– The smiles on the peoples’ faces in the photo above illustrate the mood at Wednesday’s Roughrider practice on the first full day of the O’Day/Dyce regime in Saskatchewan.  While some coaches and players admitted to “mixed emotions” during the interview session afterwards, the renewed spirit was clearly evident throughout the workout.

– It started with the massive speakers which were wheeled out near the playing surface.  They’d soon blare loud rock music during the team’s daily stretching period, led off by Motley Crue’s Kickstart My Heart.

– The exchange between injured quarterback Darian Durant and his new head coach in the photo above shows the support the Face of the Franchise has for Dyce.

– If you want a straight-from-the-heart assessment of what’s going on with the team, you can always stick your microphone in the face of running back Jerome Messam.  The team’s leading rusher and six-year veteran out of Graceland University always wears his heart on his sleeve and has become a go-to quote.  Here are some of his comments from after the workout:


JM:  “Honestly I didn’t see BT coming.  We kind of had the feeling after the game that some changes were coming.  It’s tough man.  That’s the nature of the beast and just how the business goes.

“Just the way we performed.  We just got beat by a team we feel we should’ve beat handily.  There were just some things going on.  There were some things said after the game that I can’t really get into but guys kind of had that feeling.”


JM:  “I don’t know it but it was a good playlist!  It had us flying around through (the stretching period).  It was great energy.  It was just an all-around good feel today.”


JM:  “I hope so.  It was cool today.  It was a good feel.  Guys are re-energized and we were focused.  Guys were out there playing free, not worrying about job security or pissing certain people off.  We just want to play football.”

“The difference out here today is guys just feel they can play free.  Guys were tight (before).  I feel like it kind of trickled down from up top down on the players.  So now there’s no more worrying about jobs, there’s no more worrying about our record, it’s just play ball.”


JM:  “We wanted to play well.  We wanted to play well for our coach.  He expected a lot from us.  I think it was tough on him, with all the pressure that was being put on him and it kind of reflected in his demeanour.”



Defensive coordinator Greg Quick is in his first season with the Roughriders and like everybody else, never saw an 0-9 start coming nor the firings of Chamblin and Taman.  He offered his thoughts on the current state of the team:

GQ:  “It’s the next day in the process, right?  We’re moving forward and we had a great day.  You always wonder when there’s change like this how the players are gonna react and I thought they’ve handled it very maturely and with great professionalism.  They have some heart-felt sentiment but they understand what their job is to do as a coaching staff.  I thought it was a great day.  We got a lot of work in and we move forward.”

Quick is obviously a guy who feels a strong connection to Chamblin and clearly wasn’t entirely comfortable with the moves which were made on Monday.

GQ:  “Corey’s the guy that gave me a call on New Year’s Eve and said, ‘Let’s meet and see what we can do’.  I’ve got mixed emotions because I’ve come to love the man.  He’s been good to me, been good to my family.  We’re 20-30 years separate (in age) but we’re kindred souls in a way.  It’s tough.  But also this job is about doing your job.  One thing I’ve learned the past 35 years is I’m going to come in and do my job every day and I’m going to do it well.


– When the smoke clears – and it already has for Bob Dyce – the job in front of this team is a big one.  They’re facing many of the same problems which Chamblin and Taman had to encounter.  Middle linebacker Jake Doughty was in a left knee brace, defensive tackle Brandon Tennant was in a sling and starters Levy Adock and Chris Getzlaf were in street clothes.  They’re not going to be able to simply wave a wand and have a stacked deck.

However with the renewed optimsim surrounding the club and the clear new direction, perhaps this club’s luck is about to change.

– The Riders host the Winnipeg Blue Bombers (3-6) in Sunday’s Labour Day Classic 49.  Saskatchewan holds an all-time record of 32-16 against their prairie rivals on this weekend including a 35-30 victory last year.

– There will be plenty of coverage to come in the days ahead as we preview the match.


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9 years ago

Good luck Riders.
WE are with.
You have another chance – do good !!!

9 years ago

Sounds like a different atmosphere around there without the narcissist running the show.

HF (happy fan)

9 years ago

Hey Rod, what were the results of the Tillman for GM poll?

9 years ago

Let's see… all of the coaches know they are probably out of a job at the end of the year. Everyone is happy and smiling at being 0-9 and there is music blaring during practice.
Sounds like a country club rather than an actual practice.

9 years ago

Riders will Move Forward with a 32-19 Win in this one. Smith will have an outstanding game along with Dressler and Bagg and many others. Go Riders ! And A Sold Out Stadium As Well.

9 years ago

Agree good luck to the team. Bottom line is this regime is interim. Quick has no resume to be a DC at this level. The Cdn depth still is bottom of the league. They need to hire a good GM, draft well, trade some old guys for picks and re-tool. 0-9 is earned. Woz can say lynch mob was after Taman. But he lynched himself by running this ship into the ground.

9 years ago

Good Luck to the new look team, hopefully things get turned around and the players can enjoy a victory on Sunday. Good luck to Coach Dyce and GM Jeremy O'Day, the problems are still there and will take time to fix all. Good Luck to Corey Chamblin and his family. Bad things happen to good people and they usually happen for a reason so I choose to think there are better opportunities coming your way.

9 years ago

I see the Riders are back to the good old days where the Labour Day game was seen by their fans as their Grey Cup.

9 years ago

From Jerome "Butterfingers" Messam: "Guys were out there playing free, not worrying about job security or pissing certain people off. We just want to play football." "The difference out here today is guys just feel they can play free. Guys were tight (before). I feel like it kind of trickled down from up top down on the players. So now there's no more worrying about jobs, there's no more worrying about our record, it's just play ball." A few things: 1) I'm glad it's all about fun now and everyone can get their participation ribbon. 2) At 0-(insert number) –… Read more »

9 years ago

Kudos to Coach Dyce for the music! Young men love that type of noise, while it would give me a headache. Let's not harp on the small stuff.

9 years ago

I see Obama is feeling superior, again.

9 years ago

This is the result when a corporate business attitude is adopted in the workplace. It poisons everything to the extent that even superstars are reduced to ghosts. It will take years to change results after the git er done culture is removed.
The province is next to suddenly become a have not. Ya think its time for some firings and change?

9 years ago

Exactly Obama, if you aren't playing your game at it's best effort, without the worry of looking over your shoulder, you aren't playing your best, exnd of story.

Play your game at 110% LIKE there is someone trying to steal your job.

That was the dumbest thing Messam could've ever said.

The Woz
9 years ago

There are no experienced GMs out there willing to take this on. Tillman cannot be brought back given what happened – Reynolds simoly will not go there with his first hire given the history and public relations issues. They will kick some tires but in the end will make the announcement that the best candidate is O'Day based on his long history with the team, his enthusiasm and his strong relationship with the CEO with full support of the Board. This will then instantly resume the comparisons to Justin that he is not ready, that he was trained by the… Read more »

9 years ago

Obama: We all get that you are a Patriot fan, you can stop mentioning them every post. Oh, and check your tires, they look low. I did see Tom Brady walking thru the parking lot.

9 years ago

Obama: Another good book on the Patriots: If you're not cheating you're not trying. A close up look at coaching by Bill Belicheck

9 years ago

Hey Rod – the current poll should read 100% 'no idea' if people were voting honestly. Because really, who outside the hallways of the stadium has any damn clue if oday should or shouldn't be hired.

9 years ago

Oblahma is such a smart little cookie, isn't he? He should start his own blog which people who suffer from insomnia could read before bed.

Y'all welcome ya hear,
Noonish Rider

9 years ago

@ Woz, This is why you never went anywhere it life. There are two types of people in this world. A company sends two salesmen to two separate villages to sell shoes. The one Salesman calls the office and says, "This is a waste of time. These people don't wear shoes. I'm coming back." The other Salesman calls the office and excitedly says, "Oh my God, send me triple the order I asked for these people don't have any shoes to wear!!!!!" I'm the other Salesman and you're well…you're shootin' for the middle. There's nobody out there? That's why B.T… Read more »

9 years ago

The Woz – your comments are dead on, I'm sure this post will get the anonymous "whoever happens to be GM" haters all fired up. The first 2 years I had season tickets the team was 4-28. The coaching and GM changes occurred every 18-24 months with the help of the trolls that called the phone in shows. It easier now for these experts who can post as anonymous experts.

Just the opinion of another wannabe blogger.
