SASKATOON, SK – Kootenay Ice player Tim Bozon is making remarkable strides as he recovers from meningitis, which sent him to hospital four weeks ago tomorrow. Bozon, who was in a medically induced coma for most of those four weeks, walked into a news conference today to thank everyone.

“From what I have learned since coming out of the coma, the people here at the Royal University Hospital went to amazing lengths to save my life. To them, first and foremost, my heartfelt thanks. But I must also extend gratitude to everyone who sent me their thoughts and prayers, especially my parents, who rushed here from France to be by my side,” commented Tim.

Tim’s father, Philippe, also expressed his thanks to the medical staff and all the people who signed cards, emailed wishes and donated money. “This has been unbelievable. It’s terrible to have to see your son go through this but the outpouring of support and quality of care at the hospital has been amazing.”

Tim’s neurologist, Dr. Gary Hunter, acknowledged Tim has recuperated incredibly well but cautioned there may be months of rehabilitation still ahead. “We are optimistic he will make a full recovery but it will take some time before that possibility could be realized.”

Tim is working on regaining strength and improving coordination. He will have more rehabilitation after he has been discharged from hospital and the medical costs are already far exceeding the insurance coverage.  People are encouraged to make contributions to the Tim Bozon Trust Fund at any Bank of Montreal in Western Canada or through the Western Hockey League Office in Calgary.

Tim is being discharged from Royal University Hospital in Saskatoon today and is planning to travel to Cranbrook, B.C., to be with his Kootenay teammates at their next playoff game against the Calgary Hitmen Saturday night. At the game, Tim Bozon is scheduled to return to the ice to drop the puck in a ceremonial face-off.

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10 years ago

This is great news…any more update on Hawryluk?

10 years ago

Agree with anon #1…on both points.

10 years ago

Great news. I hope Kootenay can win the series for him tomorrow night.