TORONTO – CFL training camps will open as scheduled Sunday despite another breakdown in contract talks between the league and its players.

Negotiations ended Thursday afternoon after the CFL rejected the union’s latest proposal, one that included an amendment to its original demand revenue sharing be included in this deal. The players conceded revenue sharing in the current agreement, which was signed prior to the 2010 season.

The CFLPA’s proposal came in response to one tabled Wednesday night by the CFL, which commissioner Mark Cohon called its “best and final offer.”

The current collective bargaining agreement expired at midnight ET. And while new CFLPA president Scott Flory has maintained the union won’t play under terms of the present contract, veteran players will report to their respective teams Sunday for the opening of training camp.

“We absolutely want the players to report,” Cohon said. “It will be the union’s decision to strike. We hope they don’t.

“We’ve put our best offer forward, we hope they vote on that best offer.”

No new talks have been scheduled.

Although the players will report Sunday, the question remains for how long. The union has sent its members strike ballots and would be in a position to launch a work stoppage prior to the start of the regular season June 26.

The two sides met Thursday morning following more than 12 hours of negotiations Wednesday. The league’s bargaining unit left the bargaining table Thursday with a union counteroffer, only to return hours later to inform the players it had rejected the proposal.

These meetings were the first since May 21 when the league rejected a union counteroffer, then went public with its proposal.

The league’s newest offer calls for a $5-million salary cap (up from $4.8 million initially) and boosts the average stipend to $96,000 (up from $92,917). It also called for ratification bonuses of $5,000 for veterans and $1,500 for rookies.

“As a steward of this league, and our owners as a steward of the league, we’ve been building this league,” Cohon said. “You’ve seen the progress we’ve been making over the last five, six, seven years and it’s a sad day because what the union was proposing would throw us back.

“We need to protect this league and continue to grow it.”

The players’ offer called for a $5.8-million cap _ with a $4.8 million minimum _ that increased three per cent annually. That’s down from the original demand of a $6.24-million cap and $5.84-million minimum.

“It’s so unfortunate they decided to walk away because in the end you see the minimum, $4.8 million, that’s in line with what they’re proposing,” Flory said. “We’re saying we hear the concerns … you don’t have to spend more than that, that’s up to you.”

The proposal also requested a $15,000 bonus for veterans, although the CFL and union remain at odds about what constitutes a veteran player.

“If you take their ratification bonus and put together all the things off the cap, it’s about $6.7 million,” Cohon said. “So from $4.4 million (last year’s cap figure) to 6.7, we can’t do that.

“That’s why we’re here today. It’s unfortunate.”

As well, the union is proposing teams have just one weekly padded practice during the regular season while maintaining its position on pre-season and playoff compensation as well as pensions. The CFLPA also wants the elimination of the option year from CFL contracts, except for new players.

But the most notable development was the union amending its revenue sharing stance. In its initial offer last week, the CFLPA requested 55 per cent of gross revenues from TV rights, pay TV rights, radio, Internet and any other form of broadcast or telecast of CFL games, 45 per cent of revenues from sponsorship and licensing and 40 per cent of tickets to pre-season and regular-season games, including the sale of luxury boxes, licenses and any other revenue related to the public attending at games.

Also, the ’15 salary cap would be determined from the gross average revenue of seven CFL clubs _ excluding the top and lowest-grossing franchises.

All that was absent from the newest offer.

Instead, the players proposed a “Revenue Protection Clause,” allowing for a fixed cap for at least two years. After the second, if league revenues increased by more than $12 million – excluding the Grey Cup – the two sides would renegotiate the cap or the CBA would be terminated at season’s end.

The league’s proposal stated if its revenues increased by $27 million or more in the third year, it would renegotiate the cap with the players.

“We wanted to address an issue and concern the players had (about breakout revenue),” Cohon said. “We designed an approach that allows them in the third year of the agreement, if we hit some benchmarks collectively . . . that the players would be allowed to sit down with us and renegotiate the salary cap.

“We really addressed that important point.”

But Flory said the union was surprised its “Revenue Protection Clause” was rejected.

“They’re fixated on fixing the costs of the players so we came up with a system we felt was incredibly reasonable and generous where there is a protection for guys that if revenues grow over a certain amount that we’re just going to recalibrate the cap,” Flory said.”You don’t see that (specific revenue-sharing percentage requests).

“This is our shock as to why we’re in the position we’re in, why they’re walking out of the room.”

After decades of financial woes, the CFL is enjoying economic prosperity.

It has a new contract extension with athletic apparel giant Reebok. One of its teams (Winnipeg) moved into a new stadium last season and another (Hamilton) is scheduled to do so this year, the same time expansion Ottawa will return and play at a refurbished facility.

And with attendance continuing to rise and corporate sponsorships remaining strong, the CFL is buoyed by a lucrative five-year television agreement with TSN, reportedly worth an average of $42 million annually, that kicks in this season.

That deal alone will reportedly net clubs an extra $2.7 million each this season.

There has been one players’ strike since the formation of the CFLPA in 1965. It came in ’74 and lasted three weeks during training camp before a three-year agreement was signed with no regular-season games lost.

Flory said Wednesday’s talks, especially those in the morning, were very productive and ultimately the players want to be able to concentrate on football full-time.

“We had some without prejudice talks where people talked freely and were allowed to discuss issues,” he said. “We hear, we listen, you can see our proposal (and) the movement we’ve made to try to accommodate and make a deal because we want to be on the field.

“We want to play football but it’s apparent that the other side is going to try to dictate terms to us and our guys aren’t willing to accept that.”

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10 years ago

Excellent report. Thanks Rob. Seems like the revenue sharing has been removed but now to come to a happy middle ground. With all increases seems like the players are wanting a 50% increase in club spending from $4.4 M to $6.7M including all the ratification bonus & other increases like pre & playoff compensation etc..Better but still far apart.

10 years ago

im so sick of this

10 years ago

Community owned teams struggle at times … face failure at times … make big bucks at times. But they survive. Why? Because communities view them as part of their culture. Thousands enjoy the game as part of a good lifestyle. (Even brings left and right wingers together) And worth special funding when needed to afford the best QB we can … as we would for the best new symphony conductor. It is a huge part of our culture. It is not a business. And should not have the objective of cheap labour. (The longer term objective should be that Sheets/Dressler… Read more »

10 years ago

So according to Cohon the players want to go from $4.4M to $6.7M with 3% increases every year. This is all about the TV contract which amounts to $2.7M per year per team. So basically the players want all the new TV money. Gee I don't know why the league won't go for that!!

10 years ago

Here's a theory. What if the players association has told their guys to attend camps and play the pre-season games. Go with the status quo for now. Then, with one week to go before the regular season starts, they pull the pin and go on strike in an attempt to force the CFL's hand. They know full well that pre season games don't count for squat in the standings and are just a proving ground. Get through camp, get the rosters set and then put the owners in a bind. Hopefully this does not take place and rational though prevails.… Read more »

10 years ago

Yup they want it all and they could care less that some teams didn't profit and others just barely did. How long should Braley keep supporting the league and providing a place for players to play. All this while losing his shirt. He would be money ahead to shut down his teams. The average salary is up to nearly 100K per season, and allows then 6 months to work the rigs OR maybe just work the rigs full time. Considering most of these guys would be Wal-Mart trainees or in the arena league it's pretty decent.

3RD and 1
10 years ago

There comes a time when Men of good conscience realize that everything that can be offered has been offered in the negotiations. It is at that time that everyone involved come back to the table, accept, shake hands and move forward in good faith. I for one believe we have reached that point. The Leagues last offer is everything and even a little more. Scott do the right thing and put this to bed.

10 years ago

To your theory, strength is in numbers. Now you have a lot of rookies who don't understand and could be persuaded to strike. Don't think your theory holds water, but maybe one their idiot leader may have thought of.

Riders have the cup! Fold the league now!

10 years ago

What happened to the, " we are now a forward moving have province that has finally thrown off the socialist shackles of the past" thinking? It should not matter if there is a players strike or league lockout or an indefinite suspension of play. As a have province there are so many other entertainment options available. Now that Regina is open for business there will be time for: freeway litter cleanup, ghetto touring, the casino and watching the construction of an obsolete facility.

10 years ago

Construction of an obsolete facility? HAH! What exactly makes you say something stupid like that?

10 years ago

After listening to Arash Madani on the cage I became pro-players. When he explained the numbers It didn't make the owners look very good and he gave several instances of Cohon not telling the truth.

Old Cuss

10 years ago

obsolete stadium?? haha I love all the Idiots around here thinking that this stadium is being built for the Riders. #dummies