A Picture Says A Thousand Words


1 – THAT WAS FUN!:  Sunday, June 29/2014 is a day we won’t soon forget.  I never heard how much rainfall we experienced in southern Saskatchewan over the last 24 hours but it was immense.  And intense.  Hands up – how many people thought the driving, powerful rains were going to force the game to be delayed or postponed?  I did.

But the game of football goes on rain or shine and what a contrast it was on Sunday when the Saskatchewan Roughriders eventually trampled the Hamilton Tiger-Cats 31-10 to open the 2014 CFL season.  The Riders mauled dejected Ticats quarterback Zach Collaros (pictured above) an astounding 10 times and left the Tabbies leaving the stadium licking their wounds.  They looked completely bewildered by the wretched conditions while the Riders looked like they were playing inside a dome, totally unaffected by the wind and rain.  I wish.

What a dominant performance by Chamblin’s Charges, most notably rookie tailback Anthony Allen who rushed for 156 yards and scored a touchdown receiving and rushing in his CFL debut.  The Riders predicted they’d be very good this year, and we’ve been discussing that all spring long, but who could have expected a waxing like that?  And I can’t say as I feel sorry for the Ticats either.  I remember going into Ivor Wynne Stadium and losing 62-7 in 1999 when Hamilton was at the top of their cycle, on the way to winning a Grey Cup.

The shoe is on the other foot now and the Riders continue to be the CFL’s juggernaut.

2 – WHOA, WHOA, WHOA: People are getting on me saying I’ll be scorning the Rider Nation due to the fact only 19,000+ showed up for Sunday’s game.  I was getting a bunch of blowback on Twitter all weekend.  Excuse me?  Sorry, but I didn’t say squat about it all week long about poor ticket sales.  In fact on Friday’s SportsCage, I said I don’t have it in me to argue over this stuff anymore.  I’m not begging people to buy tickets or to go to games any longer.  What I did say was that Rider fans had better look over their shoulder because their title of “World’s Best Fans” is being challenged by the province next door, and fans of the Winnipeg Jets and Blue Bombers.  They haven’t won diddly yet their fans are still the loudest in North America.

But as far as Rider fans go, do what you want.  I think the fact all games are on television has softened the hearty people of this province.  To the 19,000+ who were on hand on Sunday, take a bow.  They witnessed a heckuva football game.  My brother and his daughter held in till halftime but couldn’t take the downpour any longer.  I told him he should be commended for coming at all.

Tell us your rain game stories in the comments section please.

Which reminds me — a lady wrote into the SportsCage on Thursday and dryly asked, “How many tickets does your family pay for?”  Well I bought a pair of season tickets for Mrs. SportsCage this year, my one brother has a pair while the other brother has a single and goes with friends, and my Mom has a season ticket and goes alone.  My Dad prefers to stay at home and watch on TV while listening to me on the radio. That’s a total of six seasons in our family.

Peter King with Carm and me

3 – MMG MEETS THE MMQB:  Well, it happened.  The king of NFL reporters, Peter King of Sports Illustrated and NBC’s Football Night in America, made a pilgrimage to Mosaic Stadium and stopped by our broadcast booth on Sunday.

It was, in a word, magical.  There’s no doubt I’ve likely made too much of this but when you consider his Monday Morning Quarterback column is read by 8-million people and he has 1.3-million Twitter followers, you have to realize he’s a pretty big deal.  He has a sort of Bob Hughes-style of writing that really draws you in and makes you feel like you’re reading something you can’t get anywhere else.  If you don’t know who he is, that doesn’t bother me.  But he’s a legend to this kid.  Luc Mullinder said he’d be more excited to meet Reggie White, which makes sense.

But it was awesome to hear King’s stories on 620 CKRM’s pregame show where he recounted driving from Calgary to Regina with an overnight stop in Medicine Hat.  He thinks it’s beautiful along that drive, and couldn’t believe how green it is.  He also couldn’t believe the lineup at Moose Jaw’s Tim Hortons on Thatcher Drive, but nobody ever can.  King said he would have preferred to have gone to a Starbucks, but no one was on hand to tell him he could have found one in the Moose Jaw Safeway.

Regardless, P.K. described Rider fans as “nutty” and that their love for their team is more intense “in its own way” than the love of the Green Bay Packers from their fans.  That was astounding and I don’t think he was playing to the crowd.  I also don’t know why we are always looking for approval or legitimacy from our American football friends but that’s the way it will always likely be.

And then come the third quarter, I got word Peter King would be popping by our booth shortly after he visits the TSN broadcast booth.  I was ready, having written my questions on the corner of my depth chart in case I got so excited I blacked out momentarily (that actually happens).  When he came into the booth, it was like the arrival of Santa Claus.  He’s a fairly big man, but has lost weight as he gets older (Wikipedia has him at 57 years of age).

As he popped the headset on, I found him to be a very warm, accommodating man.  He had the twangy accent consistent of someone who was raised in Massachussetts but lives in New York City.  He mentioned that the two CFL games he witnessed this weekend perhaps weren’t the best football this league has to offer but, “These types of games happen all the time”.  He said he hadn’t been at a rain game like Sunday’s since 1984 in Cincinnati.  However all in all he left with a great appreciation for the Canadian game, and marvelled at how our players play simply for “The Love of the Game”.  He was also quick to note that the skill level is incredibly close to that of the NFL.  We’ve known that for years.

Photo credit: Medicine Hat News

To read about Peter’s CFL experience, click here:

Thank you Peter!  There’s a screenshot to the right.

4 – WEEK 1 THOUGHTS:  The West Division teams (almost) all won while the East Division teams all lost, although Ottawa had the bye … Even Winnipeg had to be surprised at how the Blue Bombers eviscerated the Toronto Argonauts 45-21 in the 2014 CFL lid-lifter on Thursday.  It could have been worse had it not been for two kick return touchdowns by the Argos.  They’re bouncing off the walls in the Manitoba capital and annointing Drew Willy as the “next Dieter Brock” because of the four touchdown passes in his Bomber debut and good for him.  He’s a franchise player and it’s nice to see Winnipeg snap out of its doldrums, even if it’s only momentary … Calgary’s 29-8 blowout of Montreal was just an eyesore.  Plain and simple.  Kudos to the Stampeders for being ready to go but the Alouettes are just downright awful and it doesn’t look like it’ll change anytime soon.  Is quarterback Troy Smith just going to throw deep all day and hope for the best?  And the clothesline on Jon Cornish by Montreal’s Kyries Hebert was just stomach-turning … Finally Edmonton’s 27-20 win over B.C. in Vancouver on Saturday evening was just a real thriller.  We were at a barbecue but we all came inside to watch the fourth quarter because it was going down to the wire.  Hands up – who had faith that Kevin Glenn was going to rally the Lions on a pair of last minute drives?  They ended up with a pick, and then a fumble, to snuff out any chance at winning.  But the Eskimos looked real good and it appears we’ll have a very interesting race in the West.

5 – MORE RANDOM NOTES TO CLOSE: Ticats WR Cary Koch has to wear #86 this year because his regular #84 is occupied by veteran Hamilton receiver Bakarri Grant.  Koch told the SportsCage last week that he offered Grant $20 US for the number, but he declined.  🙂 … Ran into former Roughrider and B.C. Lion Stu Foord last week.  He’s selling promotional merchandise these days and still recovering from that horrible injury he suffered last season in Regina.  He hasn’t filed his retirement papers yet because there’s an outside chance at a comeback, but it doesn’t look good.  He’s the only player in pro football history to score touchdowns on their first career reception, and carry … I learned over the weekend this “Ambassador” job of Geroy Simon’s is only for the 2014 season.  It’s to honour the final year of the two-year contract he got upon his arrival in Regina last season … Great quote from the NBA’s #1 overall draft pick, Andrew Wiggins of Toronto last week, “Never give up on your dreams.  And when you have your chance to shine, shine” … Speaking of drafts, it was funny to watch NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman get booed long and lustily in Philadelphia Friday evening.  “I thought this was the City of Brotherly Love!” Bettman said awkwardly.  “I love your passion” … The Draft closed with a standing ovation for Calgary Flames amateur scout Tom Webster who’s retiring after decades in the game.  He’s the fond brother of former Moose Jaw Warriors President Barry Webster.  Most in attendance said it’s the first time they’d seen a standing ovation from the Draft floor.


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10 years ago

We would have gone to yesterday's game, but started pumping water from our backyard and our neighbour's at Noon. By the time we were done, the game had already
started. Are we fair weather fans? If the weather had been fair, we would have been sitting in our seats. But, our backyard was under water, so with 3 pumps going, we instead stayed home.

Don Mitchell
10 years ago

Hi Rod. I drove from Killarney MB (family are from there) via Brandon to Regina on Sunday morning. It is an absolute disaster out there. I have seen the number of fans that drive in on #10 or come in from the SE during gamedays that are nice. Those folks were dealing with their homes and liveleyhoods being washed away so I don't have any issue with them not being there. Went to the game with my son but we only lasted to half time. We did stay for the honouring of the 4 Grey Cup Champion teams, but we… Read more »

10 years ago

Rod, you're in denial when you say you haven't previously hacked on the Rider Nation about attendance.

10 years ago

With 14 communities in a state of emergency. Many people on the verge of losing their homes. The people banding together to help out their fellow neighbour. Isn't that speaking to what the Saskatchewan culture has been all about. In this case the Riders came second and I am OK with that. I hope you are too Rod.

10 years ago

Kudos to those who made the pilgrimage to Mosaic to watch yesterday's game, and best wishes to those battling the flood waters.

10 years ago

Guys, Rod never said anything about the people staying home to pump water out of their homes being fair weather fans. That's just common sense. Obviously there are more important things than football and if Rod's basement was flooded he'd have been there doing that and Ballsy would do the PBP. Let's not start pointing fingers and playing the blame game. It's a rotten situation out there and everyone has to pull together. We don't need people accusing each other right now.


10 years ago

Please, We had a rain storm people. No different than a snow storm or anything else. In Saskatchewan you deal with elements get over it. You guys make this out like it's some time up biblical tradgedy or reimagining of Noah's Ark. I sat in section 53 with nobody around me which is precisely how I like to view a game. I purchased my ticket a few weeks ago and was on the fence all day as to whether or not to drive in. I decided to attend and I am very glad that I did. I give full props… Read more »

10 years ago

1. I wouldn't put too much emphasis on the first 2 weeks of ball. In the good old days. these were just exhibition games 3 and 4. Riders looked dominant, and Hamilton looked dreadful, but it will be a better game when they meet later in the season. Kent Austin will see to that. 2. In sports everything goes in cycles including Riders attendance. The glory days of the past 5-8 years are gone for now. Thoughts go to those who are dealing with serious water issues, but any way you slice it was opening day for the defending champions,… Read more »

10 years ago

Woz says people who stay home to bail water or don't drive on closed highways are not real fans.

10 years ago


You wouldn't put emphasis on the first two weeks? Start a season 0-2, and see how easy it is.

10 years ago

I commend you Rod for a great MMG considering all that was going on this weekend. The only complaint I have is that fewer people come on here anymore to discuss the game. It's turned into namecalling and insults to people who don't share their opinion. Today it's telling people how to dress and drinking "free" beer in the suites. Really people!!Anyway, I thought the Riders were well prepared for the game. They came out hard and fast and physically beat up HAM. Our lines dominate. Pure and simple. Looking forward to a better test in TO this week. Cory… Read more »

10 years ago

Those accountable for the final new stadium design and build , big big mistake !

10 years ago

The only hope in the in the east division, the REDBLACKS, whuttt …….

10 years ago

Mr. Clarkenstein,I don't recall ever seeing any parameters stating fans comments have to be specific to game day analysis. You must be one of the "true fans" drinking free beer in the suites out of the elements lol. In reality, you are one of the people who barely discussed the game yourself beyond a sentence or 2 followed by complaining about writers like me and talking about Dressler who was not only not in the game, but isn't even in the league any longer. Unlike you, I have zero problem with that, as long as it's Rider related Im sure… Read more »

10 years ago

I agree with Burkie et al This Blog is and always has been a cornocopia of opinion. It covers everything from the actual analysis of the game, to the pop culture surrounding it. If you don't like the opinions mine included don't read them. I've read Peter King's MMQB since 1999. He's expanded it over the years and covers the gamut from the actual game coverage to books to coffee to beer. He's been to Italy before, and when he returns you'll get a complete overview of his entire trip. Rod's Blog is very similar, but Rod has a running… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Has a nice flow to it but you don't like the facilitator?? What do you want the facilitator to do, bring you coffee?
I agree with Clarkenstein. It would be nice to have a blog dedicated to Rider football rather than NDP, unions, and of course the name calling.
Maybe someday Rod will start a sports blog.
Ya, I know Obama, I'm an idiot and ya if I don't like this blog I don't have to read it. I suspect more and more people will choose he latter as I now will.

10 years ago

Agree with you guys on the certain personality. For those of you idiots who can't stand Rod and his ways, think about who's going to get the Riders PBP job if Rod joins the Calgary Flames. Yeah, you dorks will be howling about how bad he is and how much you want Rod back.

Gunderson's Yorkton

10 years ago

Rod I don't get how you think that Rider fans have to fear competiton from Bomber fans on the basis of noise. Like, don't you get that that's an apples to oranges? They have a new stadium build with crowd noise enhancing acoustics while the Riders don't. Let's compare noise levels in 2017, shall we? And to the person who have said we're past the success of the last 5 years and used the playoff game as an example… What are you talking about??? There were over 30,000 tickets sold. Book it: the Riders will average over 30K fans per… Read more »

10 years ago

Completely agree with Gundersen and Obama and the other guy in between.

If I was to make one point about what I consider Exhibition Game #3 it would be that this is the best O-line the Riders have had since Aldag days, and to be honest, I think it can potentially be the best ever. That's a testament to Taman for building it.

Time will tell if Allen is really that good, but the line created some massive holes for him.

10 years ago

Hey !! Riders won the 1st game. Get a life and enjoy . Talk about how you enjoyed the win or the weather or whatever but let's get rid of running other people's comments down and being so negative about everything . We have a great team this year again and Rod has a great column here so let's just have fun and enjoy while we can.