Roughriders GM Brendan Taman told reporters on Monday that he met with Corey Chamblin earlier in the day and that he remains the head coach of the team “going forward”.
Taman said the team’s Board of Directors supports the decision and that Chamblin’s earned the chance to try to turn this winless season around.
Taman also said he expects Chamblin will be the team’s coach “for the year”.  His contract runs through the 2017 season, as does Taman’s.  Taman later clarified his comments on 620 CKRM’s SportsCage stating he’d prefer if Chamblin fulfills his contract and beyond.
The GM would not address Saturday’s TSN report that Chamblin was to be fired during next week’s bye.
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9 years ago

According to Lawless, that announcement simply means that both Taman and Chamblin will both be gone at seasons end…

I am not sure what to believe? Whoever leaked that information to TSN should be fired.

But, if it was not a leak, surely there should be some legal liability somewhere.


And I thought being the Sask Roughriders President was the best job ever… Not these days!

X in the Backyard

9 years ago

Very very notable statement by Tamen " CC is being paid to be the HC not a DC" !!!!!!

9 years ago

Well, you can't get any more definitive than "going forward" and "for the year"??? LOL
I take it that MAYBE there COULD BE a POSSIBILITY that maybe there could be a slight chance that possibly something may or may not happen. Maybe.

9 years ago

Kinda wondering why Taman had to address this. It probably was on his mind and the mind of the board. Going to the press and saying he and the board supports Chamblin is usually the kiss of death. Heard this before and the coach gets gunned shortly after. IE: Joe Faragalli.Riders don't win on Saturday, I think Chamblins gone.

9 years ago

Good. CC should be the coach here till he decides it's time to leave. We're lucky to have both him and Taman.

Glad to see Renolds and the board are blocking out the noise from clueless fans, and more importantly, terrible fat reporters from Winnipeg like Neckless, I mean Lawless

9 years ago

What a relief the short-live soap opera is over! Get on with the job of getting the players to win a game soon.

9 years ago

Coach C should take note of how well an older and experienced fellow like GM Taman deals with questions from the media in such a calm and level-headed manner. Someone he should emulate for sure.

9 years ago

It would appear that the reputation of self-described insider Gary Lawless has had his reputation destroyed today. Maybe his paper should assign him to cover the federal election – a fate worse than firing!

Old Hank

9 years ago

Hopefully Taman and Chamblin will both be gassed at year's end.

9 years ago

I really wonder if these guys that are supporting Taman and Chamblin aren't really Stampeder fans. If I was a Stamp fan I'd want the Riders to keep them forever.

9 years ago

Taman said, "Chamblin's earned the chance to try to turn this winless season around."

He may have earned that right as a head coach but he sure didn't earn the right to wreck the team as a defensive coordinator.

I hope they're both gone shortly.

9 years ago

The Riders are the joke of the CFL. Cue the circus music.

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Lol. Nice try. Still the flagship franchise. Best attendance home and away. Biggest draw there is and about to get bigger. Not everybody loves the Riders but by golly, everybody pays attention to them.

9 years ago

Rod the Cabana Boy's interview. Taman says …… Taman Says …… Do you even have an opinion of your own ….or worse …. are you allowed to have one ….. lol.

9 years ago

I hope they keep both Chamblin and Taman for the remainder of the season. That ensures that the Riders will finish last.

Red Woody
Red Woody
9 years ago

The loony fringe of Rider Nation is praying that the team does not win going forward so that they can have a new GM and coach in 2016, thinking this is the way back to the future. I can see these guys with fingers crossed behind their back hoping for more injuries and bad luck. Their biggest fear is that the Riders get back on track.

9 years ago
Reply to  Red Woody

I've even got my toes crossed too, Imagine that. Fire Taman! taking his head coach with him.

9 years ago

Mitchell Blair is eating crow, and I think he's asking for seconds.

9 years ago

Roarrrrr !!!!!!! So proud, so proud !
Go Cats Go ! Go Cats Go ! Go Cats Go !
Thank you Sk. Football God. Thank you !
Mr. Austin? Where would we be without you? Thank you for making the Tiger Cats of Hamilton the envy of the Canadian Football League and the best franchise that others want to aspire, a pure winner through and through from the waterboy right to the owner.

Oskee Wee Wee

9 years ago

Stop! Did everyone in Riderville hear that? You can hear it all the way to Regina it's deafening good. That whistle! That whistle signalling the end of the game and another ✌ victory on Tim Hortons Field by the Tiger Cats. Wahooo wahooo toot toot, job well done guys.