OH NO, HERE WE GO:  The next round of talks in the ongoing CFL labour negotiations are planned for Wednesday of this week.  In the meantime, let’s sit back and enjoy some Tweets from current and past CFLers as they pertain to the Collective Bargaining Agreement.  From Ottawa REDBLACKS quarterback Henry Burris (@HenryBurris): “It’s sad players salaries only make up 20 percent of the bottom line.  Now is that right?”  And from former All-Star Winnipeg Blue Bombers defensive tackle Doug Brown: (@dougbrown97): “CFL labor dispute in an nutshell:  Each club gets $2.7 mil in additional TV revenue in 2014, yet CFL proposes only $100K cap increase.  Fair?”

This is going the way of the NHL lockout in 2013 only this one’s way more confusing.  I saw the same article written by the Winnipeg Sun’s Kirk Penton in two different publications with two different headlines.  One said the situation looks positive while the other said it doesn’t look good.  That was for the same article!  Very confusing indeed.

DIDN’T EXPECT THIS:  On Friday’s SportsCage, we opened the phones and asked the listeners “What if there’s a strike in the CFL this summer?  What will you do?”  To my shock and horror, no one was concerned.  The first caller said he’d read a book or go play golf when there’s supposed to be a CFL game on.  A lady called in and said a CFL strike might save her marriage, because she never sees her husband during football season.  Another guy called in and said perhaps people will go to WMBL games, particularly the local Regina Red Sox.  Frankly I thought people in this town would be jumping off buildings at the prospect of a CFL work stoppage.  If that’s how they feel here, how do they feel in Toronto and Vancouver?  The theory of Out of Sight, Out of Mind would be catastrophic for the CFL who finally seems to have its act together on the business side.

TSN’S ROLE:  Many fans have said if this work stoppage goes on for any prolonged period of time, TSN will step in and put an end to it because they stand to lose the most.  However I’m not so sure that’s the case.  We’ve seen work stoppages in all of the NHL, NBA, NFL and MLB over the years – all varying in length – and not once did we hear that the TV networks played a role in ending them.  Frankly I don’t think the league’s official broadcast partner would have much to do with negotiations.

AN ESPN REPORT:  For what it’s worth, here’s a report from ESPN Kansas City regarding Weston Dressler’s chances at sticking with the NFL’s Chiefs:  “The former CFL receiver is on the outside looking in after the Chiefs drafted De’Anthony Thomas.  The Chiefs don’t need two small players who play the same position and Dressler doesn’t have Thomas’s size or big-play ability.  Unless there’s an injury to another player or Dressler shows unexpected ability, he will have a tough time making it.”

GREY CUP SUCCESSION:  CFL Commissioner Mark Cohon spoke at the Ottawa Mayor’s Breakfast late last week and mused about what a great football city our nation’s capital is.  He’s entirely correct.  He also guaranteed that the REDBLACKS would get to host a Grey Cup within the franchise’s first four seasons and the likely year is 2015.  That happens to be Canada’s 150th birthday and it makes perfect sense.  It appears the succession of Grey Cup cities looks like this: Vancouver (2014), Winnipeg (2015), Hamilton (2016), Ottawa (2017).

NO STANLEY ON TV TONIGHT:  Take your partner for a walk, or give him/her a kiss.  Better yet, watch the Memorial Cup on Rogers Sportsnet.  Regarding the Stanley Cup Playoffs, the Montreal Canadiens are in a world of trouble after falling down 2-0 to the New York Rangers in the Eastern Conference final.  It’s a shame the Habs lost goaltender Carey Price to the knee injury but the collision with New York’s Chris Driedger looked innocent enough.  Montreal fans can’t see it for what it was, but you have to realize there was no penalty on the play nor was there supplemental discipline.  The Canadiens were looking like a team of destiny and now it’s all going down the tubes.  What a shame.  Interestingly enough New York Rangers goalie Henrik Lundqvist as started a club record 81 consecutive playoff games.  Don’t think that’s a big deal?  Look down 200 feet to the other end of the ice.

BACK TO THE MEMORIAL CUP:  The hockey’s been pretty good in London, ON and as predicted, the Guelph Storm are the favourites.  In fact they’ve already booked their spot in Sunday’s final and it’s only Tuesday.  However the time has come for the CHL to look at playing two games per day and really giving fans a bang for their buck.  Realistically, how many junior hockey fans can travel cross-country and stay in a hotel for 10 or 11 days?  Featuring double-headers Monday through Wednesday would be a massive shot in the arm and give fans something to do during the day rather than sit around their hotel twiddling their thumbs.  It’s time.

WE’RE DOING PRETTY GOOD:  The WHL Draft has been over for weeks but folks around here are still bemoaning the fact only one Regina player was taken in the entire derby.  In fact they say it was a down year for Saskatchewan overall and the doomsdayers think it’s the start of a trend.  Seriously though, what other Canadian city can boast the number of NHLers that Regina does in the way of Ryan Getzlaf, Jordan Eberle, Chris Kunitz, Josh Harding, Tyler Bozak, Boyd Gordon, etc.?  These things go in cycles and frankly I’d say Regina is leading the way.  Also take a look around and notice that in 2014 Saskatchewan is home to national hockey trophies the Royal Bank Cup, the Telus Cup and the Esso Cup!  We should be taking a bow rather than looking in the mirror.

BACK TO MONTREAL:  On Saturday afternoon I set up the Ipad and speakers out on the patio and listened to the Game 1 call of Montreal Canadiens voice John Bartlett on TSN 690 radio.  This guy is one of the best in the NHL!  He was a call-up from the Habs’ AHL affiliate in Hamilton and immediately made a great pairing with colour commentator Sergio Momesso.  Bartlett has a delivery slightly like Marv and Kenny Albert but he’s better and more exciting.  I invite you to give him a listen.

TIM HORTON’S IS DESTROYING THE ENVIRONMENT:  I’M KIDDING!  I’M KIDDING!  However their consumers are.  On Saturday morning I was out picking garbage on Lewvan Drive south of Gordon Road and of the thousand or so items I bagged, one out of every four was a Tim Hortons cup.  Mrs. SportsCage wryly asked, “Did you Roll Up The Rim To Win?”  No I didn’t, but I did collect three bags of garbage in that small area but had to quit when my back ached so bad I couldn’t stand up straight.  However it hardly made a dent in that area.  A couple of guys even stopped to help after reading about this on the blog last Monday.  On Sunday I went for a bike ride and noticed this city is covered in garbage from one end to the other.  How absolutely disgusting.  Can we organize a Saturday bee to clean it up?  I propose the Golden Garbage Can Award sponsored by (____Your Business_____) to be awarded to the city’s cleanest area.  Weyburn and Estevan have been doing this for years and it’s very popular.

ARE YOU UP FOR A CHALLENGE?:  A long-time radio buddy of mine in Nova Scotia, Trevor Stoyko, lost 120 lbs on a diet called Body By Vi.  I asked him about the diet and after hearing the details, I signed up immediately.  See I’ve studied every diet out there like Anthony Calvillo’s Gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free diet (YUCK!), the Ideal Protein diet (no thanks) and many others.  But with Body By Vi, imagine being able to enjoy milk, cereal, grains, shakes and cookies all the while losing pounds!  Coupled with cardio work in the gym, the weight literally falls off.  In fact I dropped 11 lbs in the first week.  If you’re interested, sign up here  Watch the video and if you think you’d like to take the challenge, fill in the online form.  Pretty sure you won’t be disappointed!


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Don Mitchell
10 years ago

Agree on the garbage comment Rod. C'mon people can you not keep the Timmies cup (or all of the other bits of garbage) in the car and toss it in the garbage at home or work? I still remember one day on Rochdale while waiting on a red light. The car ahead of me opened the door and dumped a box of KFC bones (and the box) on the road! People in this city are pigs! As for the labour strife? I think we are all living in a dream world that the two sides will come to an agreement… Read more »

10 years ago

When the last NHL lockout/strike was on, at the sports store I work at, barely anyone would bring it up. We never sold anything until the 2nd round of playoffs. There was a real hate on from the customers. Lets hope the CFL doesn't take it too far.

10 years ago

I am not going to get on the garbage issue again, but I'll say this.

I was in Medicine Hat this weekend, and not a speck of garbage in that city.

Regina looks like District 12 from the Hunger Games as a comparison.

10 years ago

As a CFL fan of 54 years I am so disappointed in the discussions and comments to date. But I am a Saskatchewan CFL Fan and that is different than anyone else. These players are missing something here. Yes I can agree they are not getting their fair share now. But who got their fair share when the league was loosing money like a pail with no bottom receiving water. The owners took the loss, yes the players took less money, but this is the CFL where there was no big money. Here is Saskatchewan they asked for donations and… Read more »

10 years ago

I think Cohon is off on an ego trip. He thinks he's Gary Bettman.

10 years ago

Hey Rod;

Mark me down as an 'I care' not 'I'll read a book'

Old Cuss

10 years ago

Two things… 1. Good for you, Rod, for doing something about making your city better and not just complaining about it. If more people did that, things would look different. Talk is cheap. Thanks for trying something even it if "barely made a dent". 2. About Dressler… not surprised. I said right from the the start that he was too small and too old… lots of young kids out there that can fill the role they had for him. Good on him for trying and I hope he ends up beating the odds, but maybe we can learn something here… Read more »

10 years ago

The CFL and the players ought to be really careful with this whole contract gongshow. Both sides feel that the league is doing well, and it is. What they need to keep in mind is that the NFL and the tremendous exposure they enjoy will still be around even if they decide to strike. It's already neck-and-neck between the two leagues in terms of popularity in this country and a work stoppage would push the NFL over the top. The fact that there has not been much hype over this CFL work stoppage should be very concerning to both sides… Read more »

10 years ago

To RP with regard your comment, "Frankly I thought people in this town would be jumping off buildings at the prospect of a CFL work stoppage." I must say that your unofficial Friday afternoon polling of phone callers, is likely not a true depiction of the real CFL fan and their distraught at the idea of a CFL strike. For me I am terribly bothered by this as I think it will be very negative for everyone, including the quality and performance of the game as no doubt training camp will be shortened thereby affecting the quality of the actual… Read more »

10 years ago

You want a bargaining strategy for the Owners. 8% raise in minimum salary, a few items for career development post playing days, and oh yeah by the way we're going to lower the ratio.

They would climb over the fence like on the Walking Dead to get to training camp.

If Scott Flory said he has 7 Starting QBs, and all the Canadians on board then he has a chip to bargain.

Right now the CFLPA has nothing and they'll be back right as rain.

10 years ago

If the WHL draft is a measure of talent in this city, then Hockey regina is an abysmal failure. One thing to have one skater drafted as u mentioned in an entire draft but cant remember last time a regina kid was in the top few rounds (at least 5 years?). The guys you mentioned were from ages ago already so not sure what has happened since the days of Getz and Kunitz etc (cant count Ebs he developed in Calgary). Been years, so no, no a trend but a serious problem here. Top notch rinks, top notch talent so… Read more »

10 years ago

Hockey Regina is garbage. It's just an entire combinaton of things.

10 years ago

It depends on what your goal is. If you look at the amount of players that make the WHL or Jr A from Hockey Regina and compare it to the Outdoor Hockey League it's the same. If you examine statistics you have a better chance of getting hit by lightning or winning lotto 649 than making the NHL, and that percentage slides as you go from the top of the pyramid down. So then what is the answer? Is the goal to create a league where the kids can play, learn, have no b.s, and develop a life long love… Read more »

10 years ago

I agree 100% kids should enjoy the process. But the system isnt working. And yes its almost impossible to make it to the NHL and guys like Getz are special. No one will argue there. But that's not the point. How could a city of Regina with so much emphasis on hockey at every single level only have one player drafted and even that wasnt till like the 11th round or whatever? And go back a few drafts. Last year there were a couple and the year before that there were maybe a couple more. And none of them were… Read more »

10 years ago

What if the kids just don't have the talent? Is that possible? You can have any type of system, but Bill Gates would have become Bill Gates.

There are just way to many teams per division and it creates false hope. It's not just hockey

Go over to Baseball Regina. Three count 'em three Bantam AAA teams, and at best their should be one. What this does is create false hope.

10 years ago

It is possible that the talent is a problem. But you can say that about any community. Maybe the talent is there but there is an image problem. I know for a FACT (yes, that word is in upper case for a reason) that some scouts don't even look here. That tells me a lot. That tells me it aint about the kids. Those are the same kids with the same pressures, opportunities, skill sets and the same kind of devoted hockey parents as kids anywhere in canada, with, i would argue better facilities than most per capita. I would… Read more »

10 years ago

Regina has done well with sending kids to the NHL and on a per capita basis they would be right up there but Edmonton and Toronto still lead the way. Not sure about TO but last I heard Edmonton had 32 in the NHL.

10 years ago

The biggest loser in any cfl work stoppage is the city of Regina. Which other city can draw 10000 visitors every second week during the summer and fall seasons?

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Saskatoon !!!!!!!

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

if the cflpa does go out on strike i encourage the owners to use the t.f.w. program. starting at qb abduhl mujha-hakim!!!

10 years ago

I am not much of a sports fan, so would not watch much of anything sports-related. I am a Rider fan. I would definitely miss any aberration to the sched, esp as I am planning to catch the riders vs RedBlacks in Ottawa on Aug 2.