The 2016 Grey Cup is over and we’ve returned to the matter at hand in Riderville: the Darian Durant contract talks with the Saskatchewan Roughriders.

Long-time 620 CKRM Rider Radio analyst Carm Carteri offered his assessment of the situation on Monday’s SportsCage after returning from Grey Cup in Toronto.

“I still don’t like it but I feel a little bit better because Saturday night I was in downtown Toronto and I ran into a prominent reporter who’d seen Darian Durant at a party,” Carteri reported.  “He said that Darian mentioned that talks aren’t as bad as everyone’s made it sound like – or even he made it sound like when he came out right after the season – so I don’t know if they were jostling for position or whatever.

“We had John Murphy on the radio on Friday and he really wouldn’t say anything.  I even ran into John Saturday night at the hotel and nobody’s really saying anything.  I don’t want to elaborate and say what’ll happen because I really don’t know.  That’s between Darian, his agent and the Riders and it’s a situation that I hope they deal with right away.”

Carteri hopes for a resolution to the situation early in December, and not let it linger into the Free Agent period in February.

“Get it done, bring Darian back, and if you find a new younger guy, then cut Darian after training camp.  Whatever,” Carteri continued.  “But you need to go into a camp with a guy who can lead this franchise.  Look at Henry Burris!  Darian’s seven years younger than Hank and I think he can still do it.  He’s a guy, I think, this franchise needs and I think most of the Rider fans want him to start that first game in the New Mosaic Stadium.  The Riders will have great receivers if they all come back, and I think Darian Durant hopefully will be throwing the ball to these guys.  But I can’t tell you right now what’s going to happen.”

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13th Man
7 years ago

Sign Darian!!! Failure to do so, and if the Riders do not make the Playoffs is a guarantee that another Rider house cleaning will occur. I understand the player swinging door is already starting for 2017 with signings today of players from other teams – but no Darian. Can't wait to learn of the expenditures for 2016. It appeared the GM thought the Riders had a bottomless pit of money. Of course the 2017 ticket prices had to go up along with moving many holders into the Gold Zone. Me thinketh it is all going to backfire in 2018. Surely… Read more »

Dick Rubnutz
Dick Rubnutz
7 years ago

Reach a deal that's in the best interest of the team. We have other holes to fill and it would be irresponsible to spend more than what is required to get his name on the dotted line.

I cheer for the Riders, not the Durants

7 years ago

To Dick Rubnutz;

We have no other holes to fill???

We have the worst O-line in league history and you're fine with that?

So today we announce four new recruits, none of which can play on the O-line.

But you're right. If the Riders don't fix the hoggies there's no sense signing DD or any other QB.

7 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Read the post again. It reads we have other holes. Read first then post.

7 years ago

Fill your holes all you want. If you don't have a strong QB at the helm the season is over before it even starts.

7 years ago

Nuke the coach KEEP doubles.
Darian's done way more than the egomaniacal coach.

7 years ago

If i was DD i wouldnt sign, not until Riders start making a commitment to fix o-line, start signing players.
Otherwise doubles chances of getting hurt goes up and possibly end his career, and for what….just so riders can have another 18 game pre-season.
Hold out doubles, wait till contract is good for you, get the guaranteed $$$.

7 years ago

Johnny Unitas couldn't win behind that sad O-Line.

7 years ago
Reply to  Clarkenstein

Don't know of any dead QB that could win behind that line but lots of live ones that could.
RIP Mr Unitas

7 years ago

This might be the most uneducated thread of all time, and that is saying something! Spend money on the O-line! What exactly does that mean? Are you saying get rid of Best, LaBatte, Clark, Vonk and St. John? People in the know realize tackles don't cost a lot of money. Jarriel King was a huge addition to the line when he got healthy, will be better next year and will make a great tackle. Funny thing is, the weakest spot on the line is at centre but how many people want to get rid of the regina boy? AND to… Read more »

Legalize It
7 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I would say toronto and winnipeg could use him, and montreal was already inquiring before the season ended. But he has missed 2 of the last 3 season to injury and didn"t have yhe greatest year. Its obvious the oline needs some work, but if you have a qb with the skill set of a sunseri it doesn't matter how good the line is. Just like a great qb can look average or less without a line. I think what they should do is find an agreeable garanteed salary and have added performanc3 incentives

7 years ago

Anyone that thinks a healthy Brandon LaBatte fixes the O-line is delusional. He may be 20% of it.

John Knight
7 years ago

To the anon poster criticizing Dick Rubnitz. Learn how to read. They signed an offensive lineman from Hamilton. (Terrance Campbell. Also, you have to evalute players at camps before you sign them

7 years ago

Re John Knight – they already signed the 4 players and yes like all players they attend camp and can make it or not. In this case all 4 are a waste of time as they have already shown with other teams, they are not starters.

They where signed within hours of becoming available as the season ended so TAMPERING is alive and well with jones and murphy.

7 years ago

Much like the old song by the band Foreigner: I heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend who said that the Riders are not messing around!

7 years ago

Actually, if you follow along as soon as a team ends their season players on the practice roster are free agents unless they are re-signed by their team.

So the players on Winnipeg and Hamilton have actually been free agents for over two weeks. Just like the players on the Riders practice roster.

You are wrong.

-The Brutal Truth

7 years ago

Sign another couple of receivers, that will fix the O-line.

7 years ago

Ottawa fans sure had one heck of a parade today down Bank St. A fan base and city very deserving of their team and its victory.

7 years ago

I am afraid that because Rider fans want Durant back as our QB, that will give Jones extra motivation to not sign him. I think he has such a massive ego that he will do whatever he wants even if it's to the detriment of the team.

7 years ago

I'm ok with losing Darian as long as the money saved is allocated to fix the lines (offense and defense). They also need to recruit a good young qb or two… Franklin is not the answer. I'd rather have powerhouse offensive and defensive lines than an all star qb who won't last a whole season because he's going to get killed out there. I love Durant but maybe he doesn't fit into our future.

7 years ago

Actually, that "Foreigner" song was by REO Speedwagon. Good point though.

7 years ago

Carm says the Riders are offering $250,000.

Rod wrote a couple weeks back the number is $350,000.

Farhan Lalji reports the number is $400,000.

How can anyone have an opinion when they don't know what they are commenting on?

7 years ago

Hate to break it to you Morgan, but without an elite quarterback there is no chance that the Riders will hoist a Grey Cup anytime soon and that is the whole point of the season(s) to come. So yes, Durant is the only answer for the year ahead, not recruiting a "good young qb or two".