Commentary: The Good, The Great & The Ugly




(Listen daily for the RP Commentary on the All New Hits 98 CKHD & LTD Radio)


It’s Tuesday and time for the Good, the Great & the Ugly…


First the good: What started out as a ho-hum hockey tournament which nobody really knew what it was has turned into an intense border war and must-see TV!

You’d have to be living under a rock to not know about the NHL’s 4 Nations Faceoff Tournament between Canada, USA, Sweden and Finland. After round robin games in Montreal and Boston, the final is all set up for Thursday night at TD Garden between Canada and USA in a rematch of Saturday’s 3-1 American victory which I’ve tabbed Pugilism In Prime Time. (Others prefer Saturday Night Fights).

TV ratings are into the millions. Ticket prices have tripled. Fans of other leagues are bemoaning and saying, “Why can’t we have that?”

Bravo, Gary Bettman.


Next the great: Can’t remember when I’ve looked forward to a day as much as this one. The family of WCBL MVP Carter Beck reached out and said the Saskatoon Berries star is making a swing through Florida this week with his NCAA team – Indiana State.

I checked the schedule and sure enough, they play at Florida Gulf Coast University tonight and tomorrow, and at Northeastern this weekend.

Off to Fort Myers, I go! This is gonna be great.


And lastly the ugly: I’ve long given up on the notion of “Can’t we all just get along?” That’s just human nature and it’s been that way for as long as there’s been people on earth.

We just don’t all think the same.

The boo’ing of the US national anthem at 4 Nations games was, to me, sad and I posted my thoughts to social media. That triggered the predictable avalanche of even more negative comments, some being personal and unfair.

However in my business, you have to have an opinion or you won’t last too long.


Turns out that can be ugly too.


That’s today’s Rod Pedersen Commentary.

(The Rod Pedersen Show airs daily at 12 pm & 4 pm ET on Game+TV, Podcast & YouTube Live)


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Remo Gadgi
Remo Gadgi
1 month ago

Diversity is not a strength it’s a detriment used to divide and it’s usually the enemy that encourages it Unity is the strength. Through trial, error, and restarting “we” get the right people on the bus. Conversely we run them off our bus. Others are free to do the same until it sorts out. Can we get along? No. Not until we see others motives. Jordan Peterson is clear; “only have people in your life that want the best for you and vice versa.” Robin Williams; “I used to think the worst thing was to end up alone. It is… Read more »

Hunter Hunter
Hunter Hunter
1 month ago


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