The Canadian Football League (CFL) released the following statement regarding training camps Monday morning at 08:30 MT: - "As of...
The Canadian Football League (CFL) released the following statement regarding training camps Monday morning at 08:30 MT: - "As of...
Here we go on a Monday, grab your coffee and join us! Solomon Elimimian, CFLPA President and Roughriders Linebacker, calls...
Here we go on a Monday, grab your coffee and join us! Mike Abou-Mechrek joins us from a distance on...
BY: RODPEDERSEN.COM STAFF Around the continent we are all hunkered in, practicing physical distancing, employing social closeness through our video...
1 - DAY WHATEVER: If you're keeping track it's Day 18 without sports, with frankly no end in sight. From...
By: Paul Newberry Anyone who scoffs at all these drastic measures to deal with the coronavirus outbreak, who wonders if...