Commentary: Covid, Aaron & Bernie



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We call it Random Thoughts Wednesday but it’s just because I can’t concentrate on any one thing for more than 30 seconds. Here we go:


#1 – They were “celebrating” the 5-year anniversary of Covid being a thing on Tuesday. Perhaps a better phrase would be “marking” the anniversary because there was nothing to celebrate.

In fact I’ve blocked most of it from my mind. To me, Covid cost lives, careers, businesses, relationships and untold other things that can’t be gotten back.

Good freakin’ riddance.


#2 – I saw a story in the USA Today referring to Aaron Rodgers’ “toxic” two-year relationship with the New York Jets, now that he’s looking for another team.

Hey – Aaron’s made himself an easy target with some of his outlandish comments but you can’t take away his play on the field. He threw for over 4,000 yards last year on a very bad Jets team.

I recall watching Hard Knocks in his first training camp in New York and he was routinely shown complaining about the team’s crappy work habits.

Showing up late, allowing mistakes and blown assignments … you name it. Aaron’s a winner and the Jets clearly are not, yet he’s the one getting painted with the toxic brush.

Not sure why teams always get the pass.

Remember this: Do what you’ve always done and you’ll get what you’ve always got.


And #3 – Wayne Gretzky’s LA Kings teammate Bernie Nicholls appeared on the RP Show and was dropping bombs left and right. Regarding Gretzky’s relationship with Donald Trump, Bernie stated “Nobody loves Canada more than Wayne.”

That got the cancel culture vultures all worked up and they’re wondering why Gretzky hasn’t made a statement on the matter yet, deferring instead to his wife Janet and to Trump himself.

Well, judging by the comments yesterday, it wouldn’t matter if Wayne made a statement nor even what he said.


Their mind is made up and people like that are clearly incapable of considering any other side.


That’s today’s Rod Pedersen Commentary.

(The Rod Pedersen Show airs daily at 12 pm & 4 pm ET on Game+TV, Podcast & YouTube Live)

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Frank Booth
Frank Booth
1 hour ago

3) Cancel Culture people are no longer referred to as “vultures”. Vultures are the clean up crew in the animal kingdom and serve a purpose. These would not even be parasites. What they are is incredibly weak minded individuals hell bent on nothing more than being the sociopaths wanting to control thought, words, and deeds. President Trump ended it. 1) Absolutely starting with the Leader Post’s Darrell Davis they want memorandums over the covid issue. End of the day and Mike Stackhouse tries to explain it, but doesn’t have the words. It was a hoax. It was a bio weapon… Read more »

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