TORONTO – The Canadian Football League announced on Wednesday that it has fined two executives.

Toronto Argonauts general manager Jim Barker has been fined $2,500 for violating the league’s sideline policy by positioning himself on the goal-line directly behind an official in an attempt to communicate with that official, during last Saturday’s game between the Argos and Hamilton Tiger-Cats.

“I made a mistake and I accept the fine and the subsequent sanction as determined by the CFL office,” Barker said in a statement. “It was not my intention to be outside of the player box as per the CFL sideline policy. In fact, I was making my way to the designated area and I was waiting for the series end. My actions were in no way pre-meditated and I did not intend to communicate with the official.”

Barker has also been informed that he will not be permitted on the sidelines during play for the remainder the Argos’ 2014 regular and post-season.

Hamilton Tiger-Cat owner Bob Young has also been fined $10,000 for public comments criticizing CFL officiating.

(The Canadian Press)

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9 years ago

What about when O'shea did that with a ref and called the penalty on Picard for allegedly moving the ball pre snap!

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Completely agree. I think Oshea did it twice that game.

9 years ago

The CFL can balance their books with all the fines for criticizing their lousy refs. Cohon, your Zebras are a joke.

9 years ago

10 grand?! That seems overly harsh by CFL standards. A player can ruin another player's life with a head to head shot and get fined $500 (if that). An owner criticizes officiating, and rightfully so because it's always horrible, and has to cough up $10,000. I guess they have to go after the guys with deep pockets.

9 years ago

Barker has been doing that for as long as I can remember… 'bout time.

9 years ago

Or when Huf walked out to midfield when the Stamps were playing in Regina. Even Wally never walked out that far.

9 years ago

One thing sadly missing from this years officiating, unlike in recent years, is accountability. Not once in 2014 have I heard the head of officials take responsibility for any of the BS blown calls that have occurred this year. Year after year Canadian football fans put up with the sometimes amateur like behaviour of the CFL officiating, but to their credit, the refs would sometimes speak up and admit a blown call. This year, the arrogance of the officiating, especially with such dismal calls and, literally, the destroying of the enjoyment of the game by non-stop penalties… only to be… Read more »

3RD and 1
9 years ago

There is a huge difference between a Head Coach and a GM at field level. A Head Coach has a position on the sidelines. Where as a General manager has no place. A Head Coach is in fact allowed to talk to the referee where as again the GM is not allowed. Therefore Oshea and Huffnagel and Wally when he was a HC had to right to do so. As for walking way onto the field… as long as they are not getting in the way on the field of play. The Ref's will allow it.Just like when Chamblin walked… Read more »

9 years ago

I've also had enough with the inconsistencies in fines/ penalties this year.