1 – A WRAP ON PHOENIX:  I took Friday morning off from writing the regular column because last week was an intense one, and felt readers could use a rest from what I was pushing out from the Riderville Tour stop in Arizona.  It was hectic, but the event was an immense success.  I returned on Thursday to host the SportsCage for the rest of the week but Rider Radio analyst Carm Carteri stayed behind and attended a Coyotes team party at co-owner Gary Drummond’s house on Friday evening.  In the photo above, Carm looks fresh as he poses with the Stanley Cup with the majestic Camelback mountain range in the distance.  You can literally throw a stone from Drummer’s backyard and hit the top of the mountain.  Hopefully that trophy will be in the Coyotes’ clutches for real in the next few seasons after their team “reset” at last week’s trade deadline.

Coyotes captain Shane Doan – a self-professed Roughrider fan – was reportedly upset with the club’s decision to dump off marquee players such as Antoine Vermette and Keith Yandle with an eye towards the future.  However after spending a great deal of time with Coyotes ownership and management personnel, it would seem to me that Doan’s tenure with the franchise is nowhere near done.  He’ll call it quits on his own terms with that team, and I could see the 39-year old playing until he’s at least 45.  The Halkirk, AB product is still their best player on most nights.

As mentioned last week, that Riderville Tour stop was a baby step towards a more solid relationship between the Riders and Coyotes in the years ahead.  The Coyotes feel Saskatchewan is something of an unmarked NHL territory and would like to gain a fanbase here.  They won’t know if they don’t try and I’ve pledged whatever help I can provide.

As for as the Riderville Arizona Tour II goes, it should be mind-boggling.  Everyone’s stepping up and asking to be involved including Hall of Fame Rider slotback Ray Elgaard.  He’s promised to make the trip in from his home in Las Vegas.

As far as the fans go, it was very rewarding to see the Rider Nation gather for such a good time.  This email from blog reader Larry Ziebart says it all:

Great time at Whiskey Rose, So many Rider fans were there, nice to see that.  Sea of Green invades Whiskey Rose and other establishments in Glendale Arizona.  If this happens again, sure could use a larger building.  Thanks for putting this on for the Rider Fans.

2 – TIGER TALES:  In his weekly appearance in the SportsCage on Wednesday, NHL great Tiger Williams stated that no NHL team with a conglomerate of owners will ever win a Stanley Cup.  Tiger was referring to the board of MLSE which runs the Toronto Maple Leafs but cited Detroit Red Wings owner Mike Ilitch as a shining example of a singular owner who puts the right people in place lets them do their thing.  Tiger said, “Name me the last pro sports team which is run by a Board of Directors that won a championship?”  I noted the Saskatchewan Roughriders in 2013 to which Tiger responded, “That’s different”.

3 – SAY WHAT?:  Last week in this space I wrote that I didn’t have high hopes for Saskatchewan’s chances at the 2015 Brier in Calgary given our province’s 34-year drought.  However when Steven Laycock’s crew cracked a playoff berth on Friday, I stood up and took notice.  But Laycock’s Friday comments on the eve of the playoffs were somewhat disheartening when he told reporters, “It’s almost gotten to the point where it’s been so long since we’ve won a Brier, there are no expectations anymore.  When it’s been that long, people are probably betting against it more than for it.”   What?  I found that statement to be particularly discouraging.  This isn’t Winnipeg!

However SportsCage curling analyst Derek Boe admitted it will be tough for Saskatchewan to end the drought with the likes of Pat Simmons, Ben Hebert and Braeden Moskowy curling for our neighbouring provinces.

4 – OKAY BLUE JAYS:  SportsCage baseball analyst Craig Slater of the Canadian Press was throwing heat when he made his season debut appearance on 620 CKRM on Thursday.  “Do the Blue Jays think they’re playing tee ball in the American League East?” Slater huffed.  “They’ve done nothing to upgrade their starting rotation in the off-season!”

Slater is no Blue Jays fan but youngster Aaron Sanchez looked good on Sunday in Toronto’s 1-0 preseason loss to Pittsburgh.  Sanchez’s 41-pitch three inning outing was perfect save for a walk.  *Sanchez is competing for the role of fifth starter but could well be headed back to the role of closer in his second major-league season. With Daniel Norris and Marco Estrada, Toronto has other options to join R.A. Dickey, Mark Buehrle, Marcus Stroman and Drew Hutchison in the rotation.

5 – ON ROUGHRIDERS:  The poll on the top left of this webpage showed Sunday evening that 69% of respondents want the Roughriders to sign running back Kory Sheets when he’s released by the NFL’s Oakland Raiders prior to Tuesday’s free agent deadline.  20% say “No” to signing to Sheets while another 10% aren’t sure.

Many SportsCage callers on Friday wanted to know why analysts Scott Schultz, Luc Mullinder and me all voted “no” to Sheets as well and perhaps the Old 96’er put it best.  “If the Riders could jump into the Back To The Future DeLorean Time Machine and sign the 2013 version of Kory Sheets, then it would be a ‘yes'”, Schultz observed.  “However he’s got a bad injury history and will be looking for a big payday this time around.”

It’s nothing personal.  Sheets is a good guy and there were no issues within the locker room that I’m aware of.  It’s just the Riders are set at the RB position and the salary cap comes into play as well.  Sheets left his spot to go to the NFL and it was filled.  Case closed.

I’m willing to bet this morning that Sheets signs with the Winnipeg Blue Bombers.  They’re deficient at tailback and are looking to make a splash.

6 – GOOD MORNING RIDERS!:  Beloved former Roughrider head coach Ken Miller will be the keynote speaker Saturday’s Regina Thunder annual fundraising dinner.  Tickets are still available at  Coach Miller will also be on the SportsCage’s Rider Monday today to tee up the dinner and reflect on his three seasons at the helm of Canada’s Team (2008-2010).  Please tune in for that!

7 – THE ORIGIN OF CANADA’S TEAM:  A few weeks back I’d promised to write about how the marketing slogan of Canada’s Team came about for the Saskatchewan Roughriders.  I ommitted it from last week’s MMG because a lot of people across the country were heated up about it but several Rider Priders have said they’re eager to hear the story.  So here goes…

It was the summer of 2000 and the Roughriders were in the midst of stumbling to a 5-12-1 record.  We were in Vancouver for the day-before-the-game news conferences and I was waiting in line to interview Lions coach Steve Buratto.  Legendary former Lions voice J.P. McConnell was doing his one-on-one pregame interview with Buratto and, with his trademark booming voice, he started into his interview this way, “Well Coach, you’re the Grey Cup favourites and the top team in the CFL but today you’re the villain.  You’re opposing Canada’s Team here at B.C. Place so how does it feel to have the whole country going against you today?”

I was eavesdropping and it dawned on me, “Wait a minute!  That’s great!  We may suck and we may play to a half-empty stadium but we’ve still got Rider Pride and those fans will always be behind us.  What a great way to market this franchise right now!”

The second we returned home, I raced into then-Rider marketing director Trent Fraser’s Taylor Field office and slammed the door.  I pitched the whole idea of Canada’s Team to T.F. and his eyes got as big as saucers.  “I can see it now!” Trent exclaimed.  “A green maple leaf!  We’ll put it on all our marketing materials.  The possibilities are endless!”

The idea took off from there and although the green maple leaf never materialized (maybe they thought it would be sacreligious), the slogan appeared on the Riders’ pocket schedules and media guides for the next few seasons until opposition from other factions caused the club to back off on it.  You don’t hear the Riders saying it anymore and both the CFL and TSN always refused to mention it fearing a backlash from the rest of the league

However we backed it up with loads of statistical data which we really didn’t need to do.  After all, everyone knows it’s the truth.  And to the Riders’ credit, whenever asked about it at marketing seminars and conferences, they’ve always referred to that meeting in Trent Fraser’s office in the summer of 2000.

And some of us still use it as often as we can.

8 – HOMETOWN HOCKEY:  Ron McLean and his Sportsnet crew will be touching down in Regina next Sunday for their weekly Hometown Hockey show and you’ll be hearing lots about it over the next seven days.  There are plenty of events planned around the day and you may even have a chance to be seen on the broadcast.  The best news so far is that the forecast calls for sunshine and +16 degrees Celsius.  It certainly looks like a mild week ahead and as SportsCage co-host Pete Paczko said on Thursday’s show, “Hopefully the cold weather is behind us.”  We’ll see.

9 – GO PATS GO:  The Regina Pats clinched a playoff berth a couple of Sundays ago and over the weekend they clinched home ice in the first round.  Their opponent in the first round has yet to be decided as the Swift Current Broncos have a two-point lead on Moose Jaw with six games to go.  The Pats will play one of those two.  Regina is in P.A. on Tuesday, Swift Current on Wednesday and Moose Jaw on Friday before finally returning home to face the Warriors on Saturday night.

With the Moose Jaw Warriors naming their all-time team last week, it got several WHL pundits wondering what the all-time team would be for their favourite franchise.  Here’s mine for the Pats:


10 – AT THE MOVIES:  We caught a couple of flicks on the weekend and as you know I like to pass on reviews in the Monday and Friday column.  On Friday evening we caught 50 Shades of Grey at Southland Cinema and frankly I’ve got to give it two thumbs down from the MMG.  It was, in a word, disturbing.  Your life will not be enriched by spending two hours watching that S&M display.  On Saturday we caught the Academy Award finalist Whiplash starring J.K. Simmons.  The show didn’t leave much of an impression.  In fact I had to Google it because I couldn’t remember the movie’s name a day later.  One thumb up from the MMG.

Come play with the Rider Pep Band!!!!

Tryouts for the
2015 620 CKRM Saskatchewan Roughrider Pep Band will be held on

Sunday, March 22nd
2:00 – 4:00 pm
Eagles Club Hall – 1600 Halifax St.

Brass, Saxophone and percussion players are encouraged to ‘come play’!
Members must be 19 years of age.

For more information contact:  Rhonda @ 306-789-7318

Instagram: ridervoice

(*With files from the Canadian Press)
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9 years ago

Hey Rod …. Curious why you have such a fascination with the Coyotes organization. They are NOWHERE close to being a winner. If a 39 year old Shane Doan is your best player then that says it all. That organization has pretty much been a joke since moving to Arizona.

9 years ago

In my estimation when Ken Miller was coaching the first time around was the most fun time ever to be a Rider fan. There was a different feeling than there is now. Love the guy, I'll be listening.

9 years ago

Beloved Ken Miller? No Cup. Team was a bottom feeder when he left. No to Sheets? Left a champ. I don't get it. As far as the time machine goes, Richardson's best days were 4 yrs ago, even before Sheets' peak.

9 years ago

Hey RP, didja see all the Habs fans in Phoenix the other night? Who's kidding who, the only reason that sad-sack organization is still afloat is their location and the fact us Canadians like a warm weather retreat in the winter.

Don't get me wrong, I thought the RV promotion was great, but don't sit here and blow smoke up my you know what saying we should all root for the Coyotes.

Waiting patiently for an Obama response now.


9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Why would you want it's response? Most people could care less what BLOWBAMA's response. There is more important things to think about.

9 years ago

Rod were you not in love with the Dallas Stars last year or the year before ?
Don't really care but just curious

9 years ago

The lime green text is a little hard to read on a small screen.

9 years ago

"That organization has pretty much been a joke since moving to Arizona."

An appearance in the 2012 Western Semi Final … like everyone else they got beat by LA. Doesn't exactly qualify as a joke.

Nobody has to defend why they are a fan of something. People like the Ducks because of Getzlaf, The Oilers because of Eberle … fine.

9 years ago

"NHL great" and "Tiger Williams" should not be used in the same sentence when referring to Williams.

9 years ago

Coyotes as Saskatchewans team? Why not. Some people feel they need to follow/cheer for a Canadian team, not sure why. Some need to cheer for a team that wins every year so seem to constantly change who their "favorite" is. Some are long time loser supporters, hello Leaf fans, and the loyalty is commendable. Get on the Coyote band wagon, why not?

9 years ago

Rod, the Warriors trail the Broncos by just 2 points (not 6), and the Pats have already clinched 2nd place and home ice in the First Round.
Also, Hicke over Wick? Yikes.

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Absolutely Hicke over Wickenheiser. Talk to any Old timer and they'll tell you Billy had All the fans outta there seats. Plus he also led them to multiple Memorial Cup finals. Combine that with a fine pro career and a commitment to the community and team that sent him there, I think Billy Hicke is certainly deserving of that honour.

9 years ago

So your Dad worked for Dallas and your friend owns part of the Coyotes …. so all Rider fans should cheer for them. To quote you …. 'Don't we have the right to cheer for whomever we please?'

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

He isnt telling us who to cheer for im an avalanche fan and i dony feel like he is telling me to be a yotes fan. Calm down everyone

9 years ago


It isn't lost on me that yet another former Saskatchewan skip wins the Brier for another province.

Mark Dacey was the first in 2004 in Saskatoon of all places.

I really don't know what it will take. I know that the Laycock crew put in the work that most teams at that level. Happy to see them make the playoff but id love to see a Sask team playing on sunday in the final.

The Zona trip sounded like a hoot. Maybe next year vs. Bruins?? lol.

Hope all is well Rod.

Russ from Saskatoon

9 years ago

The only mistake Ken Miller made was having faith in Kavis Reed.

9 years ago

Life is too short to spend any part of it in front of a bad movie. Always check reviews. The 50 Shades movie has been universally panned as a stinker.

9 years ago

I don't think that the SK market is as untapped as the Yotes may think. That may have been true a few years ago but the return of the Jets has got a lot of fans on that bandwagon. That plus the loyalty the Oilers, Habs and Leafs enjoy and the resurgence of the Flames will make it tough to break into. One party featuring a Roughriders theme isn't going to do the job. They'll need to win. Look at the 80's and 90's with the Riders, sure everyone was a fan of them but few people put their hard… Read more »

9 years ago

I think I saw Ken miller just drive by … or was that John Lynch, all tanned up from Arizona?

Old Hank

9 years ago

Hey Gundersons you are bitter. Nobody said Ken was better than Corey. The quote was, it was more fun, had a different feeling. Put that in your pipe and choke on it.

9 years ago

Yeah bud, I had a lot of fun not only watching is lose in heartbreaking fashion in 09 but suffering through one of the worst Rider seasons in history in 2011. Ken Miller is a fine man but as coach of the Riders CC is the better choice. Plain and simple.

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Did you forget Miller took over Greg Marshalls mess in 2011.