7 PLEASURES (In No Particular Order)

1 – REGINA PATS HOCKEY:  The Queen City Kids swing back into tonight when they host the Medicine Hat Tigers to close out a two game mini-homestand.  Since I was kid, going to Regina Pats games has always been a treasured experience and that continues to this day.  However tonight there will be an added bonus for me as I’ll have the opportunity to call the play-by-play live on Access 7 television with Jared Dumba providing the colour commentary.  It’s not news anymore that the 2014-15 Regina Pats are an exciting bunch to watch and it’s been a treat to watch them grow throughout the year.

It’s also particularly astounding that 16-year old rookie phemon Sam Steel leads the club in scoring with 50 points in 55 games played.  That’s 0.91 points-per-game and only teammate Adam Brooks is better at 0.94 ppg as he has 49 points in 52 games played.  From the moment I laid eyes on Steel as a 14-year old, I tabbed him as another “Glenn Anderson” and Jared Dumba emphatically agreed after watching a 1980’s-era Oilers game on NHL Classics recently.

Somebody cautioned a while back that it may be a mistake to build the team around Steel’s 18-year old season because he may turn out to be a flop.  I countered that he’s already a star and his stats prove it.  Not many can argue that Steel is a better 16-year old than Pats greats Jordan Eberle and Jordan Weal.

Tune in tonight to find out for yourself or better yet buy a ticket.

Which brings me to…

2 – SPORTS MARKETING:  In my role as a play-by-play man, I’ve never professed to be a coach nor a general manager.  It’s never interested me and frankly it’s kept me out of hot water with the Pats and Roughriders braintrust over the years.  However the fields of sports marketing and sports business have always been particularly fascinating.

So with that, it’s been interesting to see the furor that’s surrounded the Pats’ decision to hike ticket prices by as much as 100% beginning next season.  Before I go any further, I’ll caution that I haven’t seen the actual ticket prices because I haven’t received any of the information that’s gone out to season ticket holders.  All I’m going by is word-of-mouth from the fans.

Since our return from Mexico I’ve spent a great deal of time on coffee row visiting with Regina sports fans and chatted with several Pats fans on the concourse during Tuesday’s 5-4 shootout loss to Kootenay.  

I call that “On The Ground Marketing”.  I’m sure there’s a fancier name for it but I never went to school for this stuff.   Just a lifetime in the game.
But man are people upset!  Some have taken to writing letters to the Leader Post while others are simply content to breathe fire into my ear.

Unfortunately some of them won’t listen to reason.

I wish I could’ve been in attendance at Saturday’s Town Hall Meeting in the Brandt Centre to truly get a sense of what went down but suffice it to say, there’s a great deal of discontent amongst Pats fans with the new ticket pricing structure.  And a disconnect between the fans and the team can not be allowed to happen.

It would be great to know whose idea the price hike was?  I’d have gone about it differently, but there’s more than one way to skin a cat.  For instance a decade ago in Medicine Hat the Tigers slashed season ticket prices significantly when the franchise was in the doldrums.  I think it was down to $100 but they wound up selling the Arena out and although they’ve gradually increased ticket prices since, you still can’t buy a ticket for Tigers games to this day.  It’s a sellout every night.

It’s the Walmart mentality: sell more for less.

However for any of us earthlings to question the business accumen of the men who make up the Queen City Sports & Entertainment Group would be ludicrous.  They’re some of the wealthiest and most successful businessmen in the province.  I just get a nagging feeling that sports business is a great deal different than the regular business world.

I’ve worked for Paul Hill for almost 20 years and we’ve debated this on many an occasion.  A lot of times we agree to disagree but we both enjoy the debate.

One last thing on this topic: while in Mexico, a couple from Regina made an interesting comment regarding the Pats.  “We went to a Pats game to see the new clock,” the wife said.  “It was great but now that we’ve seen it, we don’t need to go back.  It’s not like it’s going to make us Pats fans or anything.”

That comment floored me because I don’t get that mentality.  However they’re likely not alone.  Could people like this ever become Pats fans?

That’s a good question.

3 – THE SASKATCHEWAN ROUGHRIDERS:  Of course the Riders are a pleasure for all of us and covering them on a day-to-day basis is a dream.  There’s not a ton going on with the Green & White these days – at least that’s how it looks from the outside – but one undercurrent of discussion centres around the status of veteran fullback Neal Hughes.

Neal’s contract with the Riders expired on February 10 and thus his name does not appear on the team’s roster at  Tabbed “White Chocolate” by former teammate Nealon Greene in 2004 because of his uncanny moves and footwork for a white guy from Regina, I’m told the Thom Trojan and Regina Rams grad is contemplating retirement.

However, he told his barber on Wednesday that he’s considering coming back in 2015 too.  How do I know this?  Because the same gal cut my hair on Thursday.  This town!  Haha.

Sources tell me there’s also a lingering injury issue with Hughes as well, which could factor prominently into his eventual decision.  As it stands now – from what I hear – it could be a few months before we get definitive word on Neal’s plans.  Linebacker Mike McCullough waited until May last year until he eventually decided to call it a career.  It may be that long before we know Hughes’ future as well.

4 – BACK TO SPORTS MARKETING:  A simple Tweet from the Roughriders’ account on Thursday – quoting me – referred to the franchise as “Canada’s Team” when it promoted my latest column on their website.  That comment set off a Twitter controversy from fans across the CFL, including an Eskimo supporter who said he finds the term Canada’s Team “incredibly offensive”.

My response?  GOOD!  We’re not in the business of promoting and marketing other CFL teams.  In the MMG I’ll recount the origin of that moniker but the simple fact is we jumped on that slogan over a decade ago before anybody else in the Canadian Football League did.  Plus we have a copious amount of statitistical data to back up the claim.

Maybe if other teams’ fans wouldn’t react so violently to the phrase, we’d back off on it but everytime it comes up they come unglued.  Don’t egg me on!

5 – ARIZONA:  Ever been there?  It’s the greatest place on earth.  A perfect climate, no bugs, and year-round sports.  It doesn’t get better than that.  One day I hope to hang my hat there for good.

And on Sunday I’ll have the pleasure of heading back to Phoenix along with Rider Radio analyst Carm Carteri for the Riderville Tour at Tuesday’s Arizona Coyotes-Anaheim Ducks game at Gila River Arena.  In October when I wrote that I was taking care of some business down in Arizona, that’s what it was about.

We’ll be broadcasting the SportsCage on 620 CKRM live from the Whiskey Rose (adjacent to the arena) on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday with a bevy of Coyotes, Roughriders and Phoenix guests.  Football maven John Lynch will be with us too, and it sounds like Tiger Williams as well.

On Tuesday there will be a pregame tailgate party featuring star Rider receiver Chris Getzlaf from 4:00-6:30 pm and then possibly more events inside the arena.  The first 350 Rider fans to purchase seats will have the opportunity to pose for a postgame photo at centre ice along with Ryan and Chris Getzlaf and us Rider personalities.

On Wednesday I was told the Coyotes were capping ticket sales due to high demand and then on Thursday I was told they aren’t.  Why turn anybody away?

However if you’re waiting until Tuesday, don’t.  Go to and enter the promo code RIDERS.  You’ll get discounted tickets and will be situated in one of at least four sections that are dedicated to the Rider Nation.

This is such an amazing promotion for the Saskatchewan Roughriders and I’m still getting my head around the fact we were able to partner the Riders with an NHL team for an event in Phoenix!  It’s truly been a team effort.  Once the plans quickly came together, we knew the Rider Nation would do the rest and they’ve responded in droves.

Many are asking how this promotion came about.  I’ll tell that story once we hit the air at 4:00 pm on Monday.

6 – STAND-UP COMEDY:  We always try to hit a comedy club no matter where our travels take us, whether it’s Sunset Boulevard, the Vegas Strip or Times Square.  Or, Regina’s Conexus Arts Centre.  Would I normally buy a ticket to see comedian Ron James, “The Old Maritime Midget”?  Likely not.  But on Tuesday we were afforded a pair of free tickets to James’ show and it was a riot (thank you Global).

The former CBC star did a set which lasted 1:51 (he could’ve trimmed it by 20 minutes, but whatever) and he had us holding our guts and wiping tears from our cheeks.  It’s Canadian humour of course, with James jabbing Stephen Harper, the Toronto Maple Leafs, our country’s moose population and several odd jokes about bodily functions.  The performance gets two thumbs-up from the MMG and if Ron James is coming to a town near you, grab some seats.

However something struck me during the show.  The Conexus Arts Centre could stand an upgrade.  After seeing so many live shows around the continent, I felt the old Centre of the Arts could benefit from the addition of a video screen or two.  So much of Ron James’ show has to do with his many facial expressions and contortions but we couldn’t see them from Row J.

It is 2015 after all.

7 – COUNTRY MUSIC:  It’s been a lifelong pleasure of mine but I haven’t listened to it much lately, for my own reasons.  However country legend Clint Black will perform a soldout show at the Casino Regina Show Lounge tonight and it promises to be a magical evening.  I even offered to be the emcee for the performance, but the request fell on deaf ears.  As it turns out, that’s a good thing because of tonight’s Regina Pats TV broadcast duties

But I was hooked on Clint Black from the first time I heard his debut album Killin’ Time coming through the truck speakers on CKRM while I was working on the farm as a teenager.  “You were the first thing that I thought of, when I thought I’d drink you off my mind.  When I get lost in the liquor, you’re the only one I find,” Black wailed.

When I was plugging the jukebox in Leopold’s Tavern in days gone by, one of the first quarters always dropped on Clint.  I had a whole introduction written and ready to go for his show tonight, but I’ll re-work it for a hockey broadcast.

Those are my pleasures.  What are yours?!


– I’m oh-fer in this season of Roll Up The Rim To Win.  OH-FER!  In at least 20 opportunities.  How’s your luck?

– Happy belated Birthday to Rider great Don Narcisse who turned 50 on Thursday.  We’ll have a get-together for my favourite all-time import Rider on Saturday.  Jeff Fairholm is my favourite all-time non-import.

– We’re going to add some baseball analysts to the SportsCage roster starting as early as next week.  With pitchers and catchers reporting to camps in Florida and Arizona, I’m getting caught up in America’s pastime.  I always have grand plans to keep in touch with baseball each summer but as soon as Rider training camp starts, those thoughts go out the window.  There’s only so much room in this cranium and the Riders seem to fill it all up.

– Blue Jays catcher Russell Martin should likely sell a few more tickets this year since the former Pittsburgh Pirate has returned to his hometown to play.  I’m all for hometown players, particularly with the Roughriders and Pats however Regina coach John Paddock says that will not be their focus.  They’re intent on finding the best players, regardless of where they’re from.  You can’t argue with his plan so far.

– Is anyone else noticing that Connor McDavid of the Erie Otters is making TSN’s Highlight of the Night on virtually a nightly basis?  He’s a JUNIOR HOCKEY PLAYER for goodness sake!  His exploits are truly jaw-dropping.  What’s he going to do once he reaches the NHL?

– Both TSN and Sportsnet will have wall-to-wall coverage of Monday’s NHL Trade Deadline.  It will be interesting to chart whose coverage is the best.  They’ll be at each other’s throats to provide the best analysis and breaking news.

– I feel the use of the term “iconic” is being tossed around too liberally.  It should be saved for things that are truly iconic.

– What a sense of accomplishment it was to become Facebook friends with Lonie Glieberman this week.  He’ll forever go down as one of the greats in the wild and whacky history of the Canadian Football League.  Who ever thought a Mardi Gras beads promotion in Ottawa would be a bad idea??  For sure not Lonie.

If you haven’t already heard, The Riderville Radio Sitcom will premiere on 620 CKRM as part of the Riders’ regular game day broadcasts this season. Each half-hour episode will focus on a group of fans in and around a famous game in the Roughriders’ history. Think Corner Gas meets Bull Durham.

“The idea of tying actual moments in the Riders’ history to stuff we just fabricate, makes for
a special kind of comedy,” said series creator, Jarrett Rusnak. “After listening to the series’ demo, my friend joked that it could have been a documentary.”

Guest stars in the series include Lorne Cardinal (who played ‘Davis’ in Corner Gas), Geoff Currier, and some guy named Rod Pedersen. More announcements will be coming soon.

Rider fans have a unique opportunity to be part of the production. Nearly 60 characters will be created over 10 half-hour episodes, and fans can pay for the privilege of having some of these characters modelled after themselves (or someone they love).

“It’s a great way to honour a grandparent for an episode that takes place in 1948,” said Rusnak, “or you can put yourself in the stands for the 1966 Grey Cup.”

Visit for more information.

Instagram: ridervoice

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10 years ago

It's hilarious when people whine and complain about the Riders laying claim to the moniker of Canada's Team. They complain but yet don't do anything about it. We have the third strongest sports brand for a reason. If you're brand is better then prove it! Get behind your CFL teams and get everyone else in your city/province to do the same. I would LOVE to see every other CFL team have the exposure, brand strength and fan following that we have. Unfortunately there seems to be no help from the useless CFL marketing department but you know what I think… Read more »

10 years ago

Hey Rod,

I thought the slot machines were "tight" at Casino Regina and Las Vegas. But I think Tim Hortons has won this time. Looking forward to the Pats game tonight. Go Pats Go!

Garth – Canadian RV Mats

10 years ago

Roddy, don't agree there's a disconnect between Pats and their fans. We as fans need to understand this organization has changed forever. It changed the day we were introduced to new ownership. This is good for us all. In hindsight, I unfortunately became accustomed to never really expecting much to change year in and year out. Average crowds, average coaching staff (expect for Derkatch being shafted by the Parkers), nothing really spectacular overall and never really expected to win in playoffs. Price was cheap and I like seeing different teams come to Regina. Pats ownership have been making whopping changes… Read more »

10 years ago

I like the fact you are bringing in some baseball talk. But a good way for you to fit in more baseball talk during the CFL season is to maybe extend the sportscage a hour or better yet just get harvard to open a sports radio station broadcasting from Regina and Saskatoon. I think that would be a instant hit. I have buddy from Alberta that moved here recently and they say that is one thing Saskatchewan is missing. I hope we can have one someday.

Derrick from Drinkwater

10 years ago

Im 1 for 19 on Roll Up… not much better. But that girl won a Camry at the Tims I go to.

10 years ago

Thanks for the heads up Roddy, a good reason to turn on any other channel than Access.

10 years ago

I'm with Roddy! Arizona is the best! Plus you add in short, cheap flights to Vegas – can't beat that!

Rod in Saskatoon

10 years ago

Nope, just can't stand the way you call a game.


10 years ago
Reply to  Rod Pedersen

LMAO! Another dope sucker, huh Roddie!?

10 years ago

I'll be watching Rod, cause I have a sick kid and can't make the game live tonight.

10 years ago

Come on my buddies and I carry over the Rod Pedersen drinking game from the pub as we listen to the cage. When he calls on Access it just means the hang-overs are going to be that much worse tomorrow.

See you for RPDG at 4 boys!!

10 years ago

Im excited to see clint black tonight! Since they came out at the same time people used to confuse clint with Garth Brooks. In Garths book he says early in his career he was asked while on stage to play 'his' hit song killing time…. which he obliged to. I'm 0-0 on roll up the rim. But my tassimo makes a better, cheaper, healthier coffee each morning. I wish sportscage had more nfl content. There are lots of nfl fans in Saskatchewan. But that's why we have nfl radio on Sirius, and mad dogg too. Nothing on earth that will… Read more »

10 years ago

Great piece Roddy. You capture things about the Pats very well. In Kelowna where they have a history of winning they charge seniors around $400. In Calgary and Brandon where they also have a history of excellence and they charge seniors around $400 as well. And that's for any seat in any spot of the arena. It's therefore unconscionable to charge Regina seniors $520 on earlybird price. That's 30% higher than the winning franchises. It's also 63% higher (from $330) than those people were paying for this season and previous ones. Students are facing an even higher increase. The Parkers… Read more »

10 years ago

The long winded anon. poster complaining about Pats is obviously a senior. Leave already and I'll take your seats. I've been told I have to wait to get prime seats until after early bird deadline. There's 6 of us waiting for you to leave so we can start coming to games in good seats. We're younger and want your seats. Can wait for Paddock to coach World Junior team in 2 years. The kids coming to Regina to play are off the charts. Roddy needs to do more Pats games.

10 years ago

As a senior who attended town hall, I was embarrassed to have my fellow season ticket holder crying about medication. The supposition of whether to continue with the Pats or medicine is unfair. I spoke with owners after the town hall meeting and they seem to be nice young men. Price is fine if things continue to improve.

10 years ago

i for one am a fan that would love to buy some of those vacant good seats come pats renewal time. 500 dollars for 46 games sounds like a pretty good deal to me.

10 years ago

Hey Roddy,

Ever been to the Comedy Cellar located in Greenwich Village on Manhattan. Great spot, if you go back to New York book a show.


10 years ago

Well, the Pats ticket price jump has definitely hit a lot of people, including my family. As a current season ticket holder, I notice that there are a lot of kids, families, and hockey teams at the games each night. I'm not sure that is going to happen next year due to the cost of tickets. One of the nice things about past pricing was the ability to be able to purchase four seats for the season at an affordable price. After food, drinks, and apparel, that night out was definitely pricey, but worth it for both the game entertainment… Read more »