VANCOUVER, B.C. – The Canadian Football League is strong and stable and well-positioned for a bright future, Mark Cohon said at his eighth and final State of the League media conference as Commissioner.

“Our league’s foundation is strong and there is a tremendous progress to build up,” Cohon told reporters assembled for the 102nd Grey Cup championship game this Sunday.

He credited the league’s Board of Governors, teams and fans with the progress the league has made:
The rebirth of the CFL in the nation’s capital, where the Ottawa REDBLACKS sold out every game this year, their inaugural season.

This year’s opening of Tim Horton’s Field in Hamilton, the latest in a series of new and refurbished stadiums in Ottawa, Winnipeg, and Vancouver, with Regina expected to open its new facility in 2017.

A vastly improved national broadcast deal with TSN and RDS, and a new U.S. broadcast deal with ESPN, both of which kicked in this season.

A new collective bargaining agreement, reached before the start of this season, which provided players with a significant raise and ensures long- term labour peace.

Consistently strong television ratings that exceed those for every other major sport in Canada, except for hockey.

Consistent attendance across the league as it moves towards more intimate stadiums for fans seeking a more social experience.

Cohon has previously announced he would not seek a third term as Commissioner.

Jim Lawson, Chairman of the CFL’s Board of Governors, said a search committee is meeting with several excellent candidates to succeed Cohon in 2015.

“We have entered a period of stability. The TV deal runs through 2018. So does our current collective bargaining agreement with our players,” Cohon said.

“My hope is that this stability will give the next Commissioner the runway he or she needs to look at the big picture, the long run and the changing sports and entertainment landscape.

“To build on this stronger foundation, the CFL has more work to do, and that is particularly true in Toronto,” he said. “We have been working very hard, as have the Argonauts, on a lease agreement that would see the team move to BMO Field,” Cohon said, adding that those negotiations have not yet concluded.

“I believe we have to offer Toronto a new experience, and a new home is a big part of the puzzle.”

He described the 2014 season on the field as “the year of the defence” but predicted offences will re-assert themselves in 2015.

“Scoring has dropped year-over-year only five previous times since 1998,” Cohon said. “And each and every time, it bounced back again the following year.”

Cohon thanked the media for its “talent for telling our stories”, the fans for their support and passion, and the CFL governors for driving the league forward.

“I have loved every minute of this job and it has been an absolute honour,” he said.

“The CFL is vitally important to our communities and our country. And I am very confident it will thrive in the future.”

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10 years ago

Toronto is still a joke and the Maritime team is no closer now than when Cohon took over.
He damn sure didn't fix the lousy refereeing either but it brought in good revenue because he fined the hell out of anyone that questioned the zebras.

10 years ago

I believe the CFL has peaked and wonder about the next TV contract. Will TSN step up again because they sure don't spend a lot of time on it, especially their web page. All hockey.

10 years ago

Stick an IV in, cfl on life support.

10 years ago

Regina Pats up 6-0 at Kamloops Friday night in the 2nd period.

10 years ago

Cohon showed he's a a**hole during labor talks, that's the CFL legacy to his name.

10 years ago

Cohen made the CFL a bush league.

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

lol the cfl has always been a bush league.its sask fans who seem to see it for more than what it actually is

10 years ago

Jon Cornish is great, he's the untouchable CFLeague Rushing King. Nobody can match his production year after year, nobody !

10 years ago

Oskee Wee Wee,
Oskee Was Was,
Say hello to The Sk. Football God Mr. Kent Austin along with Pigskin Pete and the 2014 Grey Cup Champions,
Your Hamilton Tiger Cats !
Get your autographs Riderville, Ti Cats very busy. Team will be off limits starting Saturday.

10 years ago

Swayze, Swayze Waters, King of the CFL.

10 years ago

Cohon = Braley's puppet.

10 years ago

Cohon leaves the league in good shape financially, due to the TSN deal. The on field product is regressing-only hoping this year was a blip due to expansion.

10 years ago

long live cohon! best commish the cfl has ever had!

10 years ago

In good shape? Attendance is down, grey cup isn't sold out, on field game play was crappy this season, reffing was brutal as always, challenges on PI is a joke. No one wants the Argos, other then that's its fine… mark is leaving while he can

10 years ago

The players will be happy to see him go. He really stuck it to them in CBA bargaining.

10 years ago

Jeez what a bunch of negative loser nellies on here. If you didn't have this blog to dump on you would have to do in in your mom's basement where you reside. For pete's sake get a life.
Give Cohon credit. He did a fine job in promoting the league. Lets all hope his replacement does as well or better.
Robert in Riderville.