– The Roughriders added to their offensive arsenal on Thursday by adding five-year CFL veteran WR Cory Watson (pictured) from the Winnipeg Blue Bombers.  The move came as a bit of a surprise, initially because the Riders and Bombers aren’t historically trading partners.  The trade is being hailed as a “win-win” by both clubs because Saskatchewan added a third starting-calibre Canadian receiver (to go along with Chris Getzlaf and Rob Bagg) while Bomber GM Kyle Walters was ecstatic to move up 11 spots in the draft by swapping a third round pick for the Riders’ second.  They also see a big upside in receiver Kris Bastien, who Saskatchewan shipped to Winnipeg in the package.  Clearly, Bastien didn’t fit into the Riders’ plans.

– When breaking down the pregame match-ups before Roughrider-Bomber games over the past number of years, we always circled Watson as a threat.  In two games against Saskatchewan in 2014, Watson caught four passes for 47 yards but never found the endzone.  Watson comes to Saskatchewan with an injury-prone past (mostly hamstring issues) but he says he’s 100% and the Riders feel he’s just scratched the surface of his potential.  However Assistant GM Jeremy O’Day was quick to point out on Thursday that potential means nothing if the desired results are not achieved.  But 2015 could be a breakout season for Watson and all he may need is a change of scenery.

– We were tipped off prior to Thursday’s live interview with Watson on the SportsCage that he’s a shy type, and doesn’t relish the spotlight.  However he gave a thoughful 10-minute interview and said once the shock of the trade wears off, he’ll be ecstatic to be a part of the Rider Nation.  One of his comments which stuck out the most is that he’s glad to be “joining a winning organization”.  Unfortunately for Cory, he didn’t do a lot of winning while in the Manitoba capital.

– For some reason the quote from Andy Fantuz when he signed with Hamilton in 2012 popped into my mind during the interview.  Andy felt the Tiger-Cats were “closer to winning” at that time than Saskatchewan and that was one of the biggest reasons for the move.  That, of course, turned out not to be the case.  However Fantuz doesn’t seemingly regret fleeing Saskatchewan, although I’m told he felt a tinge of repentance while walking off the field after the 2013 Grey Cup.

– It took about eight minutes into Jeremy O’Day’s session with Regina reporters on Thursday for him to be asked about contract talks with pending free agent receiver Weston Dressler.  O’Day said the talks have “intensified” over the past couple of days and although they are progressing, no agreement has been reached.  Those close to Dressler feel he’ll get much closer to the February 10 free agent deadline before making his final decision.  He’ll see what he’s worth on the open market and then try to pry that out of the Roughriders.  However in the end, most everyone agrees he’ll be back in Green & White in 2015 and beyond.  For instance, why would he have been in meetings with Darian Durant and new O.C. Jacques Chapdelaine if he didn’t plan on being part of the plans?  My conclusion is that he signed back here once (last year) and there’s no reason to think he won’t do it again.

– Nice work by the Leader Post’s Murray McCormick who uncovered the scoop that Mike Sinclair is expected to be announced as the Riders’ Defensive Line coach when Corey Chamblin’s staff is unveiled next month.  That will be a popular move amongst the players.  Who else will be on the staff?  I’m not touching that one with a ten foot pole.  I’ve learned breaking those stories causes a lot of problems.

– CKRM football analyst Luc Mullinder broke the story one week ago (has it already been a week?) that the Riders have come to terms with non-import kicker Hugh O’Neill who was recently cut by Edmonton.  Rider GM Brendan Taman confirmed on Monday that the club “has interest” in O’Neill, but did not confirm anything’s been signed.

– I was reminded again this week how massive the Roughriders have become despite the distasteful second half of 2014 and the stunted playoff run.  While paying for some items at the 7-11 at the corner of Pasqua St. and 13th Avenue on Wednesday, the nice Filipino lady behind the counter said to me dejectedly, “I’m really going to miss Mr. Foley!  He was in here all the time and he’s such a nice guy!”  It used to be the “new Reginans” in these places didn’t know a Roughrider from a Rough Rider but now they’re all on board.  Now go buy tickets!

– These recent Rider transactions seem to have quelled the negativity around the team this off-season, which I never understood in the first place.  In two quick years Ricky Foley became a fan favourite and the angst over his departure is understandable but the Rider Nation quickly came to realize what’s coming the other way in Shea Emry.  But the uproar amongst the fans seemed to stem from Corey Chamblin’s decision to replace coordinators George Cortez and Richie Hall with Jacques Chapdelaine and Greg Quick.  The head-scratcher to me is that by the end of September last year, most of these people wanted those guys gone!  Such is life in the Rider Nation.

– Who’s excited for Super Bowl?  If it wasn’t for the Jon Ryan-connection around here, there might be far less hype for Sunday’s Seattle-New England match-up in Arizona.  Even at that, one SportsCage listener pointed out on Thursday that you have to look far and wide to see a #9 RYAN Seahawks jersey in these parts.  That’s odd to me.  Jon Ryan could walk into a Regina restaurant and not be hassled however to this day when Jason Clermont walks in for lunch, the whole place freezes.  CFL is, and always will be, king around here.

– As for Sunday’s game, I’ll be pulling for Seattle due to Jon Ryan.  But it’s pointless to pick a winner, since the point spread is only one point in favour of the Patriots.  And whenever I hear the term “Pats” around here, I still think of our junior hockey team even though this past while it’s been in reference to the Patriots.

– Marshawn Lynch doesn’t want to make you want to cheer for Seattle.  However the Patriots have their share of punks too, beginning in their backfield.

– Interesting watching James Duthie host TSN’s Super Bowl coverage from Glendale, AZ.  As always he does a great job but he seems more of a fit hosting World Junior Hockey coverage or Insider Trading.  Where’s Rod Smith?

– The results are in – and as expected – Regina remains an Oilers town.  However the gap is dwindling.  In an online poll on this blog over the past 10 days, the Edmonton Oilers won out as the Queen City’s NHL team.  Here are the results:

Edmonton 27%
Montreal 15%
Calgary 13%
Winnipeg 10%
Toronto 10%
Vancouver 5%
Other 16%

It’s no shock.  The 30-45 crowd loves the Oilers from their glory days while the 45+ crowd is still in love with the Canadiens and it may stem from their affiliation with the Regina Pats going back to the 1960’s and before.  However a few short years ago the Oilers won the poll with close to 70% of the vote.  The question now is: who is the 18-30 crowd pulling for in this town?

– Good grief there are a lot of bad teams in the NHL this season.  Edmonton, Toronto, Buffalo, Carolina, take your pick.  There’s a huge separation between the wheat and the chaff this year.

– The Martin Brodeur situation in the NHL seems almost exactly the same as the end of Geroy Simon’s career.  The Devils thought Brodeur was done after 22 seasons, so they put him out to pasture.  Brodeur didn’t think his career was over so he signed with St. Louis.  That experiment lasted six games and he promptly retired to join the Blues’ front office.  That one has everyone in the NHL scratching their heads because you’d think Brodeur would have ended up working for the Devils.  However you’d have to think Brodeur was so hurt by New Jersey, that he wants nothing to do with them.

It’s not exactly the same as Geroy, but close.  The only difference is Simon proved to be productive in his final CFL season with the Riders.

That got us to thinking on the SportsCage Thursday … Luc Mullinder said “Father Time is undefeated” when it comes time for players to hang it up.  However, upon further review, Jason Clermont is an example of a guy who proved a team wrong when they thought his career was over (see: B.C. Lions).  Any others come to mind?

– Thursday night’s San-Jose/Anaheim game on NBCSN seemed to be a battle of some of the NHL’s nicest jerseys (the Sharks’ blacks) versus some of the NHL’s worst (Anaheim’s black, orange and white).  The Ducks look like they’re sponsored by Cabella’s of Elmer Fudd!  Please go back to the purple.

– Great to see the Lethbridge Hurricanes honouring former Regina Pats captain Rick Rypien with “Ricky Ryp Night” when the ‘Canes host the Pats Saturday night.  Rick, a product of nearby Crowsnest Pass, AB, died in 2011 at the age of 27.  The Ricky Ryp Foundation was founded by Rick’s brother Wes Jr. for the sole purpose of continuing Rick’s legacy through charitable works.  He was one of the greatest Pats captains ever and that loss is still very tough to swallow.

– Happy birthday today to Regina Pats alum Rob Tudor (Dysart, SK), 1972-76.  Memorial Cup champion.

– The U of R Cougar Mens Hockey Team closes out its season tonight with a home date against the Calgary Dinos at the Cooperators Arena.  We’ll be in attendance and the only question I have is, with Dick White having retired as U of R A.D., will they finally open the blinds so we can watch from the lounge???????  Dick and I argued over that point until we were both blue in the face.  Faceoff Friday night is 7:00.

– For some Rider talk, tune into Global’s Morning News Friday at 7:15 am.  I’ll be on the air with Global’s Taylor Shire talking about the Cory Watson trade and the future of Weston Dressler.   And of course Scott Schultz and I will have Four Seasons Football Friday in the SportsCage on 620 CKRM at 4:00 pm Friday.

– And don’t forget to come out to the SportsCage Bud Light Super Bowl XLIX Party at the Four Seasons Sunday afternoon!

Instagram: ridervoice

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The Woz
9 years ago

Rod the two uproars were by different people. The people who wanted the coordinatos gone in the summer in the middle of the season are are vocal negative minority of fan who have questionable foitball knowledge when they ask to torch two of the most respected coaches in the league in the middle of a campaign – the same two that were instrumental to winning a cup ten months earlier. The recent upriar was by the normally silent majority who see us losing two good coaches to be replaced by jacques who pales in comparison to cortez and some no… Read more »

9 years ago

Really? Your the only one I've ever seen who prefers the ducks purple & teal over the orange & black. I hope Seahawks destroy those cheaters on Sunday. FinsUp

9 years ago

why the heck would the riders want hugh o neill he is horrible but i guess his passport makes that ok

9 years ago

Gordie Howe had some productive seasons after Detroit thought he was done.

9 years ago

i hope the patriots destroy fat goof lynch,bigmouth sherman,and the rest of the seahawks sunday.

9 years ago

Lot of Sask NFL fans favor the Denver Broncos but will cheer heartily for the Seahawks to beat the cheaters.

9 years ago

A few things: 1) Martin Brodeur whether he was done or not in New Jersey that organization needed to move on. They couldn't have him as a backup because it undermines the new guy. On a lesser scale this happened in Toronto years back. You can't transistion the team to Mats Sundin with Doug Gilmour or Wendel Clark in the room. He was what they thought and he's now in St. Louis. The most successful screw you I have witnessed was Bryan Trottier going the Penguins. The Islanders thought he was done, and 2 years in Pittsburgh and 2 Cups… Read more »

9 years ago

Just so i am clear Woz, you aren't including yourself as "vocal negative minority of fans who have questionable football knowledge"

9 years ago

Not sure how the Lions were wrong about Clermont. Besides a TD that knocked the Lions out of the playoffs, he rarely saw the ball or the field on his return to Saskatchewan.

9 years ago

What Woz doesn't know could fill a book. He's like the mental patient that doesn't know he's a mental patient.

9 years ago

Ding ding ding … Agreed with one point from Doomsday Obama. #2

9 years ago

always a good read. you put lots of effort into this Rod. Disagree about James Duthie vs Rod Smith though. Duthie is top tier, smooth and has interesting observations, good humor. He sets up the analysts well. Rod Smith other than having a good voice is very boring. He states the obvious and has little humor or insight. He's like a guy who reads a teleprompter well, but isn't witty or quick thinking on his feet. I found the CFL on TSN telecast much worse with him than Dave Randorf who had better chemistry with the analysts. Hoping TSN tries… Read more »

9 years ago

problem was Jason lost 3-4 steps,and wally knew it! as did geroy,however he catches 2 td's in grey cup and is glorified! my grandma could have played receiver in that game and riders wouldn't have missed a beat!! men vs boys in that game! is there a bigger joke than Sherman in football? I think not….his media interviews speak for themselves and his actions @ end of nfc game were ridiculous! his arm was falling off but i'll bet if ball were in his vicinity he'd b a quick heal! it's all about me(Sherman lewass!)!!

9 years ago

It doesn't matter if Jason lost a step or didn't. Wally has always prescribed to the theory guys are let go a year before they expire and if he can get younger he does. He let Clermont, Benefield and Simon expire on the Roughriders payroll.

9 years ago

Nothing about your boy Fiacco leaving his second high level position since leaving the cozy Mayor's chair?

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

his new boy is fougere or fougie as he likes to call him, gag.

9 years ago

I think I may need help- I agree totally with what Obama said!!

9 years ago

Geroy was worth every penny we gave him. It's called leadership!!

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

And blocking


9 years ago

Obama and his buddies Larry and Link are probably grinning. All of the labour legislation the SaskParty implemented was thrown out today. The focal point of their entire election platform was overturned. I shudder to think what is going to happen when these public service and trades contracts come due now. They poked the bear and he woke up.