The Roughriders held an indoor walk-through on Tuesday as they prepare for their final game of the season, indoors at B.C. Place on Saturday against the B.C. Lions (5:00, TSN, 620 CKRM Rider Radio Network).
Rider quarterback Darian Durant watched the practice in a bunnyhug and shorts, and it’s left his status for Saturday’s game up in the air.
“He’s got some little things,” said Roughriders Head Coach & GM Chris Jones.  “He was hit a lot the other night so he’s pretty beat up.  Again, he’s not Superman so he’s got to be able to get over these bumps.  He’s a veteran so he can miss Day 1 and still be ready to play.”
Jones said if Durant gets clearance from the club’s medical personnel, he’ll play on Saturday.  Back-ups Brandon Bridge and G.J. Kinne took the bulk of the reps on Tuesday and Kinne feels he could get some game action.
While it’s a meaningless game in the standings, it would be a huge opportunity for Kinne to make his CFL debut.
“Ya for sure,” Kinne – a former Jet, Eagle and Giant – said Tuesday.  “Just getting with the guys and trying to get on the same page.  I threw Rob Bagg a slant today and that’s the first time I ever threw him a slant.  I want to get on the same page as those guys and put my best foot forward.”
Chris Jones was adamant that the entire football team wants to put their best foot forward in their season finale.  He said every player will be evaluated along with the coaching staff.  Asked for an assessment of his own performance over the past two games, Jones offered a clear evaluation.
“Not very f—ing good,” Jones deadpanned.
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7 years ago

A loss would not be the worst thing in helping the Riders win a top draft pick in 2017. Its all about evaluation and building a roster for 2017. Lots of talent on the injury list.

7 years ago

I'm often wowed when I read the stats of new young QB's coming up here.

They usually have a history of winning and many accomplishments. Some turned out to be Darian Durant or Bo Levi Mitchell and some not so much.

These two QB's have a very non-impressive resume.

7 years ago

It would be nice to see Bridge play 3 quarters and kinne 1 Kinne had not thrown a slant pass all year then what the hell has he been doing

7 years ago

We will be in BC on Saturday.

Can't wait!

Go Riders!


7 years ago

The best thing that could happen to the riders is if jones packs his bags and leaves forever !!!

7 years ago

So I see the Riders cut Streeter. Was part of that trade that sent Fulton and Capicotti to Hamilton. The way the o line played the last two games, I think Jonesy got the raw part of that deal. Jones is turning out to be a total joke.

7 years ago

Fulton is a free agent soon, so if they want him back for 2017 they can roll out the cash!

7 years ago

Remember Chamblin would NEVER put any blame upon himself? This is a serious blast of fresh air to hear Jones take blame.

7 years ago

"In Jones We Trust"

Randolph Charles
7 years ago

Lyndon Gaydosh is the key to the Hamilton trade anyway. If he is healthy he can be a beast the likes we haven't seen since Scott Schultz a few years ago.

Jones don't be so harsh on yourself, this team is positioning itself well to contend by next year. Other teams are watching this rise very carefully. Inking double D is one of the keys to future success; hopefully a capable backup is on the team or on the radar.

Jones and company are anything but a joke!

7 years ago

Gaydosh is NOT healthy and will never be. There is a reason Hamilton cut their ties.

7 years ago

Remember this quote.

"I don't tackle, I don't catch the ball, I don't block"… etc. Cory Chamblin.

It's nice to have a coach who can check his ego at the door.

7 years ago

recruit some oline men and a DT. no need to keep changing DB's and WR's weekly.

7 years ago

Its too early to fairly evaluate Jone's work, but I will say he must have the worst record in the league for challenges!!! I watch him throw the flag and just go "WHY????" Its often obvious we are about to lose the challenge or our success is very questionable. Its poor judgement imo, These mistakes have hurt us and have the potential to lose games.

7 years ago

You can make Jones sound as great as you want but one thing about Jones you have to remember is he doesn't care about being loyal with a team…say what you want but ask Calgary, Toronto and Edmonton. Mark my word that if and when the NCAA or NFL phone he will be on a plane and gone faster then this season slipped away on your riders and that was faster then a speeding bullet lol.

7 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I am fine with that. Keep in mind he won in everyone of those cities. If he wins a championship or two here and wants to go..all good

John Knight
7 years ago

If Jones gets a chance to go to the NFL or NCAA, good for him. If he does, that means he has done a good job here. To the naysayers, you are just envious so chill out

3RD and 1
7 years ago

I would like to ask Mr Anonymous a question about loyalty? Please name 1 Coach that has ever passed up an opportunity to improve his career by moving back to a league in their home Country. The answer is not 1. Even super nice guy fierce loyal Mark Treatman headed south to Chicago the 1st opportunity he had. Given the fact he was a finalist the year before for an NFL job. Mark was ready to bolt at that time as well. So don't make Hones out to be a disloyal person. You don't know him and neither do I.… Read more »