

(Listen daily for the RP Commentary on the All New Hits 98 CKHD & LTD Radio)


What a fascinating week in sports! Here are some thoughts:


#1 – 10 big name quarterbacks and at least as many running backs will switch teams today when the NFL’s Free Agency period officially opens.

That’s a third of the league, at marquee positions.

We opened this door on this commentary yesterday and it drew quite a reaction from listeners regarding loyalty in sports.

Look – there is none, and it’s been that way for quite awhile. The notion is “They’re going to put a bullet in me eventually so I’ve got to get as much money as I can, now.”

I used to see it your way, but now I see it the players’ and coaches’ way.

Not sure how or why that happened! Maybe one day you will too.


#2 – Shock in the curling world as Team Kerri Einarson lead Briane Harris was punted from the Scotties for testing positive for a banned substance, and is facing suspension.

This one’s so weird because she blew the whistle on herself, curling is the most-sportsmanlike game of them all, and many of us wonder why she felt the need to take this substance in the first place?

Apparently it’s to build muscle and increase energy, but it’s illegal. She’s claiming innocence, but they all do.

I just don’t get it. I’ve never taken a PHD (look at me) but I had Roughriders players offer to put me on a steroid program back in the day so that I could “look like them”.

That ended when I told them I don’t want to look like them.

But why not just follow the rules?

It’s like the fisherman who had to give back $10,000 worth of shrimp because he didn’t pay for a $200 license. I saw that one on the TV show Louisiana Law the other day, and have been scratching my head since.

It makes no sense, but we’re all wired differently. I’m just glad I’m not wired that way.

It makes things a lot easier later in life when you’re filling out a mountain of forms – like I did yesterday – and they ask, “Have you ever been convicted of a crime?”


It’s nice to be able to say “no”.


That’s today’s Rod Pedersen Commentary

(The Rod Pedersen Show airs daily at 12 pm & 5 pm on Game+TV, WQEE Radio, Podcast & YouTube Live)


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Joey Silvera
Joey Silvera
1 year ago

Good morning If we have to explain why people cut corners and look for the softer easier landing it is simple. First it’s almost 6 am and not one of them are in the gym paying the price. The second is they are ingrained for instant gratification and entitlement. The other aspect is they are just flat out lazy. If people are on steroids. My take is they have never heard of Dave Goggins or Cameron Haines. Look ’em up. These are the guys Joe Rogan features. These are endurance people that complete against themselves while passing everyone in the… Read more »

Hunter Bibb
Hunter Bibb
1 year ago
Reply to  Joey Silvera

Haha Hanes isn’t a great example, he’s on the gear and has admitted as much in the past.

FM Bradley
FM Bradley
1 year ago
Reply to  Hunter Bibb

He actually said haters gonna hate. – lost in all that is the guy ran 20 miles this morning, and does so every morning. It’s up and down mountains, and extreme marathons.

You on the other hand get winded trying to hold one push up over your old lady.

Goggins said the same thing. Haters gonna hate so just take their souls.

Hunter Bibb
Hunter Bibb
1 year ago
Reply to  FM Bradley

I don’t hate on either of them , at their age to do what they do is to be commended. If you’re buying that they do it un aided without an anabolic , TRT, or HGH you’re naive.

1 year ago

Great photo, very picturesque.

1 year ago

I agree, Rod. No one will say you have done a PhD! For that matter, you’re good for PEDs too! 😉 Honesty is best. Always. I’ve done well in my life. Was lucky to be in the right spot at the right time, but made my own luck too by being the right person at the right time. There is still room for the little guy. I’m proof. But you have to work. No short cuts. And if you do it without cheating, you get to enjoy it twice. No one will be tapping me on the shoulder, asking me… Read more »

1 year ago

It flies under the radar but pro athletes that give birth and try to rush back to their sport is an avenue we don’t see in MLB or the NFL. It may make you do some crazy things. The other part of the statement about “they all say they are innocent” ? The crazy thing is a bunch of them are and the apology is always a lot quieter than the accusation. Dig into some of the UFC and olympians falsely accused.

FM Bradley
FM Bradley
1 year ago

….well there’s the rub. Pro Athletes that give birth….that’s where we are in this day and age. When in fact they are NOT pro. To do what they do, they need a government job. With it a tonne of holidays, Y days, EDOs, approved leave of absences which is akin to nobody cares if they are there or not. – added to which if they are at work they’re so distracted the productivity is nil. Reminds me of the Supreme Court Judge that just stated calling someone a “woman” is confusing. They are now to be referred to as “Person… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  FM Bradley

A pro athlete is so one who gets paid. She gets paid very well. Gordie Howe wasn’t any less of a pro athlete because he sold Chevy’s in the summer … Not sure why the idea of pro athletes giving birth triggers you but that seems like a you problem

1 year ago

What 10 big name QB’s are switching teams today?