Riders head coach Corey Chamblin held his day-before news conference on Saturday at Mosaic Stadium as his team prepares to host Hamilton Sunday at 5:00.  Here are some quotes from the gathering:

– Look at all the positives we’ve had.  It depends where your focus is.  We’re not gonna focus on what hasn’t been done.  We’re focusing on what has.

– On the defensive side, I’m seeing leaps and bounds of improvement.  We’re putting in systems and, on film, I told the coaches that it looks textbook.

– I think we’ve done a good job correcting things.  It’s just making sure all the pieces are in place for 4-plus quarters.  Some of it’s youth and some of it is guys aren’t used to working together but I think we’re getting it down.

– Kent does has some runs, so they’ll run it.  It’s more like fly sweeps and laterals and their QB will run too.  Once they go empty, you know it’s not a run anymore and then you have to adjust.

– With Knox and Doughty, they’re just doing what they’re told and what they’re learning.  Coach Pettaway’s done a great job schooling those guys up and you can see their progression.  That’s what gives me hope.

– That’s always awesome.  Having playmakers like Ryan Smith come back.  This league is about scoring points.  Having Ryan Smith gives Jacques Chadelaine another option.

– The only time I weigh in on offense is 3rd-and-1.  Other than that, that’s why he’s paid.  I know exactly what he’s doing.  ‘It’s your offense, you call it’.  I have final say, so I’ll own it when things don’t go right, but this is his offense.

– I’ve had stretches of tough four weeks in the past.  This hasn’t been the toughest.  But it’s been the most unusual.  Everything I’ve seen in four years has gone down in the last month.  Whether it’s calls or bounces, it’s been most unusual.

– I think it’s good to have guys that still believe and that’s why it’s good to have Kevin Glenn.  He’s been down before and he’s come back.  He spreads positive energy.  You can sense when things aren’t going to go well, but that isn’t the sense here.

– You gotta be smart about it.  That’s what it is.  That’s what I told the guys.  We have to learn from a win just like learning from losses.  I told them to put on their hiking shoes and get ready to climb the mountain because we’ve been in the valley long enough.  I’ve been in this situation before where I’ve had more setbacks and came back to win games.  We have to make sure we keep it positive.

– Banks is always dangerous, a playmaker and a challenge.  But he makes the game exciting.  This will tell us what kind of team we have.

– The games are very entertaining.  On a couple of different fronts.  You never know which way it’s going to go.  It’s called tight and it’s made players play their best.

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9 years ago

Everybody in the CFL knows that Kevin Glenn is NOT a winner and he's not the QB you want leading you when you need someone to step up and win the game.

9 years ago

Glenns's deficiencies as a starting QB are well documented, but I don't think putting him down at this juncture is helpful. Consider where we would be without him. We had lost four games by 12 points. Calgary had won three games by 9 points. The difference is all these cases is so very slim. We can't ignore or refute the 0-4 record and it truly is what it is. Had we been a better club we could easily be 2-2 or even 4-0. The facts remain that we haven't been good enough in all phases. That includes offence in the… Read more »

9 years ago

"What hasn't been done" is WIN … AAHHWW, C'MON, COACH!! If you can't focus on that, it's no wonder you're 0-4 and about to be 0-5!
The only comfort I feel for the Riders right now is it won't be 0-18 (maybe).

9 years ago

"he is NOT a winner"Such a simple statement from such a simple mind. To generalize about any player in such a manner is lazy. Football is a team sport, lots of pieces to the puzzle in any season. Kevin Glenn has thrown for the most yards in the CFL going into week 5. His performance is such that we could be 4-0,save for some mistakes by others on the team. Thank god we have him because we have an outstanding group of receivers and he has and can get the ball to them. Yes, it is sad that he broke… Read more »

9 years ago

Chamblin still won't take ownership of any of the loses. Between his in game decisions and his porous defense the team is winless. Where would we be without him? We wouldn't be any worse than 0-4 that's for sure. He's cleaned up his act though, at least he didn't tell the fans to take a hike.

9 years ago

I wonder if all those cocky stamps fans still think Durant's injury is so funny? Karma works in mysterious ways my foolish Calgary friends. I'm not happy Cornish got hurt but I'm happy that stamps fans are suffering. They're the rudest and meanest fans I've ever met. Always a pleasure to see them fail.

9 years ago

Ever met any Eskie fans? The worst by far. Still think they live in the city of champions. It's colder than Winnipeg.

9 years ago

If Bighill ever gets hurt, the Lions are toast!

9 years ago

My vote is Stamps fans are the biggest knobs in the league.


Tim from Kansas
Tim from Kansas
9 years ago

So hey fellas lets just go win a game. 1 win in the bag and we're moving forward and we build on it. It's an 18 game season and what matters is who's playing well at the end, not at the start. Keep playing well and we'll look back at the start of the season as just noise in a long tough schedule. Let's go!!!

9 years ago

What is going on tonight in Edmonton! I thought the new rules would make defensive games a thing of the past. Luc Mullinder must be enjoying the game and eating a crow pizza.

9 years ago

When the Riders win Sunday, will Kent be on the hot seat? Last place in division. The one sports reporter will be on it.

9 years ago

Drew Willy out for game with right knee injury on a high-low hit.

9 years ago

Riders do not have a monopoly on of-the-wall fans. You can be sure that they have their Austin haters out their just like we have our hard-core Taman haters.

9 years ago

May be time for the Bomber head coach to take over the defense – brutal!

9 years ago

Score one for the Rider fans that wanted Richie gone. Edmonton's 3rd string quarterback toyed with Richie's defense. It appears that everyone but Pedersen, Blair, Woz and Old Hank were right on this one. Could those same radicals be correct on Chamblin and Taman too?


9 years ago

Corey Chamblin said—-"I've had stretches of tough four weeks in the past. This hasn't been the toughest. But it's been the most unusual. Everything I've seen in four years has gone down in the last month. Whether it's calls or bounces, it's been most unusual."

He didn't mention lousy decisions and poor clock management.

9 years ago

Someone tell Chamblin this isnt a 4 week stretch, its been a 15 week stretch!

9 years ago

Corey is using the Colin strategy. Deny, Deny, Deny.

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Thanx Mr. Tips 411.

Hobo John.

9 years ago

thx Anonymous