Leaguer and features many kids of Major Leaguers – was looking for an announcer.

My friends knew one, and gave me a call.

So last night I showed up to the ballpark just expecting to meet everyone and apprentice but lo and behold, they threw me right behind the mic and there I was spinning tunes and reading out lineups.

To be honest, it was fun as hell.

For some reason when I left the house I felt an urge to grab my new glasses; just in case. They’re the kind that helps with distances, AND up close.

I’d have been sunk without them but as they say, “Be prepared.”

Grace Christian Academy won the game 9-4 but to me, it wasn’t about the outcome.

It was about meeting new people, learning new things, and watching live sports. I never get tired of that.

What a wonderful thing it was to spend last summer in the WCBL with the Moose Jaw Miller-Express. That came in pretty handy when the Wellington Wolverine parents were looking my background up.

It’s funny what happens when you take your hands off the wheel, and let the universe be in charge. You never know where the road’s going to take you, but it always seems to be good!

Oh, and it’s the Boy Scouts who said to always “Be Prepared.”

The 4-H motto is “Make The Best Better”. (You can look it up).


I try to live by that that one too.


That’s today’s Rod Pedersen Commentary.

(The Rod Pedersen Show airs daily at 12 pm & 4 pm ET on Game+TV, Podcast & YouTube Live)


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Peanut Montgomery
Peanut Montgomery
7 hours ago

There comes a point where a comparison to Bob Costas/Al Michael gets flipped and those guys get compared to R.P. Those guys didn’t conquer digital/social media. Baseball and with that cadence. I could only imagine if the Rattlere/CEBL were smart they would be making a phone call for the summer. Randoms: – Pedro Morales told Brett Hart, “they can’t hold back talent” – with that the course correct is happening. Roger’s Sportsnet dropped 250 lbs of dead weight. He was so concerned about CFL player safety, the CFL laying off “single moms”. True to form he race baited out the… Read more »

5 hours ago

Cool, that would’ve been awesome.

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