Roughrider head coach Corey Chamblin met with the media on Tuesday for the first time since Sunday’s Western Semifinal victory over the BC Lions.  He said slotback Chris Getzlaf is day-to-day with a knee injury and has not ruled him in or out of Sunday’s West Final at Calgary.  For the full discussion click on this file:

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10 years ago

First comment…errr….uhhh…trade getz cause he drops balls…oh…ya….we won..stay positive……uhhh….i believed in this team all along….and…uhhh…..i went to every game so that makes me a better fan then those peasants…..oh ya…suck it durant haters…cause i believed in him all year.

10 years ago

Anyone who is unhappy with Darian throwing the ball and skipping it 20 feet in front of the receiever is clearly unhappy, and doesn't deserve to be in the province. Anyone who is frustrated by Chris Getzlaff dropping balls should be kicked out of Rider nation. If you wonder what those three guys were doing in that parking lot at 3 in the morning, move to Montana. And, the stadium didn't have 1.1 million people at it, so no matter what your reason (shut ins included), if you are one of the 1.076,500 people who weren't there, you cannot cheer… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Hmmm, to clutch or not to clutch.

10 years ago

What the hell have we got on here a bunch of 3 year olds? The 1st guy should move to Toronto and be with his buddy "The Mayor" and continue on the crack because he sounds like he is well into it today.
Roddy if TSN can keep certain people off of their site so can you. So much garbage talk on here lately . Riders 27 Calgary 22 on the week end. Go Riders.

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Hey….it was the first comment….i thought i would just say what is said on here all the time…get it over with in the first comment lol. Dont be a killjoy. I like your prediction though…i agree. To the Grey Cup we go!! michael parkwood in the 306

10 years ago

The only garbage is all the people out there who think it is wrong to question a team or players when they are not playing well. You think those guys in the front office don't listen. I happen to know, for a fact, that they do. Do they step and fetch for every opinion? No. But, when there is overwhelming opinion that something is wrong, they absolutely do. It is their jobs. Roy Shivers was fired because the fans said enough is enough in social media and call in shows. Chamblin walked dangerously close this year to being in serious… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

you are hilarious and give yourself wayyyy to much credit. Let me gat this straight….you think DD sat out the edm game because you whined loud enough AND that also contributed to the win this weekend????? I take it back, you arent hilarious, youre delusional.

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

If management listened to a lot of jackwagons on here Durant and Milo, players of the week, wouldn't still be wearing Green and White.

10 years ago

Not wrong to question, wrong to be unreasonable/unrealistic.
We are in the west final, best record in years, one of the best seasons by a quarterback in franchise history, one of the best seasons by a running back in franchise history, 3 cup appearances in 6 years with a win and a good chance at 4 in 7.
So when people scream for coaches/gm/players to be fired, that is unreasonable and unhelpful.

10 years ago
Reply to  truenorthern

They are called opinions…everybody is welcome to theirs….some are also just trolls…looking to get under peoples skin. I dont know how anyone can be upset about the position we are currently in…its gonna be a classic…and personally i myself am gonna be on pins and needles all week. And your correct…if you think about it…in the back to back cup losses we were about 4 plays away from a "dynasty" including the 07 cup….3 in 4 years is a dynasty in my books. I have no quams with the coaching personel or players we have fielded to this point…its been… Read more »

10 years ago

Had a chance to watch Mike Benevides being interviewed after the game on Sunday. He answered all questions thoughtfully and fully even though I'm sure it was killing him to lose this game. It looked to me like the Lions were prepared fort hat game and had a good game plan and they almost pulled it off.
As a Rider fan I have new respect for Benevides. Very classy.

10 years ago

I could care less about what is said on here…its a comment section…fans get to voice opinions…good on ya…i like reading them…very entertaining…but what does bug me being said on here are the blowhards who have the gull to tell me and other fans…that we are less of fans because we did not show up to every game…or a specific game. Who the hell are you to tell me how big my heart is for my team?? like seriously? I have been through the thick and thin…i have cried over this team…i have bent up frustration over this team…i have… Read more »

10 years ago

Regarding the Sports Cage on Nov11: – CFL will not move forward the schedule as the NHL and NBA are just finishing up their finals at the time you are trying to start the regular season of CFL – makes no sense – Secondly, why doesn't everyone just stop whining. Or maybe they should interview Westin Dressler; ask him how do they do it down in North Dakota. The NCAA is still playing regularly scheduled games into late Nov, early December. – the new stadium will be engineered to take into consideration the wind. That was a unique element of… Read more »

10 years ago

No, I am saying that when the masses are showing discontent, they respond to them – if it is valid. I said Durant was sat down in the office. Chamblin said it in the paper. He said he sat down with Darian and told him he needs to play better. Are you suggesting that Hopson doesn't listen to public opinion. He was a flipping public servant for 35 years. That's his DNA. I am not suggesting it was me. I am saying that when the team is sucking, and people are pissed, it drives change. Perhaps you feel invisible, but… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Im quite sure that any chat coach C and DD had, had zero to do with appeasing any segment of the fan base.

10 years ago

I would trade Durant tomorrow for Glenn, Tate, Mitchell, Burris, Ray, Collaros, Rielly, Lulay, Demarco and if not for injuries, Pearce and Calvillo. I would also, if required, leave him unprotected before it meant losing Sunseri. I give Durant props for last game. But, if he had done his job this year, our boys were watching the west semi final from a couch.

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

We will see what history has to say about half of those quarterbacks you'd trade Durant for. Remember when Casey Printers was a league MVP?

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

obvious troll is obvious.

10 years ago

I agree with the Durant trade. Great, the guy can get it down the field but he can't follow through on ANYTHING. We always kick bloody field goals because he can't capitalize. It's disgusting to watch.
Thank goodness the other teams are lacking talent this year or we wouldn't of even made the playoffs

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

But…..we made the playoffs…and are onto the wsf…because of durant. So put that in yer pipe and smoke it. Durant all day!! Double D takin us to the cup…and shovin it down all you durant hater's throats!! Lets rally boys!! No time to cry about our qb situation…you did that all year long…now one game away from the big dance…and u still want to spew negativity…cmon!! Lets save that for the offseason!

10 years ago

I agree with the second last comment, I too would trade Durant for all eleven of those QBs (not sure how we get all of them since they are on different teams, but who knows). Oh, you meant OR not AND. In that case, I would trade Durant straight up for Ray, but I would not trade Durant for any one else in your list (and not for LeFevour, Smith or Marsh either). Fun fact, out of all the current QBs only Ray, Calvillo and Durant have a better than 0.500 win percentage in the playoffs.

Brad T

10 years ago

To person that would trade durant for all those old qb's….either or…..that's what get's gm's fired…stupid trades like that..ask joe mack about stupid trades and stupid g.m moves… most likely you'll never be gm….so quit talking like one….

10 years ago

Just to correct my reference, as a couple more posts got made before mine, I was referring to the Anonymous that would trade Durant for a long list of various QBs and also wants to protect Sunseri. More fun facts: Durant's QB rating from two days ago was 144.6 (plus he ran for 97 yards!), over his entire playoff career it is 101.4.

Brad T

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous


10 years ago

Fact is that most fans know nothing about how to win a game in the cfl. However, if they buy tickets, merchandise, team shares, etc then they have the right to voice their opinion. Not everyone in this world is an optimist. Some are pessimists. If we didn't have both then the world would be a pretty boring place. I think it's easy to make a case for both the optimists and pessimists of this team. All I know, is that we're one game away from a home grey cup! Two wins away from drinking champagne out of it on… Read more »

10 years ago

I get a chuckle of all the Durant haters saying protect Sunseri. Do a search on Sunseri, you'll find how hated he was in Pittsburgh, by the comments on several forums down there. In fact, one referenced a certain forum up here laughing at us for thinking he was the next great one. It reminds me off how you guys talk about Durant, except NO ONE sticks up Sunseri down there. And that's college not pro. He may turn out to be good, but keep in the mind the body of work is pretty small and garbage minutes. You da… Read more »

10 years ago

Guess how many grey cups anthony calvillo had when he was 31? One! The verdict isn't out yet on Durant. He's in his prime now!

10 years ago

You idiots just won't give it up will you? Its unbelievable how badly you want the guy to fail just so you can be right in your so called expert analysis. This guy has given his blood, sweat and tears to win football games for this team and you're still ungrateful. I'm glad that Durant knows that it's a very small percentage of dumbasses that claim to be fans or he'd have been gone long ago. F*** the haters Doubles, you are our man and we love you. Now lets go win us that Cup!

Team Yorkton

10 years ago

Hey Hickville, the grass is always greener over here in " STAMPEDER NATION " get on board with a true professional football sports franchise where you won't be disappointed and left waiting on a Grey Cup championship every hundred years.


10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Nice try cupcake.
Y'er welcome.

10 years ago

You know we could end this debate about an indoor stadium or outdoor stadium for playoff games. Just bring Danny Barrett back. Problem solved. No home playoff games. It's that simple.

Old Cuss