REGINA — By the time you read this, Corey Chamblin may have already been fired.

But I highly doubt it.  And the more I hear and think about it, he may not be dismissed at all.

Amidst the Saskatchewan Roughriders’ 0-6 start, which included a 30-5 loss at Edmonton on Friday, a report came out via TSN over the weekend that Rider GM Brendan Taman was set to recommend the firing of head coach Corey Chamblin to club President Craig Reynolds.

No one knows where TSN insider Gary Lawless got this information.

Oddly, this came less than a week after Lawless told the nation Taman would not be firing Chamblin, thus putting his own job in jeopardy.

Hence, the top sentence of this column.  Things are changing by the minute here in Riderville and I’ve been doing my best to stay in the shadows and try to report only the correct information, if any at all.

So as of today, Chamblin is employed by the Saskatchewan Roughriders as head coach.  In fact Saturday night, Chamblin told a reporter it’s “business as usual”.

However Chamblin’s paid to win football games and the club is 0-6.  The speculation is reasonable.

But let’s go back for a second and examine Friday’s game and the reason this club is off to its worst start since 1979.

After the game the players and the coach generally agreed they had one of their better games on defense all year, holding Edmonton to 23 or so points (7 were scored on a pick six thrown by rookie Rider quarterback Brett Smith).

The trouble here is the Roughriders won the coin toss but gave the Eskimos the ball and the wind to open the game.  The home team promptly marched the ball 76-yards down the field and opened the scoring with a 27-yard touchdown reception by Kenny Stafford for a 7-0 lead at the 5:40 mark.  That’s all the offense they’d need for the rest of the game.

So there’s that.

Saskatchewan quarterback Brett Smith was in a hole before he even took his first pro snap.  And then the penalties started.  The Rider players had said before the game they all needed to help out their rookie quarterback by cleaning up their game but they then proceeded to take 17 penalties for 127 yards.   Many of them took great plays, and first downs, by Smith and his receivers off the board.  Every offensive lineman was flagged on the night with the exception of Brendon Labatte.  The receivers took turns going offside.

The Riders averaged 13.6 penalties per game going into the Edmonton contest so they far exceeded that total Friday night.  And Chris Jones’ Eskimos kept their penalty total down to seven in this game.

The Riders are in no way a disciplined team, although we’ve been told otherwise.

And therefore, Chamblin is on the hotseat at 0-6.

No matter that the Riders’ top two quarterbacks are down and the club has been hit by a rash of adversity.

These are not your Dad’s Roughriders.  Losing will not be tolerated.

“Oh ya there’s no setback on that end,” Brendan Taman told me before Friday’s game.  “This is a ‘wins’ business.  Whoever’s playing at whatever position, we’re expected to go win the game.”

My follow-up question to that was if Taman’s getting an edict from the higher-ups of “make the playoffs or else!”?

“We’ve been in the business long enough to know they don’t have to say much for us to know we have to win,” Taman explained.  “Whatever comes from above, comes from above.  But all me and Corey can do is put the best guys out there and try to win games.  We’re working towards that and hopefully we can get that accomplished.”

The TSN report threw the franchise into chaos over the weekend.  President Craig Reynolds probably felt like he’s trying to navigate a monsoon in a dingy.  He and Taman huddled up on Sunday but the contents of their meeting aren’t known.  At least not by me.

I was half expecting to hear Chamblin walked into the offices and demanded to be fired given the fact he was effectively pantsed on national television Saturday afternoon.  Could you blame him?

However from what I can gather, he hasn’t.

And a CFL powerbroker told me the possible replacements named by Lawless – Paul Lapolice and Mike Benevides – are hesitant to come here due to the toxic environment which has been created.

How could you tie a can to Chamblin with no one lined up to replace him?

Stay tuned.  This will only get more interesting from here on in.

Brendan Taman will be on 620 CKRM’s SportsCage today (Holiday Monday) at 5:05 pm to discuss the latest.


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9 years ago

That's a heck of a good MMG Rod. The only way it could be better would be if you had added two words. Right after " the toxic environment which has been created." should be 'by Chamblin'

9 years ago

We have a lame duck gm prob, oldest team, no future qb at all. Impatient fan base, new president, rat on board.Plus 0-6 record. Both bene and lapo were fired after first hc Job. One more failure and hard to get the stink off.

My advice. Trade chick, brack, dress, getz. Anyone over 28. They will need a solid 2 years of rebuild through Canadian draft. Stock picks. Sure it sucks but every team needs a rebuild every 5 years or so.

9 years ago

Toxic environment has now been created full circle by a gm and his chosen head coach. Anyone with any sense of sensibility in the business world can see this clearly, and the only option is to start all over with a new gm who will bring in his own staff. It's clear from this article Saskatchewan has become a place where others will not come to unless a organizational restructure is implemented starting with the gm no one wants to work under. His abysmal overall win, loss record, plus his unprofessional football method of recruitment and development not conducive to… Read more »

9 years ago

WOW!!!! Anon 2 has been sipping from the cough medicine bottle a little too hard.

Thanks for the advice Tips now beat it!

9 years ago

Every team does not need rebuild in a 9 team league. Give your head a shake.

9 years ago

So Penton comes up with something outlandish and you take him from pillar to post and go after his credibility and yet Lawless comes up with a second outlandish take and you take it with calm and grace. Where there is smoke, there is fire. Corey Chamblin has one game left in his Riders coaching career. You know that Rod so tell the world or has Taman/Reynolds/Morsky not come up with a gameplan for what spin you should give this. Come clean!

Sandra Larson
9 years ago

Thank you so much for this! I agree. There are too many reasons to not fire Chamblin and I know the other available coaches would never be better than him. I pray they don't do this because I think it would set the organization back decades and I for one would lose all respect for the organization.

9 years ago

Can't say I blame Lapolice or Benevides. I wouldn't want to work for Taman.

9 years ago

I am not a fan of Chamblain. I don't think he is a defensive wiz he believes he is. That being said, losing Two starting qb's is difficult to overcome. We had a shot at turning things around, not saying we can't but a rookie quarterback at the helm. No off nose to Smith, but his experience is not there. Will firing Chamblain solve the Qb issue. nope. We are in tough until Glenn comes back However the Riders and Chamblain need to come through the realization that our defencive scheme is not that great. Suck it up and hire… Read more »

9 years ago

Scott MCauley would be a better choice than Lapolice!!

9 years ago

Rebuild? OK. Whatever. Clearly Anon 2 had no clue what he's talking about. Clearly a bandwagon fan who gets his football knowledge from a Madden video game.

This team has lots of talent up and down the roster. Injuries are the only reason this team isn't 6-0 and not 0-6. Stay the course and next year we'll be winners again.

Rebuild. LOL

9 years ago

How does Getzlaf stay in the starting 12 when he keeps making stupid mistakes. He needs to be removed from the equation going forward. Chamblin would have probably earned some points had he gone after him the way he went after Demski. He took at least two and maybe a third in Edmonton. Get him off the field!

9 years ago


Signed: Canada West football coaches!!

9 years ago

So after weeks of not having sponsorship for MMG your own agent finally steps up? Sounds like when daddy buys the 4H cow that nobody is bidding on…

9 years ago

A few things: 1) This is why I defended Kent Austin. You don't stay in Saskatchewan as they can't wait to see you fail or to run you out of here. Hindsight is 20/20, but 2013 they went over the salary cap, and had everyone in their prime. He should have bolted to the NFL Draft and handed out his resume. Chamblin came from the NFL and he'd do well there. – Austin did it and don't give me the moving home to be with family. He had 3 jobs since 2007 and parlayed it into full control in Hamilton.… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I'd love for Tillman to be back. Except that Hopson hates him and even though Jim is retired he will do everything in his power to tell Reynolds not to hire Tillman.

9 years ago

Greg Marshall's last game was a loss in Toronto, Chamblin's next game is in Toronto. Hmmm is history repeating itself? As for coaches not wanting to come here because of the toxic environment, Danny Barrett came here after the disastrous 1999 season when the cupboards were bare, anybody that wants to be a head coach bad enough will take the job.

9 years ago

Of course Lapolice says that because we he doesn't get called for the job AGAIN he can blame it on the current environment.

9 years ago

Like Obama, I too think Roy Shivers deserves a second shot at GM in Sask. Afterall, he does have more connections than Sasktel.

Bay Rock O.

9 years ago

All of you are out of your minds. Especially those calling for a fire sale and rebuild. Taman has built a strong team and injuries derailed us.

Anyone calling for a rebuild should find another team to root for. The Riders are for real. Wait and see.

Fools, the whole lot of you! Probably come to on game a year update think they can be a pro GM.

– Green Machinist

9 years ago

Why not Mark Mueller has head coach?