Two-time Grey Cup champion offensive lineman and current Toronto Argonauts broadcaster Sandy Annunziata of TSN 1050 Toronto came out swinging in an interview on 620 CKRM’s SportsCage in Regina on Monday.  The 11-year CFL veteran explained the growing unrest amongst Toronto football types regarding the Argos’ treatment by Rogers and Rogers Centre, the homefield of the club.

The Argos have been forced out of Rogers Centre on multiple occasions during the 2015 season due to conflicting stadium dates, including back-to-back “home” games in Weeks 17 and 18.

“Let’s put it this way; they’ve played 13 of their 16 games on the road,” Annunziata reported.  “You want to encapsulate how weird of a situation this is.  I’m all for quirkiness and the CFL is all about quirkiness.  You got these great stories from the 1950’s and 1960’s.  I mean someone almost drowned in the 1950’s in the Mud Bowl.  But this is anything but quirkiness.

“To have your home opener in Fort MacMurray, to have five games in the Rogers Centre only to be told ‘Sorry we can’t accomodate the Argonauts despite the lease.  We have first right of refusal to kick you out’ and don’t give it a second thought.  These are these corporate decisions that leave a bad taste in my mouth.”

The frustation in Annunziata’s voice was clearly evident and he’s made his feelings known recently on social media which led to Monday’s appearance in the SportsCage.

“I think it comes from me being a part of that locker room for so long and understanding the challenges involved with being a professional football player, notwithstanding the incredible amount of stress and anxiety thrust upon this Argo locker room,” Annunziata continued.  “I’m disappointed that the individual responsible for growing the brand, strengthening the brand, protecting the brand, by his deafening silence is allowing a 143-year old tradition in Toronto, one of the flagships of the CFL, to be marginalized and minimized.

“I’m talking about the Commissioner specifically and I have nothing against Jeffrey Orridge.  He was brought in as a marketing guru to resurrect and to help strengthen the brand but he’s done anything but that in Toronto.”

I asked Sandy if he were Commissioner, how would he address the untenable situation?

“There’s a way to address the situation,” Annunziata said.  “Maybe a strongly-worded letter saying you don’t agree with the decision.  There’s a way to take the high road because let’s face it; that’s what the CFL has always done.  It has always capitulated and been accomodating to the four other major sports properties in the City of Toronto.  At some point you’d think the head of the CFL, the Commissioner, would stand up for the integrity and stand up for the collective rights of those 50 football players, those hard-working coaches and that skeleton crew they have running the Toronto front office.

“You’d think he’d be an ally in their frustration.  Maybe a sounding board for them or a mouthpiece for them.  There’s ways to do it without totally alienating Rogers and that sports property.  It sends a loud message if he comes out and speaks for the Argos and their staff that we don’t like this decision.  We’re not going to sit idly by and take it.  But just to not say anything, his silence speaks volumes that the Toronto Argonauts have been allowed to be treated this way by not only Rogers Centre but also Rogers as a corporation.”

Despite their nomadic struggles, the Argonauts are tied for second-place in the CFL East at 9-6.  I asked Sandy if the adversity has affected the football club, including Saturday’s 27-15 loss to Calgary in Hamilton.

“You’ll never get this out of (head coach) Scott Milanovich or anyone out of that locker room,” Annunziata continued.  “They’re paid to win games so they’d never use these situations as an excuse and that’s just a sign of professionalism.  God bless everyone of those Toronto Argonauts who refuses to discuss it in the media because that’s just not their job.  That’s up to people like me who don’t have a stake in the game and I’ll speak on behalf of those guys and say yeah, it does have an effect.

“To see Trevor Harris in the first half, it wasn’t Trevor Harris.  I don’t know what Toronto Argonauts team showed up but it wasn’t the Toronto Argonauts team we’ve seen work so efficiently through the adversity through two-thirds of the season.  Am I gonna say it didn’t have an effect?  Well let me put it to you this way; Toronto’s playing Calgary in Hamilton.  That’s just a very quirky situation and it’s a very sterile environment that we saw Saturday night.  3401 fans?  That’s not typical.”

The Argonauts “host” the Montreal Alouettes this Friday night at Hamilton’s Tim Hortons Field.

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8 years ago

ooohhh a strongly worded letter that and 2 bucks will get you a coffee. rogers could buy every cfl team and fold the league in a blink of an eye if it wanted to. suck it up buttercup!!! lol

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Why don't you go back into your hole buddy!? Sports fans like you should have to stay home and clean the house or something. …sheesh!

8 years ago

God Bless him, finally someone who tells the truth and it has to come from a former football player. Why isn't the media all over this story. Someone needs to put the commissioner on the spot and grill him. Tell me why he was hired as commissioner?

John Waynes saddle sores

8 years ago

The commissioner is a spineless SOB and hair on Sandy Annunziata for saying so. It's really refreshing to see a sports reporter that isn't kissing a$$. It doesn't happen in Regina.

PS; there is nothing Rogers in my house and there never will be.

Go Argos Go

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Hey a Argo fan who knew they had those?

Go Jays Go

8 years ago

Rogers does a well enough job making themselves look bad during this.
Trying to capitalize off the Blue Jays success. With their Canada's Team commercials.
People love the Blue Jays, not Rogers.

8 years ago

Why not interview Rick Foley soon. The man who should still be a Rider

8 years ago

I find it funny that all the Argo's fans belly ache about getting to Skydome yet 49000 Jays fans don't find it an issue.

They get the opportunity to go to a "better" football field an still don't bother.

When is Toronto ever going to figure out the NFL isn't coming!!!

8 years ago

Well and in my opinion Roger's is killing the NHL broadcast wise. The personalities are painful to watch. It's all negative all the time. We have games every night occurring and nothing on their 4 channels but poker, wrestling and reruns.

What attracts me to the TSN broadcasts is their positive, have fun spin. Sportsnet/Rogers, never seems fun. Almost never is positive.

Add to their, we own it, screw you, you have to watch us attitude.

8 years ago

Totally agree with Anon #7. Rogers/CBC are nauseating.

8 years ago

Regarding the election…

Hopefully everyone feels a weight lifted off their shoulders as, today, that dark and divisive form of fear and hate approach, is finally gone.

To the Saskatchewan right wing folks… it is the year 2015, not 1950. It's time to embrace change and try to live life more positive. As the new Prime Minister said, "Sunny Ways" (google it).

X marks the spot!

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Happy days are here again … teed a le a hear I aye.
Happy days are here again
Altogether shout it it out now
Happy times
Happy nights
Happy days
Are here again!

8 years ago

How can the Argos be more competitive than the riders with all the distractions and lack of support for them? The riders have everything yet still suck. Oops forgot the riders starting qb went down but then so did the Argos. I'm confused, how can the riders suck so much?

8 years ago

It is less than 30 miles from Toronto to Hamilton. Argo fans would have a very real reason to bitch if more an a couple of thousand from a city of 3 1/2 million actually showed the same amount of support as folks driving in from Balgonie to see the riders. Don't blame Rogers, blame Bell/TSN. They haven't done a thing to make that team or league in Toronto viable. No advertising around Toronto or the stadium, no placing games on CTV to wider audiences. No investment at all. Easy to blame Rogers but alot of the games Toronto missed… Read more »

8 years ago

On a typical day, the drive to Hamilton on the QEW is 6-8 lanes, bumper to bumper, full of starts & stops, with an average speed of 40 km/h. It's far from the pleasant, carefree drive, you experience for a trip in to Moose Jaw. Also… it's Hamilton. Fans in Hamilton HATE Toronto. At the game on Saturday, my friend's family was assaulted by a Ti-Cat fan with a cowbell. Other fans are drunk and rude. A loud vocal minority to be sure, but they still make for an unpleasant experience. Now let's talk about Skydome. Blue Jays banners everywhere… Read more »

8 years ago

I'm a Hamilton fan, but if the situation were reversed I'd be frustrated and disappointed. I think Sandy is right on the money and he isn't belittling anyone here, he's asking for the backing of the head of the business…All too often people accept these high-paying jobs to be the head of an organization, yet sit around collecting money and doing nothing to support their employees…I say start talking to the colleges and universities in TO and see if they'd be willing hosts, screw Rogers!

Doug Philpott
Doug Philpott
8 years ago

Sandy, David Braley has been running this franchise like a five and dime store the last couple of seasons until he sold it earlier this year. The Rogers Centre and the Argos had virtually "free field rental" agreement in place with all these ifs, ands and buts in place if Jays went into the playoffs. Yes it would be expensive for the Argos to change numerous times in just 24-hour periods the venue from baseball to football and back to baseball again for the team's first three of five final home games Argos would have been happy with the Jays… Read more »