(Listen daily for the Rod Pedersen Commentary on Cat Country 98 & Rock 98.5 FM)
It’s Friday and that’s when Grey Cup festivities really kick into high gear.
Although there’s been lots going on already here in Regina, including Thursday night’s Player Awards, the traditional coaches news conference on Wednesday and the ceremonial Grey Cup arrival at 15 Wing Moose Jaw way back on Tuesday.
The Grey Cup remains Canada’s marquee sporting event, despite the slide of the CFL over the past few years which we’ll get into in a moment.

I don’t like the cold – never have – so I’ve always been in favour of rotating the big game between the three domes in Canada; Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver. But when you see the outpouring of support in Regina from the seniors homes to schools and daycares, and local shops, how could you deny any CFL markets from hosting this great event?
I’ve gotta give John Lipp credit for bringing the first Grey Cup to Regina in 1995 because up till then, nobody thought it could be done.
And boy oh boy has the CFL and Grey Cup changed since then. Maybe I won’t get into that day. Let’s keep things positive and shuffle that off to the weekend column.
Aside from the actual game in 2013 in Regina, by biggest memory of that Grey Cup was broadcasting the parade on regional television in minus-47 degree conditions.
I said it’s the first time in history that parade floats were given speeding tickets.
We just wanted to get it over.
Those were the days; likely never to return.
Thankfully we made sure to make the most of them at the time.
That’s today’s Rod Pedersen Commentary
(The Rod Pedersen Show airs daily on Game+ TV and WQEE Radio. Call your cable provider to subscribe. You can also watch on YouTube Live and listen 24/7 at
We’re always on the same page and if we disagree believe me we are not disagreeabe in any manner. Respectfully, I must make this comment as it’s so important to have an accurate read on history. Our generation is the last caboose out of crazyville and the young fans have no recollection prior to 2007. They are also abandoning ship. I am incredibly protective of Roughriders/CFL history and if it’s left to the local media it’ll be skewed. I must put on record. John Lipp did not bring the CFL Grey Cup to Regina. He was on third base, scored… Read more »
Well said. Boys club showing through.