TORONTO (August 26, 2016) — The Canadian Football League has approved a rule change on coaches’ challenges.

Effective immediately, if a team makes their first Coach’s Challenge of the game and does not win that Challenge, the team will now lose a timeout. If the team wins its challenge, it will keep its timeout.

In other words, the first Coach’s Challenge is no longer a “free” one. With this change in place, teams now put a timeout at risk with their first challenge, in the same way they already do for their second challenge of the game. Teams must be in possession of a timeout to make a challenge. Teams are allowed two timeouts per game and can only use one timeout in the last three minutes of the game.

“We are listening to our fans,” said Jeffrey L. Orridge, Commissioner of the Canadian Football League.

“And while it’s unusual to have a rule change during the season, the league and our teams wanted to respond to fans’ concerns about the frequency of challenges. We are proud of the innovation we have brought to our game, including innovation in the use of replay, and the fact that these advances are being followed by other leagues. But innovation in any pursuit is often followed by adjustments and alterations. Fan enjoyment is vitally important.”

The league reviews its rules and procedures each off season, and intends to take a further look then at the issue of replay and challenges, said Glen Johnson, Senior Vice-President, Football.

“Our leadership believes this change is a step in the right direction, as our game continues to evolve in an era of technology,” he said.

This rule change was unanimously approved yesterday by the league’s Governors, following a recommendation from its Rules Committee.

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Victor Isted
8 years ago

About time

8 years ago

good move

8 years ago

Bravo!! A step in the right direction. If it was up to me (and it never will be) I would only provide for replay reviews on all touchdowns and turnovers. Football is a game played by humans, watched by humans, and coached and officiated by humans, so with it does come human flaws and mistakes. We don't have to go all the way back to the George Reed era, but a little less technological fix would help.

8 years ago

To little to late. Should only be used for scoring plays.

John Knight
8 years ago

It would be nice to get rid of touching a receiver that is no where near the play a penalty. These type of penalty take away flow of the game. The new rules pu in before the season started are silly

8 years ago

Can the league fine itself for conduct detrimental to the league for implementing this mid-week after 1 game has already been played?

Rob Christoffel
8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Exactly!! Bush league decision!

8 years ago

Why was this not decided before last night's game? ?? Typical CFL nowadays. The league is really hard to get excited about.

8 years ago

The cfl seems like amateur hour already with these rule changes, and then making more rule changes to try and fix their mistakes for making the changes in the first place. I'm just disgusted with the way games are going now with constant challenges and nobody able to lay a hand on anybody. Might as well watch flag football. And because of all this I have totally lost interest in watching or going to any rider games. And I don't think I'm the only one.

8 years ago

Fanbase needs to call the league on the carpet for what it has become, bush league. Changing rules on the fly detrimental to the Canadian Football League and it's associated product Image. Professional football status has to be called into question with these kind of decisions being implemented by head office and those in charge of such decisions. Mind you this particular rule should been implemented right from the get go along with other damaging rules that are in dire need of retooling structure for the very fact they drag the on field product down.

8 years ago

You guys don't want reviews on plays…of course you wouldn't because you can't get away with your penalties not being called by our crap refs in the CFL…even the best refs in sports can have challenges as in the NFL.

P in NZ
P in NZ
8 years ago

I like how Orridge just puts this on the fans. "We did this just for the fans!" He tries to make it look like none of the teams or he himself had any issue with how the season was going. Now maybe this will shut up the stupid fans and let him go back to just go back into the shadows where no one will bother him with anything as tedious as making sure the on field product isn't destroyed by people trying to make everything perfect.

8 years ago

They should call it..the Chris Jones fishing rule!!

8 years ago

Where's Jackie Moon when you need him..

8 years ago

While I'm glad they changed the rule, changing it mid-week after the Ottawa /BC game was already played – is so Bush League. It's laughable how anyone can take this league serious anymore.