Today the Canadian Football League (CFL) released the following statement on Wednesday:

The failure of Edmonton Eskimos Head Coach Jason Maas to wear a live microphone during his club’s game last Monday, October 10 was a direct contravention of a directive from this league’s Board of Governors, a motion that was supported by all nine clubs.

It was unfair to our fans, who had been promised a live mic game, to our broadcast partner, who had advertised a live mic game, and to the other clubs in the league who had abided by the Board’s directive to participate in live mic games. It was totally unacceptable. The Eskimos organization acknowledges this and has apologized. Still, it has a responsibility to ensure its employees do not see themselves as above the league and what its Governors deem to be in the best long term interests of the league. For this reason, I am fining the Eskimos organization $20,000.

It is also important that Coach Maas be held personally accountable. I am fining him $15,000. The fact that Coach Maas has expressed no remorse whatsoever for what appears to be a unilateral and planned act of defiance is particularly disappointing. I want to send a clear signal that this cannot happen again. Should Coach Maas be directed to wear a live microphone again this season or in subsequent seasons, and he again refuses, he will be immediately subjected to the maximum fine allowable and he will be suspended for his team’s next game, even if that next game is a playoff or championship game.

No individual, or group of individuals, is more important than the well-being of the entire league, and there must be respect for the directives of those empowered under our Constitution to lead this league. I want to stress again that acting in direct contravention of a Board mandated directive cannot and will not be tolerated.

— Jeffrey L. Orridge, CFL Commissioner

(Edmonton) — The Canadian Football League has fined the Edmonton Eskimos $20,000 and Head Coach Jason Maas $15,000 for not wearing a live microphone during last Monday’s TSN broadcast.
Statement from Eskimos President and CEO Len Rhodes:
Last Monday, our football club failed to honour the commitment we had previously made to the league to follow through on the live mic broadcast.  By failing to act on our commitment, we let our peers down across the league.  For this, we are sorry and we sincerely apologize to our league, our broadcast partner TSN and to CFL fans from coast-to-coast.
Today, the commissioner has levied significant fines against our football club and our head coach.  We respect and fully support this decision.  The long-term interests of our league as a whole must always supersede the interests of any individual or any one team.  
There will be no further comment on this matter.
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Evan Wiome
7 years ago

And the angry, nonsensical babblings of angry Moes trolls begins in 3, 2, 1………

7 years ago

That a boy Jeffery, you the man tough guy

7 years ago

Part of the penalty should be they need to wear mics for another game this season on top of the fine.

7 years ago

Jason Maas and Mike Reilly you're not that special.

Rally Driver
7 years ago

If someone starts a GO FUND ME page for Maas, to send "Jeff" a message, I'm in.

7 years ago

Sooo not wearing a Mic is more of a fine then slapping a referee? There's zero consistency with all the fines this year

7 years ago

What amounts to a $35,000 fine for doing what almost every team, coach and manager hate. Perhaps in a drunken stupor the BOG didn't think about this or realize what an imposition they were creating for their teams and personnel. Accost a referee and get a$10,000 fine but don't mic up and get a $35,000 fine. Good luck with that Orridge, you're signing you're separation slip!! Take that to the bank. The stupidity and pettiness of the League office is unprecedented in the CFL history. Orridge is hated everywhere he goes and quite frankly he cannot survive under those terms,… Read more »

7 years ago

The Eskimos brought the CFL into disrepute and disrespected TSN who ensure that money flows to meet player salaries etc. There should have been a loss of a 1st round draft choice! Only then will teams think twice before pulling the type of stunt Maas did, effectively giving the CFL and TSN the finger.

7 years ago

And this is why your league is a joke Mr Commissioner.
Super Dan

7 years ago

ha ha… ha ha ha.

Krusty the Clown

John Knight
7 years ago

I am a Rider fan so don't say I am backing the Eskimos. To have mics on coach's is a joke. It should never have been started and after ALL teams have done it once, stop this silly thing. Very few people are interested in what they say anyway

7 years ago

Does anyone know if Reilly is it will get fined??

7 years ago

Uh-oh. Edmonton gets demoted to coach along with rest of the peons. No room amongst the elites (Cal, BC, Tor) in first class!
Now you know your place. Thus has Porridge decreed!

7 years ago

Reilly cannot be fined so that is most likely why the Eskimos took the fine…it is in the CFLPA that a player does not have to wear a mic simple as that and the weak commissioner was scared of the CFLPA stepping in. The whole mic thing is stupid, glad Burris told TSN to shove it…well deserved. Losing a number 1 draft pick for not wearing a mic hey…guess you riders should have lost your next 3 number ones then for having 45 guys above practice regulations, cheaters…enjoy your off season boys. Go watch your other professional sports team…oops my… Read more »

7 years ago

Hit em with the Heeeeiiiiin!

7 years ago

Do it again Dumbo, I dare you! "It is also important that Coach Maas be held personally accountable. I am fining him $15,000. The fact that Coach Maas has expressed no remorse whatsoever for what appears to be a unilateral and planned act of defiance is particularly disappointing. I want to send a clear signal that this cannot happen again. Should Coach Maas be directed to wear a live microphone again this season or in subsequent seasons, and he again refuses, he will be immediately subjected to the maximum fine allowable and he will be suspended for his team’s next… Read more »

7 years ago

You know where they should shove those Mics. This League will soon be touch football the way they are carrying on and they wonder why attendance is shrinking except Rider Nation of course.

7 years ago

This Commissioner and current Board are slowly removing CFL fans from every team. Why? They and the NFL are working closer together but didn't anyone notice the NFL is also making moves that loses fans? It's not Millennials leaving. They were never watching anyways. They are annoying long term die hard CFL and NFL fans.
Is this just another sign the "elite" are so out of touch they actually don't even know or is it don't dare question our moves because we will enforce our stupidity and you are only Peons?

7 years ago

Guess this isn't really that detrimental to the league….