(Listen daily for the RP Commentary on the All New Hits 98 CKHD & LTD Radio)
It’s Tuesday and time for another edition of the Good, the Great & the Ugly!
First the good: There is clearly no stopping the NFL. Ratings info for Super Bowl LVIII was released Monday and Kansas City’s 25-22 OT win over San Francisco was the most-watched TV program in U.S. history, topping out at 123.4 million viewers.
You want to talk about the Midas Touch?!
Hopefully somebody’s writing a book on how they’ve gone about it.
Next the great: As a kid growing up on the farm near Milestone, SK, the sports I followed were hockey and baseball. (Ask me anything about the 1970s and 80s Blue Jays & Expos, and I could tell you).
So I wasn’t really following the Hall of Fame career of running back Earl Campbell with Houston and New Orleans but when I got into pro football for a career in the 90s, I got up to speed in a jiff. Earl’s as iconic as anything the sport has to offer.
Before Sunday’s Sober Bowl Watch Party in Las Vegas (we were both speaking at the event), I asked Earl for a photo but the “Tyler Rose” didn’t seem too interested.
But then a few hours later, after he learned we are brothers in Recovery, Earl was all smiles and popping wheelies on his motorized scooter as we posed for more photos!
Addiction sucks … but Recovery does not.
And lastly, the ugly: CFL free agency opens today but anyone who follows the league knows the biggest names are all off the board after last week’s pre-Free Agency “Legal Tampering” period.
This new feature was brought in to restore order to the free agency process but it’s backfired. The biggest names switched teams – or re-signed with their old ones – during Super Bowl Week. It largely went under the radar due to Super Bowl hype and left nothing but scraps today on what is usually one of the biggest days on the CFL calendar.
I can’t imagine this is how they planned it would go.
I’m sure a change will be in order.
That’s today’s Rod Pedersen Commentary
(The Rod Pedersen Show airs daily at 12 pm & 5 pm on Game+TV, WQEE Radio, Podcast & YouTube Live)