Here are some notes and quotes from Corey Chamblin’s day-before press conference on Saturday at Mosaic Stadium. The Riders (9-6) host the Eskimos (10-5) Sunday at 2:00 pm on TSN and 620 CKRM:

– The guys are full of piss and vinegar. They’re pissed off. The guys want to remove every obstacle in our way. We had a setback last week (40-9 loss in Montreal) but the guys are ready to take it to a new level. They’ll be tough for 60-plus minutes in this game.

– We had one more day of practice this week than the last time we played Edmonton. We need the mindset that we need to meet the challenge no matter what the obstacles are.

– You guys are reading too much into the running back thing. Anthony Allen took some hits before halftime (last week) and I wanted to rotate in the second half, then the fumble happened. Will Ford being on the roster has nothing to do with Anthony Allen.

– The alumni was here to meet the team today. Each guy had a message in the tone from when they played, like the 70’s. They added the extra juice and flavour and the attitude ‘Let’s go kick some butt’.

– It was cool for the alumni to meet the players who are wearing their number now. When Richie Hall came together with Weston Dressler, we said the jersey #7 is still the same size as when he played!

– I’m always sure we’ll turn it around. I always get it done. I got it done without Darian Durant in other places. I’ll assure you I’ll get it done. I won’t guarantee we’ll win the Grey Cup, that’ll be up to the players, but I guarantee I’ll turn it around.

– Kerry can’t do it all by himself. The centre’s important too, and the guard. Everybody has to do their job for us to be successful.

** Coming onto the roster for this Week 17 game are WR Korey Williams, RB Will Ford and DT Derek Walker.  Coming off are REC/KR Ryan Smith, WR Dan DePalama, DT Chancey Aghayere.  620 CKRM’s coverage of the game begins at 11:30 am Sunday.

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9 years ago

Who were the alumni that participated in the player meeting? Anyone have a list with jersey #'s?

9 years ago

If it's alumni from 1989 or 2007. That's credible. Pass on advice from any other Glory Days player from yesteryear.

9 years ago

Poor old Scruffy – experiencing the same type of debacle in Montreal. Doing play-by-play of today's Ram game in BC over the phone. The fix must be in for CKRM play-by-play and colour guys!

9 years ago

Would hope "The Sk. Football God Mr. Kent Austin, #5" alumni didn't give away his genius QB mind secrets on how to win games and championship titles. He has the Tiger Cats of Hamilton on the prowl to win the GC 2015 guaranteed !

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Ya you were on here sayin the same things last year…how did that work out for you…?
The Rock

9 years ago

Alumni from the early nineties can reassure them that the sun will come up tomorrow when they lose. Bring back the losing culture.

9 years ago

Hey Chamblain and Cortez watch OShea he's letting his backups throw the ball. Guess what he can throw

9 years ago

CC sure doesn't lack ego.

9 years ago

Do the players know what time the game starts? They haven't all year and that's on the staff.

9 years ago

Anon #6: I WANT a coach with an ego, all the great ones in any sport have that. This is no place for wishy washy.

9 years ago

Great comments by our Coach. That is why the players love him as well. Always has their back and puts the pressure on him and his staff. Won't settle for mediocrity and wants to win. That is why we didn't for 15 years!!!!!!!!!!!

We haven't had a solid start on offense in a game where we put two or three drives together with rhythm and points on the board for what seems like months……… is months!! (see Ottawa in August!!) Would be nice to see Joseph get it going early tomorrow. Won't be easy against that defense!!!



9 years ago

How did Kent Austin make out last year…

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

The Sk.Football God Mr. Kent Austin did just fine in his first year with the Tiger Cats of Hamilton as both the GM/HC. 2014 GC championship title guaranteed year two. Geeze, everyone knows he's a former player/head coach responsible for Sask. winning two titles under his leadership, plus he's a football guru genius to boot. Riderville hate that he's not running their current on the downside team operations. Championship's aplenty with him in charge, keeping everyone happy happy happy.

9 years ago

Hamilton would get crushed by the EE or Stampeders at this point. Hell if Hailton loses the last few games they don't even make the playoffs.

9 years ago

I like Kent but I'll take the NEW football god Cory Chamblin any day and twice on Sunday before I take Austin. Austin seems so angry all the time. It's a matter of time before his players block him out.