OTTAWA — 2:27 AM ET.  What a dog and pony show that was!  The Saskatchewan Roughriders finally made it to their destination of the Nation’s Capital in the wee hours of Friday morning but not without considerable hand-wringing.

Unknownst to the Roughriders, a handful of players and staff were assigned to a flight earlier in the day and by late afternoon we were informed the evening flight to Toronto, then Ottawa, was oversold.  The airline did not inform the Roughriders of the switch.  Some members of the entourage graciously offered to stay behind until Friday morning, ensuring all players on the 46-man roster were able to make it to Ottawa in time for the Friday afternoon walk-through.

I would have given up my seat, however I’ve got a Friday morning meeting at TD Place Stadium to set up the broadcast gear for Saturday’s Rider game against the RedBlacks (5:00 pm, TSN, CKRM Rider Radio Network).  Being a new stadium, it’s not entirely broadcast-ready for the visiting radio crew and we’ve got some kinks to work out.

As it was, a few of us had to fly on stand-by but I was able to dig deep into the bag of tricks in order to secure a spot on the plane.  Fortunately for me it ended up being in first class so I’m not complaining about the airline now!

The plane touched down at 1:40 AM Eastern time and as we awaited our bags, Rider defensive end Ricky Foley posed for a picture with former Canadian Prime Ministers Wilfred Laurier and John A. McDonald (above).  Foley’s American teammates were less impressed, having no idea who the statues depicted.

Regardless we’re here, and it’s time for the weekly observations:

THE USUAL: The forecast for Saturday’s game calls for a high of 25 degrees Celsius (77 above Fahrenheit) with a 40% chance of showers.   The Riders are favoured by 5.5-points and the over/under has been set at 50 points.

WE TALKIN’ BOUT PRACTICE:  The Roughriders will hold a walk-through at TD Place Stadium early Friday afternoon and then, as you all know, will stay in Ottawa before heading to Winnipeg on Wednesday for their Thursday game against the upstart Blue Bombers.  In between, they’ll practice at a field in Gatineau, PQ.  I’m told 46 players are here for Saturday’s game and then eight or so more will fly in for the practice week.

QUOTE OF THE WEEK #1:  I asked Riders head coach Corey Chamblin what the difference was in cost between staying here in Ottawa all week versus flying home Sunday, then heading to Winnipeg on Wednesday.  “They don’t pay me (to figure out) costs!” Chamblin quipped.  He added, “What’s the cost of winning?”  Rider GM Brendan Taman said had they hired charter aircrafts, the costs would have come out as a wash.

GO REDBLACKS!:  That battle cry came from a passenger on our plane as it touched down in Ottawa.  It was strange to hear, because it’s so new.  The flight attendant wished the Riders well over the aircraft’s sound system, but pointed out he’s an Ottawa product.  While waiting for our bags at the luggage carousel, one local guy shouted, “The Roughriders suck!”  I didn’t feel it was the wisest thing to say around a bunch of tired, hungry football players.  Regardless, the CFL is alive and well in the Nation’s Capital.

A BUDDING RIVALRY:  It’s no secret they don’t like the Saskatchewan Roughriders much around here.  It all stems from us “stealing” their name, and then not allowing the franchise to use it upon their re-entry into the league in 2014.  Heck, even when they didn’t have a team over the past few years, I was getting chirped by their fans on Twitter.  Ottawa reporters have told me their fans refuse to refer to Saskatchewan as the “Roughriders”, and have opted for “the Green Riders” instead.  Which I loathe.  However it’s great to have a built-in rivalry before these two franchises even play a game.

SPEAKING OF RIVALRIES:  I’m still trying to get my head around the story that Calgary Stampeder players Shawn Lemon, Charleston Hughes, Juwan Simpson and Keon Raymond posed for a photo around the motorcycle of Eskimo coach Chris Jones in the Commonwealth Stadium parking lot after their win last week.  Hughes reportedly even put a Stampeders helmet on the bike’s seat.  I can’t imagine the outcry if someone had done that to the Stamps.

BACK TO THE REDBLACKS:  Not many of their players are known to CFL fans yet and a lot of the veterans they do have are injured.  DL Justin Phillips, REC Kierre Johnson and CB Jovon Johnson are among those who won’t play this week due to injury.

A FLIP OF THE COIN:  The RedBlacks are 0-4 on coin tosses this season, and come in with a 1-3 overall record which has them tied for first-place in the CFL’s East Division.  Incidentally the Roughriders are 2-2 on coin tosses and sport a 2-2 overall record.  When they’ve won the game, they won the coin toss at the outset of the match.

HOW ‘BOUT THOSE BOMBERS?:  Any West Division team would have been pulling for Hamilton in the Week 6 lid-lifter against Winnipeg Thursday evening.  However the Blue Bombers eaked out a last-second 27-26 victory to improve to an astounding 5-1.  You can’t tell me anyone predicted this start by Winnipeg in 2014 but hats off to them.  They made the right hires with Wade Miller (President), Kyle Walters (GM), Mike O’Shea (Head Coach) and Danny McManus (Head Scout) so they were respectable before they even opened camp.  I told any Bomber fans who asked that they were getting a franchise quarterback in Drew Willy and he’s let no one down.  However if someone moans to you about Drew not being with the Riders over the next few days, smack them upside the head.  The Riders traded the University of Buffalo product ahead of free agency and he likely would’ve ended up with the Blue Bombers anyway.  He wasn’t coming back to Saskatchewan regardless, because he’d grown tired of being the back-up.

FREE WILLY:  After Thursday’s result, Drew Willy is on pace for 4986 passing yards yet the Blue Bombers don’t have a single receiver on pace for 1000 yards receiving.  That’s ball distribution!  On the defensive side of the ball, first-year coordinator Gary Etcheverry is drawing rave reviews for his schemes but unfortunately he can’t discuss them.  I’m told Mike O’Shea won’t let his assistants speak to the media.

QUOTE OF THE WEEK #2:  This one comes from long-time Rider athletic therapist Ivan Gutfriend when discussing the torrid start of the Blue Bombers.  “If they were in the East they’d have a playoff spot locked up right now,” Ivan smirked.  Of course the weak records of the eastern teams have the deep-thinkers bringing up the possibility of going to one division for playoff seeding.  Commissioner Mark Cohon declined to comment on that scenario when asked by the Winnipeg Sun’s Kirk Penton this week.  Let’s leave it the way it is — the CFL always goes in cycles.

QUOTE OF THE WEEK #3:  This one comes from Ottawa Citizen sports reporter Wayne Scanlan regarding everyone jumping to conclusions so early in the season: “ANCIENT CFL PROVERB:  Real contenders don’t emerge until Labour Day.”

WELCOME ABOARD LAPO:  The newest rising star with TSN has joined the SportsCage.  Paul Lapolice will have the Coach’s Playbook, the radio edition, every Wednesday at 4:10 pm on 620 CKRM.  If your business would like to sponsor the show, drop me a line.

DRESSLER UPDATE:  A guy stopped me at Queen City Ex/Buffalo Days on Wednesday evening and said, “I heard the Chiefs cut Dressler today.  Can you check that out?”  He was a silver-haired man in his 50’s or 60’s who clearly doesn’t have a Twitter account.  A quick search showed that, no, Weston has not been cut or waived.  However the reports from Day 9 of Chiefs camp weren’t entirely favourable regarding Weston’s play.  They said he had too many drops, however he did come up with some nice catches as well.  I had planned to buy NFL Sunday Ticket from Access for the sole purpose of reporting on Chiefs games (and still likely will), but perhaps I’ll hold off until they declare their final roster.  You’ve got to think he’ll at least hold on until the preseason.

SOCIAL MEDIA:  Believe it or not there are people who don’t have a Facebook or Twitter account but they seem to be surviving quite nicely.  Perhaps they’re even happier than us.

BUFFALO DAYS:  Thank goodness the Fair opened on Wednesday which allowed me to take my family for a stroll down the midway and through the exhibits.  I punished myself with two corndogs, a slab of pizza, a wedge of fudge (Reese’s Peanut Butter) and two Root Beer.   Mission accomplished.

ON TO HOCKEY:  Some well-respected hockey people have told me that at least three potential head coaches for the Regina Pats have turned down offers.  However that was clarified by one phone call from one of the Pats owners who emphatically told me on Tuesday, “NO ONE has turned down an offer because we haven’t offered anyone a contract yet!”  Case-in-point: Jim Hiller, who was fired by Tri-City this spring, was approached by the Pats but said he had his sights set on an NHL job.  On Tuesday he was hired as an assistant coach by the Detroit Red Wings.  Does that mean he turned the Pats down?  No.  I’m told the Pats will have their new coach in place by the middle of next week.

BAD MOON ON THE RISE:  Lorne Molleken was spotted having a coffee at the Credit Union Eventplex Tim Hortons this week.  The plot thickens…

THEY DID HIRE SOMEONE:  The BCHL’s Vernon Vipers announced on Thursday that trainer/equipment manager Gord Cochran has left the team to join the Regina Pats in a similar role.  Cochran had been with the Vipers since 2009 and Coach/GM Jason Williamson had nothing but good things to say about him.

GOOD NEWS/BAD NEWS:  For the first time in 20 years Canada was interested in Major League Baseball’s trade deadline.  That’s the good news.  The bad news is the Toronto Blue Jays, winners of their last six in a row, stood pat.  TSN baseball analyst Steve Phillips called Thursday “a horrible day for the Blue Jays fans”.

RED SOX OPEN UP TONIGHT:  The Regina Red Sox open the 2014 WMBL playoffs Friday evening with Game 1 of a best-of-five series against the Yorkton Cardinals at Currie Field.  First pitch is 7:05 pm.


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10 years ago

Surprise, surprise, Etch is drawing rave reviews for his schemes. I'm still upset that the Riders basically dumped him after he got us to consecutive Grey Cup games. Good on ya Gary and I hope you rub the Rider management's noses in it on Labour Day. You didn't deserve to be treated that way.

Big T

10 years ago

Blue Jays shouldn't be upset. They didn't miss out on any players, unless you wanted to sell the farm on a rental player, which is dumb. The team is playing food baseball and you could argue they could have used a reliever. Let's not forget the jays did make a move a few days before the deadline for Danny Valencia, a true lefty masher. I hate seeing trades being made, just for the sake of making fans happy.

10 years ago

I punted Facebook a couple of years ago. Too intrusive. And, I don't own a cellphone. I am still well informed and manage to dress and feed myself without all that.

10 years ago

Pats are scrambling. Please offer a contract to Dave Hunchak as Head Coach and hire Trent Cassan as your Assistant Head Coach.

10 years ago

Enjoyed reading the column, thanks for posting


Dan R.
Dan R.
10 years ago

Sounds like the team flew Air Canada… I will always and often do take the 5 hour flight to Winnipeg through Calgary than fly with the clowns at AC. Still unsure why they didn't go charter given the size and length of the trip. If we are flat out of the gate I blame Hopson, lol

Dan R.

10 years ago

The Jays will be a floater by mid-September

10 years ago

Hopefully IF Dressler doesn't make it with the KC Chiefs he will return to the Riders. I would have mixed emotions, sorry he is cut but happy if he was a Rider again.

10 years ago

No Twitter, no Facebook and I Don't think I'm missing anything. Take the 2 hrs per day spent on that garbage and do something useful. Best thing about Facebook is you can easily weed out the losers when you're doing job interviews. And I don't have Grey hair

10 years ago

A few things: 1) The Blue Jays begrudgingly I was starting to believe as it's end of July and they are still in it. They're going to make playoffs, but be out of it fast. This is the time in MLB when if you think you have the team you go all in and go for it. The Jays did that in '92 and '93, and even previous to that got rid of guys like McGriff to load up and make the run. They didn't do that, Bautista even lamented this, and now in the AL it's going to be… Read more »

10 years ago

It would be an interesting note to know the costs associated with flying commerical vs a charter.
Just the ease of a charter must be worth something.

10 years ago

Dressler? TOO MANY drops? i refuse to believe it.

10 years ago

While the CFL is at 9 teams they should experiment with eliminating divisions. The league is small enough that it wont hurt existing rivalries, and youve got a better chance of marquis gc matchups. If it does have negative effects in some way, or if a 10th team is added, change it back. The cycleof weakness in the east division is into its second decade.

10 years ago

hey Obama, is having 1200 friends on facebook worse then going onto a sports blog and telling everyone how smart you are

10 years ago

Don't be so quick to hand the world series to Oakland or Detroit. Great rotations yes, but the Braves had arguably one of the best rotations ever and only won the world series once. Both teams have good rotations but not as good as Glavine, Maddux, Smoltz

10 years ago

If the Jays never made those 2 trades last year they would be sellers this year and receiving top notch prospects for Bautista this year. AA had worked the draft system to a tea, building up a top notch farm system comparable to the Rays and Cardinals (with owners willing to spend the money unlike the Rays) to keep their star players. With the farm system the Jays had built up they were on track to compete with the best in 2016/2017. The Jays made the mistake thinking that they had a good chance to go for it last season… Read more »

10 years ago

Stroke Bob Lowes off your wish list for Pats Coach.


10 years ago

Here’s why the CFL won’t go to 1 big division – They have 9 teams! To get in 18 games the Riders would have to play each team twice and 2 teams a 3rd time. What if the Riders finished 7th one year and in that year they had to play the top 2 teams 3 times and the team that finished 6th got to play the 2 bottom teams 3 times? If the CFL gets to 10 teams then having one division makes complete sense as each team would play each other twice would be a true reflection of… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

so what? playing some teams more than others has never been an issue in the past. they resist it because they want eastern representation in the gc.

10 years ago

That's a good point about the Braves and their big 3 rotation. With the Braves from a historical perspective they should have had 3 World Series on not just 1. '91 they should have won, but a miracle like Jack Morris happens, and then they outright blew '96. If you were a Braves fan though every single year you knew you had a chance to win that thing. Having said that, at the end of the day they are what their record indicates. 1 World Series where Toronto and even the Florida Marlins have 2. Oakland that system they use… Read more »

10 years ago

If anyone believes the Pats weren't turned down might want to invest in ocean front property in Arizona. Just because there wasn't an official "written" offer doesn't mean there was wasn't an offer. They were turned down and hung on hoping for Hiller. All the best candidates have been hired and the Pats are scrambled to hire a second tier coach. Considering they were less than truthful about Dixon and Cameron, why would anyone believe a word they have to say. Oh the spin doctors and those who they get to listen to them.