By: Allan Ly
RP Show Intern

Chad Geter’s next career stop will be with the United States Air Force after retiring from the Canadian Football League. The 26-year old Gardner-Webb product announced on Monday via Twitter that he’s retiring from the CFL to join the USAF.

The defensive end appeared in 26 career CFL games with Saskatchewan and Montreal in 2018-19.

“Sitting out 16 months, you have a lot of time to think and a lot of time to look at the long picture,” said Geter on Wednesday’s Rod Pedersen Show from Virginia.

Due to the pandemic CFL players had to find jobs elsewhere to make ends meet.

As reported by Rod Pedersen himself, Geter took different jobs here and there to stay afloat like selling steak knives and starting a clothing brand.

For Geter, being in the United States Air Force is similar to a childhood dream that he had when he was younger.

“Growing up, my dream job was always like to work with the FBI, like the Secret Service or something like that.”

Some players say that their favourite game is a championship game, but Geter’s is different.

“A memory to stick with me forever, me running out of that tunnel, the second preseason game in 2018 against Calgary,” said Geter.

“I always remember that because, just running out, and hearing how loud the fans are.”

Always a very focused individual, Geter has a plan for his time in the USAF.

“My plan was to go in as an officer,” said Geter. “So I’m going to go in now, as enlisted in the commission over later, to become an officer because I have two degrees I qualify for being an officer.”

According to Geter, there are over 100 jobs for him to pick, so he has many different jobs to choose from.

Plenty of CFL players are retiring on the cusp of traininging camp. It was reported last week that Winnipeg kicker Justin Medlock is hanging it up and this week retirements have been announced for Brad Sinopoli, Taylor Loffler and Braden Shramm. Veteran offensive tackle Derek Dennis declared he won’t play in 2021.

For Geter, retiring now at 26, this was to support his future family.

“Joining the Air Force will be more beneficial to me, my future family, future kids.”

Whatever life holds for Geter, the people of Saskatchewan are rooting for you to succeed. Once a Roughrider, always a Roughrider.

(Follow Allan Ly on Twitter at @AllanTheIntern)

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3 years ago

Best wishes Chad. Good luck in all your future endeavours.

3 years ago

Thank you Chad Geter!