Players who test positive will face a two game suspension for a first doping violation, a nine game suspension for a second violation, a one-year suspension for a third violation, and a lifetime ban for a fourth violation.
Under the policy, a suspended player cannot participate in games. It is up to their Club to determine whether that player can participate in other team activities, such as practices and meetings.
All players will be subject to mandatory drug testing once testing positive and will participate in an assessment and clinical evaluation to determine if they need additional counselling.
The policy mandates a total number of random tests equal to 100% of the players in the CFL.
Random testing is ongoing and is conducted year round.
Ok so is this not MDA.
My understanding is this is love drug.
so yah not sure this helped his performance on the field. Maybe the bedroom lol
That whole team is playing above their head, line them all up at the pee trough
How is this drug performance enhancing unless they can prove your on it while your playing?
Is it a PED, or just a banned substance?
A damn disgrace to the CFL.
Cialis and "the love drug" are diff. This is not "MDMA" (extacy)which btw is also not the love drug for sex reasons, nor is it Cialis. This is an amphetamine, like Ritalin for kids.