By: Rod Pedersen

It was …
simply put … the worst-case scenario.

Heading into a
Week 4 bye and facing the prospect of two full weeks between games, the
Saskatchewan Roughriders suffered a second consecutive double digit loss on
Saturday, falling 26-13 to the BC Lions under the lights at Mosaic Stadium.

Exactly one week
before, the Riders got smoked 48-15 in Toronto and now here they sit in the
CFL’s West Division basement at 1-2 with alarm bells ringing across the Wheat

But, but, but – they’re
the Grey Cup champs!

No they’re
not.  Not by a long shot.  And they’ve got a long ways to go to even be
mentioned in the same sentence as the “G” word as it stands right now.

“It’s a
disgusting feeling in our mouths.  It’s
embarrassing.  It’s awful,” huffed Rider
lineman Brendon Labatte on 620 CKRM’s postgame show.  “It’s unacceptable and we’ve got changes to
make and we need to make them right away.”

Dear Lord.  It’s been a very long time since I’ve heard
those types of strong words made in connection to the Saskatchewan
Roughriders.  A decade ago perhaps?  When Brendon was graduating from Weyburn
Comprehensive High School?

unfortunately you can’t argue with him. 
For the second straight week the Riders came out flat in pretty much all

After a 58-yard touchdown run by
BC running back Andrew Harris in the second quarter Saturday night, Riders head
coach Corey Chamblin tore a strip off his players on the sidelines and was
heard to yell, “Make a #%*$’ing play!”

The tirade
brought a rousing ovation from the Rider fans sitting behind the team’s
bench.  And it sparked the team briefly
as they went up 13-11 in that second quarter however a fumble by running back
Hugh Charles was quickly turned into a Lions’ field goal on the final play of
the first half giving the visitors a 14-13 lead at the break.

The Riders would
not score another point the rest of the game. 
And Hugh Charles wouldn’t see the field again, as he was replaced by
Anthony Allen.  Charles was starting in
place of Allen, who was benched the week before in Toronto for fumblitis.

Every time the
Riders got some momentum going in the second half against BC, they’d shoot
themselves in the foot.  A dropped pass,
a penalty.  You name it.

Who are these

“We’re not
playing team ball,” explained Chamblin after the game.  “It’s not a talent issue.  Talent doesn’t win or lose you a game.  It’s playing together as a team and right now
we’re not.  We will get better, I just
don’t know how long it will take.”

That’s what
you’re going to hear over the next little while; that the Riders can’t overcome
the loss of franchise stars like Kory Sheets, Weston Dressler, Geroy Simon,
etc., who were all key parts of the championship team in 2013.  At least, that’s what I heard on the ramps
exiting Mosaic Stadium right after the game the other night.  It didn’t take long.

However I’m not
sure I believe it, nor do the Riders.

“The easiest
scapegoat to make is that it’s personnel or we’re missing veteran guys,”
Labatte continued.  “It’s a bad feeling
right now.  We’re not selling out each
and every play 100%.  If you’re trying to
go 95% against good quality opponents, you can’t expect to have success.”

You can see it right
before your eyes.  The Riders are in
position to make plays, but they’re just not making them.  They seem to be lacking focus and for
whatever reason, the magic is gone.

Perhaps it’s
only temporary and everyone around here has their fingers crossed that’s the
case, but it’s a long road back from the bottom.

It’s still
early.  It truly is.  And while they’re popping champagne in
Edmonton and Winnipeg due to their 3-0 starts (and good for them by the way),
here in Regina the coaches are proving their mettle as they try to pull this
thing out of the ditch.

Sit tight and
enjoy the bumpy ride.  No one said it’s
going to come easy.

“We have a lot of
things that need to be fixed,” Chamblin concluded.  “I’m encouraged that it’s still early and
there’s time to work these
things out.”


Sunday was a day of “rest” and we headed out to the Craven Country Jamboree.  It was a long day, beginning at noon with Glen Lipsett’s Boy$, Bull$ and Buck$, the world’s richest junior boys steer-riding event.  Here are some photos of the sold out event…

It went to a buck off, and here they draw their bulls from my buddy Glen Lipsett’s hat..

Pro bull rider Aaron Roy was a judge as he continues to recover from the broken back and jaw suffered at last year’s Calgary Stampede…

Then we ventured out to main street to see what was doing…

The water was high!  Next we headed out to the campground…

Some people don’t like Craven.  I can see why!!

And that’s it for another year of the Craven Country Jamboree.  As always, it was a great time…


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10 years ago

In the Q2, we were inside the 10 yd.Line twice and we throw the ball deep into the EZ??? No running game? Ended up with 2 FG instead of 2 TD's. That is 8 point differential plus the gift FG at yhe end of the half – another 3 points = 11 points. Even though the Riders stunk out the joint on Saturday night, they had a legit shot at winning that game.

10 years ago

After being at the game and seeing how bad the team was I watched it on tape. They are not THAT bad. Watching with less emotion/expectations I could see potential and (yes) some holes. But that game could/should have been theirs. I don't recall a game where errors/penalties/etc all happened at the worst time. By the second half it impacted attitude and immaturity showed. We lost top vets folks and rhetoric about 'everyone is replaceable' is only true in the long run. Adjust expectations everyone and enjoy watching guys develop even while losing games. And look for team chemistry to… Read more »

10 years ago

Charles. Riley. Green. buh bye. Guyton, short leash. get 2 new linebackers. they'll be fine after that. those 4 guys cost a least 15 points. need a run stopping LB no coincidence teams can run at will on right now. welcome to down 2 weeks.

10 years ago

yeah just go out back and pluck a couple of linebackers off the tree and we will be good to go.

Handy Andy
Handy Andy
10 years ago

The Riders are not far away from what they need to be. There were a few key plays in the game that did not go their way and that was the difference. No panic, Rider Nation! BTW, coaches should take some of the rap … 1st and goal from the 3 and we pass twice?? And we should have known to key on 33 Harris because their OL is weak. Glenn was not going to sit in the pocket and pass all day. Good time for a week off. Getting Getz back will help for sure!

10 years ago

I thought there would be some rough patches this year with the loss of so many play makers. I didn't see the wheels falling off the wagon as it has. Football is an emotional game so I did not watch it again with less emotion because what I watched the 1st time was a hot mess. I'm sorry but Eron Reily is a bum. The guy can't catch in a game setting. He's another Terrance Nunn. Charles has always had an issue of holding onto the ball. I'm sorry but the players that have been brought in are not even… Read more »

10 years ago

The only good news that we can savour is the announcement of the Regina Pats Coaching Staff this week.

Bring it on new Ownership!


10 years ago

Instead of giving the players a week off, maybe they should try practicing tackling and catching the ball followed by a nice session on stupid penalties,how to avoid. Finally how to match up play calling with current players abilities.

10 years ago

After watching the protection(?) for DD I finally realized why they kept Cates as long as they did. And why yards gained/average is not the whole picture.

10 years ago

The we lost players excuse is not valid. Every team has a GM and its the GM and scouting staffs job to replace the players. If the GM spent too much last year and has no budget for this season, that's on the GM. We loose vets and replace with raw rookies who need time to gel. That is Mr. Tamans fault. Jerome Messam was available all off season and we bring him in week two. Yes Hughes got hurt but when has Hughes been a breakaway player? The whole province knew we were weak in the RB position. Where's… Read more »

10 years ago

Riders DT’s aren’t physical enough in the run game, so you can’t tell whether or not the LB’ers are doing their job. DB’s are afraid to hit/tackle someone RB’s fumble and can’t block Receivers have to catch the ball O-line have become turnstiles, whether that’s defenses scheming against the Riders blocking scheme or just lack of effort and focus? (why did the Riders have trouble with the same overload blitz schemes against TO and BC?) DD has been locking onto receivers, not a sign that a second year in Cortez’s system has helped him. Willy has a new system and… Read more »

10 years ago

If you can’t find a RB, you aren’t looking!

10 years ago

Taman has found Toston, Allen and before that he found Sheets. I think he's doing OK in that regard.

Rod, why isn't Toston getting a shot?

10 years ago


With our "resources", we should have had 3 or 4 KILLERS in camp competing for that spot.

(And, yes, I know they don't grow on trees. Trade for one. Give up something. Spend some money there and make a decision somewhere else. It's THAT important.)

But, we go into the season with DBs and undersized/inexperienced LBs playing out of position.

Our guys are decent support. But, it's brutally obvious we need a leader out there.


10 years ago

Is that Mrs. Sportscage lying on the bench? Did she have too much Craven? Who doesn't love Lululemon pants!!! YEEE-HAWWWWWW!!!!

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Mrs Spongecake? lying on a bench with Lululemon? Please help, I don't have my reading glasses on.

10 years ago

Rod; During the pregame show you told how all of the football people were rolling their eyes over the signing of Hugh Charles. Then you tried to defend the move, it must be horrible wearing that muzzle. I really do wish that Rider management would allow you the voice of the team to be realistic and truthful instead of just a cheerleader after all Gregg Zaun hasn't lost his job for being critical of the Bluejays.

Old Cuss

10 years ago

Really Roddy? A decade since things were this bad? Do you not remember the 2011 season?

10 years ago

I'm not big on bringing in other teams cuts. However if our coaching staff dosent have any confidence in who we presently have. Then maybe they should bring in recently released Winnipeg RB Ford. He had a great 2013 but lost his starting position through injury and the great play of Grigsby. Again we don't seem to have what they are looking for. So release one of the 4 and see if Ford is any better. Also find some receivers that can catch. That was am embarrassing display Saturday night. I've watched high school football games where receivers make those… Read more »

10 years ago

A bit pervy on some of those pics! Guess that's why I look at

10 years ago

Full figured woman in the Barny color pants and bra, hot !