Rider QB Darian Durant appeared live on 620 CKRM’s SportsCage on Thursday and discussed the break down in CFL labour negotiations:

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10 years ago

He's a top tier salaried player, no kidding he wants to play. The grunts who make minimum, mid level salary players, incoming future team investments working their way up the ladeer, thats who deserve to be remunerated at fair market value of a so called professional sports league. A league that had ample time on their hands this past off season to get this agreement done but sat idly by. Sooner or later, everyone will be happy again with a big love in like it never happened.

Play ball 2014

10 years ago

The trouble with Cohon saying "that's our final offer" about today's offer is that he said that about his last offer too. He's got no more credibility than Flory with his one-day contract.

10 years ago

nice job cfl, the league finally gets some momentum and now you are going to ruin it for years, cfl = bush league status

10 years ago

I'm doing my best to ignore this whole thing already because all it is is just one big foot stomping, pissing match by both sides. Only thing it's intended for is to sway public opinion and nothing else. Same damn thing happened during the last NHL lockout when both sides were trying to prove whose balls were bigger. At the end of the day the deal got done and they all sang kumbaya. And the only people that lost in the whole ordeal are the fans and workers that depend on game day operations. How these people can justify putting… Read more »

10 years ago

Agreed with Darcy. This is a critical moment in time for the CFL whether they take advantage of this momentum and move up to big league status or fall back to the bush league it's been known as or more importantly perceived as for years.

Perhaps the PM should intervene and appoint a federal mediator to get the two sides back together and get this thing over with already.

10 years ago

R. Vanstone Regina Leader Post article very articulate and on the money. It would seem some CFL teams over the top with franchise expenditure. Executive's living it up on luxurious excursions, fired coaches/excessive player contracts, etc. This all adds up as wasteful business practice. It's high time some of these people be held to a higher accountable standard of franchise stewardship to the overall scheme of a renewed league. Current mandated league salary cap applicable only to contracted team players divisive. One equal, strictly adhered CFL operations budget for all teams by mutual consent of the CFL/CFLPA needed. Operations budget… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Pot Shots Magraw, also known as,

From the engine that drives In the 306, V8.

10 years ago

I say get back to work!! Why are so many players posting on here blaming the teams?? Do u guys remember when sask had a telethon and accepted bushels of wheat in lie of money for tickets?? That's what going to happened again! We just got a new team they won't survive if there's no cfl this year! I think Flory and Hauge were mistakes on leading you guys! The league is not billion or even millionaires play ball don't be so damn greedy! 99% of you are either ex NFL that can't get a job there or players hoping… Read more »

10 years ago

Wonder if Ricky Ray still delivers Frito-O-Lay chips in the off-season?

Wonder if he would need to if the players strike? Wonder if other players will be looking to deliver chips if they strike?

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

3 No to your questions.