“After seeing the video of my sideline bump of Dave Stala during Friday’s game, I have spoken with Dave and apologized for my action. I have high regard for Dave as a player and as a person, and by no means was he a premeditated target.

Our organization holds our players and coaches to high standards of conduct. In this instance I fell short of those standards. I have apologized to our team and assured them that going forward my behavior will be consistent with those standards.

As a head coach in the Canadian Football League, we are held to high standards of conduct. I embrace those responsibilities and do not condone this sort of behavior. I take full responsibility for my actions. My sincere apologies go out to everyone affiliated with the Hamilton Tiger-Cats, our fans, and the fans of the league.”

*On Sunday evening, CFL Commissioner Jeffrey Orridge announced Austin has been fined $5000.
“Coach Austin has expressed in his public apology to Dave Stala and the Tiger-Cat organization, and has stressed to me in subsequent conversations, an understanding that as leaders, coaches are held to a high standard of conduct. I want it to be clear that the CFL has an important standard of conduct for coaches which must be respected and upheld,” Orridge stated via news release.
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9 years ago

Wow talk about an accountable leader. Plus the fact that he's got great players. Two things the Riders do not have. No wonder Hamilton's in first and the Riders are in last.

9 years ago

Accountable Leader?

A real leader never would have put himself in a position to have to apologize for such actions…

9 years ago

Talk about a coach who thinks he's a player still. Cocky and arrogant, must have been a hard pill to swallow.

9 years ago

Finally saw the clip. Have to admit I was looking for something much worse. Not crazy about the guy but cmon everyone that was like a friendly little rub. His yelling at the crowd at the end was worse. How about the number one player in the league who once took his pants down. Honest. It actually happened. Where is he now? Not sure.

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Yup….still fine him half a game cheque. Just like the players. Austin is a DOPE for what he did! Most coach's give a pat on the rear end and send them on their way. Don't agree AT ALL with a $5000 fine…should've been triple!

9 years ago

Takes a real man with high integrity to apologize to anyone and everyone. Kudos to Mr. Austin, apology accepted, no problem. End of subject.

9 years ago

He apologized because he was busted on live TV. His initial reaction was Deny, deny, deny.

Then he seen the evidence. He had no choice.

9 years ago

Amazing how you dummies continue to chirp Austin. Look where he has his team and look where we are. Plus he's responsible for two of the four Cups we've won in 105 years.

Yeah, shut up.

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Mr. Kent Austin a Saskatchewan Roughriders Football God. All bow down Riderville !

9 years ago

Corey Chamblin wouldn't have fessed up. He's perfect.

9 years ago

Right on anon! It's not what kind of person you are its your game performance!

9 years ago

Bush league conduct. He deliberately bumps Stalla in the back with his right arm and continues walking away like nothing happened. Stalla looks back at him with the WTF look! Austin got busted by video so now for something he doesn't remember, he now agrees did happen and he all apologetic. No doubt the league should look at it and I'm sure that's the ONLY reason there was an apology. A classy coach doesn't get involved with that type of thing.

9 years ago

Chicken S### Back Stabber . Then he suck holes to the press so he won't get a bad name. I hope the league looks into this and suspends him , a fine is just a slap on the wrist, so lay it to him CFL.

9 years ago

He's apologized now just needs a fine and then all parties can move on-case closed.

9 years ago

Kent apologized because League Execs witnessed the incident and he has had a meeting with the Commish, There is no doubt he will be fined, the details of which will be held in confidence. Kent is an intense guy, and is fully engaged while on the sidelines. However, that emotion and adrenaline does not excuse his actions….. Kent is the leader of this team and more is expected of the leaders.
Will be interesting to see how forgiving Kent may be next time one of his players takes an Objectionable Conduct or Unnecessary Roughness penalty.

9 years ago

Be that as it may, Stala deserved it.

9 years ago

Football in general this year has become a joke. Bad hits a fine and ejection, next game different player 15 yard penalty, another game no penalty at all. Questioning a refs call, throw a flag and review or in some cases yell at the refs how the call should go and then the refs think about what they've called for 10 minutes. Taunting in the end zone , penalty. Taunting by a young excited player, no penalty. Tough coach in a tough season gets fired. Tough coach of a first place team can do no wrong, probably coach of the… Read more »

9 years ago

One of those guys that chirps chirps chirps, then his buddies end up fighting his battle for him.


9 years ago

Ahhhhh … shad ap. Bunch of whining cry baby losers from Sask trying to poke dried sh*t that can't be stirred. Coach Austin, Dave Stalla, CFL have moved on already.

9 years ago

Hey riders fans win a few games and then you can sit at the adult's table and comment on how a competitive team's coach should behave

9 years ago

I'd take Austin as my head coach in a heartbeat.

9 years ago

I think the Riders have won more than a few games in the last eight years or so. 4 Grey Cup appearances, two Grey Cups. Maybe when the Ti-Cats finally win one again, they can say something. Until then the morons would be better served just shutting up. Any success they're having has been built on the backs of the Riders at any rate. Losers!