The Canadian Football League (CFL) released the following statement regarding training camps Monday morning at 08:30 MT:

– “As of today, the opening of CFL training camps will be postponed. The ongoing global pandemic and the resulting directives issued by various governments make it unsafe to proceed with plans to gather our athletes and coaches together as scheduled. (Until today, full CFL training camps had been scheduled to open on May 17, and rookie camps had been scheduled to open as early as May 11.)

As for our future plans, we are in the hands of our public health officials, the advice they are providing governments, and the directives those governments are issuing to us all, and we acknowledge their timetable will be dictated by the virus itself . We will make further decisions when we can and share them with our fans and the public as soon as possible.

The CFL and its member clubs would like to take this opportunity to thank our fans, partners, players, prospects, coaches and staff, for their dedication and patience as we face this challenge. We are facing it together, even if we have to be physically apart. An additional thank you to everyone doing their part to fight the virus. Please wash your hands, stay home and practice social distancing. The sooner we stop the spread, the sooner we can get back to normal – and back to football.

Finally, but most importantly, we want to express our gratitude to the people on the front lines of healthcare and the supply chain. Your hard and courageous work – to inform us, feed us and care for us, our communities and our loved ones – makes you our champions.

We at the CFL are pragmatic optimists. Our pragmatism dictates that, unfortunately, training camps cannot go forward as scheduled. But our optimism remains strong. We continue to look forward to a CFL season and the Grey Cup.

Randy Ambrosie
Canadian Football League

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Old Guff
Old Guff
4 years ago

Finally some sense of sensibility to the reality of the world around us, this is absolutely the right decision by all involved with the Canadian Football League to cancel till further notice. Saying that _ this could have dire consequences across the board. All 9 teams and the CFL will have to press the reset button once play resumes sometime in a future with anticipated sporadic attendance if at all as fans nervously take measures to protect themselves. Financial difficulties sure to crop up somewhere along the line as all try to recover from this crippling world pandemic. Sports and… Read more »