Here’s the initial report from Saskatoon for the Monday Morning Goalie on Day 1 of Roughriders Training Camp at Griffith’s Stadium:

– The morning period on Sunday was a get-acquainted session.  The players were reportedly on the field by 8:15 am although I didn’t make it up to the Bridge City until 9:00 am.  I drove through a driving rain for much of the trip up from Regina but by about Bladworth, SK the rain subsided.  However the morning workout was held under gray skies and cool temperatures.

– I didn’t take many notes from the first workout however the players and coaches did meet with the media for their only interview session of the day.  The quotes from head coach Corey Chamblin and GM Brendan Taman are contained in a blog post a few down from this one.

Quarterback Darian Durant admitted there’s a different vibe in this camp from last year and a lot of that has to do with the youth on the roster.  However they’re energetic and excited and it’s up to the veterans to lead the way for “the young ‘uns”.  Veteran defensive end Ricky Foley said they’re “super-motivated” to do something that’s never before happened in Saskatchewan: repeat as Grey Cup champions.

– I counted 26 media personnel on hand for the morning workout.  Unbelievable!  In the 90’s you could count the reporters on one hand.

– The afternoon practice began at 3:00 pm and it was mainly sunny, 18 degrees Celsius with an east wind at 19 km/h.

– The wind aided punter Brett Cameron who boomed a 55-yard punt that hit the right upright with 15 yards to spare in warm-ups.

– CFL legend Dave Ritchie is a guest coach and is making the rounds in a golf cart.  “You’ve gotta interview him,” quipped GM Brendan Taman whose parents were on hand for the day.

– The shortest player in camp is running back Matt Brown who checks in at 5’5″.

– Brown is also the lightest player at 165 lbs.

– The tallest player is OT Devin Tyler at 6’8″ while OT Levy Adcock is the heaviest at 320 lbs.

– Some of the veterans talked about wearing black armbands to display union solidarity while the CFL and CFLPA work out their labour gripes.  However not all players had them on.

– RB Neal Hughes is in his 11th training camp with the Riders however he missed the afternoon workout with a foot injury.  Born in 1980, Hughes is now the oldest player on the Roughriders after the retirements of Mike McCullough and Geroy Simon.

– Brendan Taman confirmed after the morning workout that Simon’s career is “finished” however there has been no official announcement of a retirement.  Corey Chamblin said that will have to come from Geroy himself.

– It would appear the quarterback depth chart looks like this: #4 Darian Durant, #8 Tino Sunseri, #5 Adam Weber, #7 Seth Doege and #0 Brandon Leyh.

– The first pass of the team session (12 on 12) was intercepted by veteran DB Terrell Maze.  QB Darian Durant motioned that it was tipped.

– They ran a lot of two-back stuff on Day 1 and the starting four receivers were Rob Bagg, Taj Smith, Chris Getzlaf and Chaz Schilens.  In the backfield were Jermaine Thomas and Scott McHenry.  The #1 offensive line, as you would expect, were:

– The #1 defensive group was:

– Back-up centre Corey Watman fired a snap over quarterback Adam Weber’s head, which prompted Weber to drop and do 10 push-ups.

– Rookie receiver Brett Swain is wearing #16 and while I didn’t notice him in the first workout, he worked his way into the top group in the afternoon when they went to a 5-R package.

– Darian Durant’s favourite target in the early going was veteran WR Taj Smith.  However in my estimation WR Rob Bagg was the top receiver of the day earning plaudits from Chamblin who yelled, “Good job Bagg!”  He out-fought CB Paul Woldu for the ball which caught Chamblin’s attention.

– There was evidence of off-season corrosion.  Rider Hall of Famer Wayne Shaw was in the crowd and chirped, “They look a little rusty!” as I walked past.

– A veteran starter on defense went down with a mild injury and as I raised my camera, Dwight Anderson yelled, “Man don’t take a picture of that!”  So I didn’t.

– In the second team period Brett Swain dropped a pass which prompted Anderson to turn to the crowd and yell, “I can’t hear you!”  A fan yelled back, “He dropped the ball!”  D.A. spends as much time playing to the fans as he does paying attention to what’s going on on the field.  We’re used to it by now and he’s still the best.

– The young age of the roster was on display by the fact a lot weren’t sprinting between plays and drills.  An offensive guest coach yelled, “Stop walking around!  Let’s go!”   They’ll get it soon.

– The defense is incredibly aggressive.  Rookie linebacker Donnie Fletcher stripped receiver Jade Etienne of the ball on one play.  Etienne, a Regina product and Huskie grad, came over from the Blue Bombers in the Drew Willy trade.

– Rookie Ryan Smith is wearing #2 and he’s the one we tabbed as “the next Weston Dressler”.  Darian Durant smiled, “Not yet”, and Smith was used only sparingly on Day 1.

– Macho Harris had a nice knockdown on a deep pass intended for Taj Smith.  He looks to be in 100% condition.

Our table at Friday’s ring ceremony.  From left: Mrs. SportsCage, Cindy, Carm, Dan Farthing, Sue-Anne Farthing and Terry Ennis (Gainer the Gopher).

A photo of the Riders’ Grey Cup rings…

The Getzlaf’s, Milo’s and Dressler’s….

Gord and Twyla West….

Chris and Cara from the Riders..

A photo of the room…

Chairman Roger Brandvold and VP of Sales/Marketing Steve Mazurak…

Rod and Carm…



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10 years ago

Don't be intimidated by Anderson, take all the pictures you want, the more the better. Your "The Voice and eyes" for the fanbase who obviously can't be there. Thanks to your blog site RP, through you we get some insight into the training camp experience 2014, let's play ball.

Thanks !

10 years ago

Saskatoon may Shine
Regina's got Vag.*.*.*

10 years ago

Give me a break. Do you think for a second that Rod was intimidated by DA? Or that DA was trying to intimidate Rod? You're probably one of those people who still want to see him railroaded out of town despite the fact that he's the best.

Thanks for the updates Rod, keep em coming!

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

railroaded out of town for what?Anderson one of the best players at his position in the league, get a grip MONDAY MORNING GOALIE a**clown ! Don't try and assume other's thought or opinion. More training camp pictures please Mr Pedersen plus associated story lines. Thanks, your blog site much appreciated.

10 years ago

The best thing about the Saskatchewan Roughriders 2013 Grey Cup rings is the fact the Ti-Cats name emblazoned on them forever.

Oskee Wee Wee,
Oskee Waa Waa,
EAT'em RAW 2014 !

10 years ago

God bless the Riders, because that's the only time I'll ever get see the word "Ti-Cats" on a Grey Cup ring.
Hamilton fan.

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

God bless the Riders, because that's the last and only time they will get to see a Grey Cup ring.
Hamilton fan.

10 years ago

Rod you are a great sports broadcaster but your political opinion is almost always 'off'. Ralph Klein being one of the most popular Premier's ever? Really!!! That's like saying that PM Harper is one of the best ever. Both are highly popular in Alberta and totally support big business over everything else. The problem with your short sighted comment Rod is that, for example, PM Harper was elected with 35% of the vote, and maintains about 30% of the popular vote. Put another way, right now over 70% of Canadians would vote for another party other than Harper. Your conservative… Read more »

10 years ago

Is that Prez Obama's likeness on Saskatchewan Roughriders gc rings? They got the ears correct.

10 years ago

Wowsers, Weston sure did allright!
What a looker.

Mike from Vita, MB
Mike from Vita, MB
10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous


10 years ago

Will "I'm Geroy" retire in a BC Lions jersey? It would only be proper, but thats up to him.

10 years ago

Nice rings. Really classy.

Geroy will probably sign with BC to retire. I'm OK with that – he helped bring the cup home in 2013.

Newt from YQR

10 years ago

Should only be players and staff that directly work with the on field activities on game day that get rings.
Players, coaches, trainers.
Office staff get a ring? Give your head a shake.

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Agreed, handing them out like handshakes

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Another example of excessive over expenditure by executive team decision, and then clubs/others have the gall to bitch about the the players and their CBA demands. The players put in the sweat equity while being the on field product the public gets to enjoy/support.

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

One straight across the board CFL team salary cap for all, including executive's coaching staff etc ….

Freckles Clackston

10 years ago

Office staff and other staff members not directly involved with the on field product getting rings diminishes the hard work the players and training staff who actually earned the ring.

10 years ago

Where is the 13th man rings? Deserve them just as much as I'd say

10 years ago

And the 14th man, Obama deserves one as well. We all know he cheers the loudest at the 2 games a year he scores free tickets to.

10 years ago

You all are a bunch of Sideline Haters. You pretend to be for the Riders, and for Rod but secretly hope they don't do well. A few things: 1) Did you listen to the show Friday? Rod, Mullinder, and Pete were talking about Labour, and Pete mentioned to Mullinder Ralph Klein was no fan of labour. Rod flat out admitted he follows polictics on a cursory level, but doesn't delve into the details. Ralph Klein was extremely popular in Albert…..while things were going well. When their economy dipped the short comings in his lack of planning, infastructure development, and long… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Nice try cupcake!
Y'er welcome!

10 years ago

….I also just want to preface my comments that Brad Wall and the SaskParty are not so much anti-labour per se. They are for sale so if you own a corporation or business then he's more their friend if you catch that flow. No, he and his party are not anti-labour. They are anti-working family, anti-middle class, and they want a class system where the rich get richer, the poor stay poorer, and the middle class working people know to shut up if they want to keep their job to pay the higher cost of living which is now associated… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Grey Cup rings for everyone, including wannabe Wall, after all he helped celebrate victory in the dressing room. Rider Grey Cup replica rings available for $ale soon at a Riders store near you.

10 years ago

@Sk.Obama know across Canada as that nut-bar from Saskatchewan. He's really making this province look bad on social media.

10 years ago

I checked what Obama wrote last week about how this new labour legislation effects the Riders. It's true! There is a special exemption in the highlights under Professional Athlete. It essentially strips professional athletes of the labour standards of a work place.

10 years ago

If the Riders, or any other sports organization, chooses to acknowledge the contributions of the "office staff", then good on them, as it is their right to do so. Saying that it diminishes the accomplishments of the players, coaches and trainers is flat out offensive to the dozens of men and women who also work very hard to make the Riders the class organization that we all get to enjoy. That fantastic game day presentation, website, store inventory, etc. doesn't just magically happen. People put in long hours, hard days, miss summer family events, so that we can enjoy being… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  SAD

What if other teams had better game day presentations, website, store inventory, etc, etc. Would they have won the Grey Cup? Of course not. The championship is won on the field not on a website. Lots of people put in long days but that doesn't win a Grey Cup.
What wins Grey Cups is excellence on the field. That is why only Players, Coaches, and Trainers should get the rings.

10 years ago

I am looking forward to another exciting year of gridiron football this year,hoping for a repeat championship run.I am not looking forward to anything that comment wise that ends in Y,er Welcome,Obama.