REGINA (CP) – A cheeky advertising campaign is sparking interest in Friday’s CFL game between the Edmonton Eskimos and the Saskatchewan Roughriders at Commonwealth Stadium, but a spokesman for the home team admits there have been complaints.

The radio ad jokingly warns that Saskatchewan fans are about to descend on Edmonton and refers to them as “horrible human beings” and invites Eskimos supporters to “taste their delicious tears.”

The droll and deadpan ads are similar in tone to ones that ran earlier this year disparaging Calgary just before a game against the Stampeders.

Allan Watt, vice-president of communications and marketing for the Eskimos, says they have received some calls of complaint.

But he hastens to point out that it’s all meant in good fun, and that he’s even originally from Saskatchewan.

While the ads aren’t helping the Eskimos to win, Watt says they are helping at the box office, noting that nearly 50,000 fans are expected at Commonwealth Stadium for the game featuring the 9-3 Riders against the 8-4 Eskimos.

Watt says the Eskimos are just trying to do to Rider fans what the Riders do to fans in other cities by putting up billboards.

“If that humour misses the mark, then I guess we’re not as funny as we intended to be,” he says. “I hope people take it for what it is. I know (Saskatchewan) fans are passionate and good for them. People have pride in their province, as we do over here. It wasn’t intended to offend anybody.”


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Dan R.
Dan R.
9 years ago

It's not like they called us banjo picking inbreeds or anything, and fashioned an annual game out of it called the horrible humans bowl…. LOL

Dan R.

9 years ago

Listening to Sportscage in the combine this evening, I could NOT believe the over-reaction by Scruffy on this issue, it definitely got his panties in a knot (you could tell because he was a whole octave higher than normal)!
Lighten up! It's all in good fun!
And you know what? Quit saying 'you know what?' whenever a question or idea is directed at you.

9 years ago

Anybody that's insulted or upset by that, needs a life.

Ann Landers

9 years ago

Agree whole heartedly, this has bugged me about him for a decade !

"And you know what? Quit saying 'you know what?' whenever a question or idea is directed at you."

9 years ago

“If that humour misses the mark, then I guess we’re not as funny as we intended to be" 50 cent and Howard Stern sidekick Baba Booey throwing out the first pitch were more on the mark than they were on this. This all stems from the deep down hatred the Eskimos marketing department has towards the Riders for one upping them a few years back with the “we walk among you” billboard right by Commonwealth. They have never been able to meet or beat that stunt and they have become more insulting and vindictive in their ads (particularly against the… Read more »

9 years ago

I have no issue with obvious fun poked at Rider fans in the interest of marketing tha CFL in Edmonton.

I do however have a concern with Allan Watt, the Vice President of Communucations and Marketing for the Eskimos being from Saskatchewn. How do you change sides like that. I thought the rule was, if you are from Saskatchewan you are a Rider Fan for life. No compromises!

9 years ago
Reply to  Dan

See above post

9 years ago

Id be more concered about how many so called Rider Priders off Rods CFL picks took Edm to win this game.

9 years ago
Reply to  Sk_roughie

so at the start of the season everyone should just pick the riders to go 18-0 then i guess. just tow the company line and offer no real opinion.

9 years ago
Reply to  Sk_roughie

If you go into the game expecting a loss then you have already lost.

9 years ago

At worst, it's a bit of fun. At best, it somehow motivatates the Riders to play well enough to beat them just like the BC stunt a few weeks ago.

9 years ago

good point sk roughie guy

9 years ago

If this kind of stuff puts more fannies in the seats then good on them. At least some of the teams are taking a view of hyping the games. What would you rather them put up a billboard that just said…..Riders vs Esks Friday at 7:00pm. Those kinds of billboards don't hype or bring in the numbers anymore. A group has to be creative in their marketing and ways of attracting the casual fan. If they were smart they would have worked with the riders and spun the "we walk among you" slogan with a billboard based on The Walking… Read more »

9 years ago

You know what, I've always hated it when Scruffy gets squealing like he's auditioning for a role in 'Deliverance'.

9 years ago

Attacking the Scruffster about using "you know what" is as pointless as whining about Durant using his favourite phrase "no doubt about it", or Chamblin's "the thing about it". In fact pick any one of your friends, family or other folks in the media and they too will have a habit phrase.

9 years ago

It's an interesting question, and one that I've pondered for many years. For the record I am part of Rider Nation. Always have been, and always will be. When I hear stories about people wanting to get into Durant's hospital room for autographs, the behavior in the stands, the extreme high and lows people go to during wins/losses, and the fact people's moods are dictated by this team, the answer is obvious. The people of Regina from my experience yes are absolutely horrible people. They are very limited in a lot of capacities, and what is so tragic is they… Read more »

9 years ago

Edmonton must lack creativity in marketing like Winnipeg.
Why do you have to dis the opponents fan base?
The Riders put up billboards in opponents cities but don't resort to insulting their fans.


9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

If you took that as a true, honest dis then you are a stupid person.

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

If you don't believe everything I say, you are a stupid person.

9 years ago

Its a definite sign of no class from the Eskimos. Take a shot at the team if you want, but calling out the thousands who are Rider fans as horrible is a little over the top in my mind.

9 years ago

If the Stampeders had called us HHB's, we would riot! What's the difference? I understand the marketing aspect, but CMON!


9 years ago

Could care less about what EDM did here. Good marketing. More people are aware of the game and maybe they'll get a few more fans out. Job well done.

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Oh, you must care quite a bit then.

9 years ago

Are the Eskimos trying to create a rivalry wit the Riders?

The Riders rivalries are with Calgary and Winnipeg, sorry Edmonton if you feel left out

9 years ago

I don't mind being poked fun at…we do it as well. But honestly, it didn't make me laugh…I would of rather of had them come up with something that put a smile on my face and get me to say "hey, that's a good one!"

9 years ago

Might want to check the old podcast there RBN, I think it was Sharky not SCruffy who over-reacted somewhat. Then again, this is the same guy who threw it out there Dressler might retire after getting tossed by KC.