MONTREAL (CP) – Receiver Nik Lewis is delighted to be reunited with veteran quarterback Kevin Glenn.

The two were teammates in 2012 and 2013 with the Calgary Stampeders and got back together when the Montreal Alouettes acquired Glenn in a trade this week.

“He was my favourite quarterback that I’ve played with,” Lewis, who joined Montreal this season, said Thursday. “I just love his attitude and the way he approaches the game.

“Being able to take the field with him in Calgary those two years was great. We put up some big numbers together. So I’m just looking forward to everyone working together and see what we can do.”

Glenn, acquired from Saskatchewan for a fifth round draft pick, practised with his new teammates for the first time.

Coach and general manager Jim Popp hopes to have him ready to start a home game Sunday against Hamilton.

“We’ll do everything we can to get him on the field,” said Popp. “He feels comfortable and the meetings have gone great.

“He spent a lot of time (Wednesday) after he arrived, to about eight o’clock at night. Then he was back at 6:30 this morning to get back at it. He feels he can get it accomplished.”

The Alouettes were desperate for a starting quarterback after rookie Rakeem Cato suffered a concussion in a 25-17 loss to Toronto on Monday. They had already lost starter Jonathan Crompton to a second injury this season, and didn’t feel Anthony Boone, Tanner Marsh or Brandon Bridge were ready to step in.

Montreal (5-9) needs to start winning games to challenge for a playoff spot with four games left in the regular season.

“Nothing worries me,” said Glenn, in his 15th CFL season. “It’s just learning, like going to school.

“Today was a good day. We did some good things.”

As for Lewis calling him his favourite quarterback, Glenn laughed and said: “He’s silly. And because he’ll get mad if I don’t say it, yes he is my favourite receiver.”

It should help that he has a veteran receiving corps with Lewis, S.J. Green, Fred Stamps and Samuel Giguere.

“It can only help us,” Green said of Glenn’s arrival. “We’ve been young at that position pretty much all year.

“Not to take anything from the guys who have played quarterback this year, but you can’t replace experience. That’s something Kevin has a lot of.”

The Alouettes, who have beaten Hamilton in both of their meetings this season, may also have cornerback Mitchell White and defensive end Aaron Lavarius back from injuries this week.

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8 years ago

Brett Smith is our future similar to Tino Sunseri was… BOTH – NOT! The only difference is one is no longer with our team. Sorry Brett, I like your intensity but you don't have what it takes. I honestly feel that within a few games you might be as good as Sunseri was (not good enough for a future in the CFL). Also, have some respect… What was that about when you punched Craig Butler of the Hamilton Tiger Cats, out of bounds and after the play stopped. First off, Butler did nothing wrong and he is not a cheap… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Wow… you are completely out to lunch… Butler is a classy player? He hit Smith out of bounds with zeros on the clock and a big lead. Smith is totally different than Sunseri. If you can't tell that then you don't know football bud.

8 years ago

The Als are smart to give Brandon Bridge two or three years to develop – this has been key to the success of the Argos with Harris when Ray went down due to injury.

8 years ago

This will be a very Interesting game to watch as Montreal with it's first rate receivers along with the veteran QB Kevin Glenn under the tutelage of coach Calvillo will produce and earn their pay. Touchdowns, plus big yardage sure to be evident. A solid acquisition by the Alouettes team heading down the stretch as they fight for a play-off berth.

8 years ago

Kel the biggest know it all douchebag in the comment world.

8 years ago

Kel chill out dude. Brett Smith has some fire in his belly something we just may need around here. Oh ya about your hero Butler he hit him late outta bounds or at least was rough on him late. The announcers even stated he had something to be mad about. Fans like you who try an run a qb outta the province after 6 games are an embarrassment to true Rider Fans. Get a life and give the kid a chance.

8 years ago

Can't wait to see Glenn eviscerate the Riders defence in the last game.

8 years ago

Get a grip Kel, I too have hope for Price but he is still too new to the system. He has not gone through a training camp in the CFL like other rookies thrown into action.

The smart thing to do is to have him do a few plays in these upcoming meaningless 4th quarters. He can develop further in the years ahead. Building confidence is key.

8 years ago

Brett Smith is a clown dressed in green and white. A clown, a bonofide clown. Bring back Sims.

8 years ago

Awesome feed back… I do appreciate it. As an aside, I do have a life… The Butler hit was not cheap or out of character with anything else we have seen in the league this year (did he receive a fine nope). I appreciate good hard-nose players all across the league and Butler is certainly one of those. Defend Smith all you want, but there has been no improvement from him, I'm sorry to view my opinion on that, more sorry if you don't see that yourself. I do like his intensity though… but he will need to seriously improve… Read more »

8 years ago

'Building confidence is key" to that point, I actually agree… but…

But I will also say that maybe it is you who needs to 'get a grip' regarding your own theory. Ask yourself, when was the last time anyone built confidence by not doing something: not playing ball, not getting on the field, not getting called upon even when the others are doing an obviously poor job???

Again I say that it is you who may need to get a grip; simply put, that is no way to build the confidence of anyone, especially a back up QB…


8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Look at Smith's stats and you see there has been improvement. For a quarterback to excel he needs a couple years as a backup (I.E. Trevor Harris, Bo Levi, Collaros) but here you are writing him off when he got thrown into action in his rookie year. Give the man a chance

8 years ago

Durant has not played for almost two years and the question is is he another Buck Pierce or can we rely on him to never get hurt again. Not!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rider organization is counting on Durant to turn this team around next season and once again they put all there eggs in one basket. Did we not learn anything last two seasons when Durant went down.Smith to carry team next season if Durant goes down. WOW.are you kidding. Rider nation will not condone to another season of the bull crap that we went through this season. O'Day hope you are right… Read more »