Blog mailbag:

Hey Rod,
Looking forward to the West Final this weekend here in Calgary and we have the vehicles decaled up with rider swag!
Todd Clendening

Rider Pride in Tennessee last night!  My friend Bruce from Jack Daniels (a former Pats billet), along with Jay and Darren from Rock Creek.  My guess is the fourth guy on the trip, Stu Rathwell, took the photo.  Thanks boys!

More from the blog mailbag:

Hey buddy,
Thought this would be great for the blog.  It’s my good friends Elishia and Kent Larwood’s baby boy.  How cute is he!?  Also he said to stay tuned in the third quarter because he’s gonna streak the field!!!
Jared Dumba

Hey Roddy, this was sent to me by by Lynne Brecht of the crew at Horizon Fertilizers in Humboldt. I thought I would pass it on to let you know Rider pride is alive in the Boldt.

Take it all in, can’t wait for the call Sunday.
Clark Stork

And finally, they’re ready for us down in Tampa Bay!  Right after Grey Cup the SportsCage is taking 50 listeners down to Florida and we’ll be broadcasting live from Hulk Hogan’s Hogan’s Beach Bar.  Rider fan Rick Green and family were just there and got this photo with the “Mouth of the South” Jimmy Hart.  He says they’re waiting for us to get there.  Can’t wait!!



1 – ONE MORE TIME: The Roughriders visit the Calgary Stampeders in Sunday’s CFL West Division Final (3:30 pm, TSN, CKRM Rider Radio Network).  The forecast calls for sunshine and a high of minus-11 .  The Stampeders are favoured by 4.5-points.  Hopefully we open the column with this next week too.

2 – WHY THE RIDERS WILL WIN: Kory Sheets will run wild over the interior of the Calgary defensive line, the impact of Chris Best and Chris Getzlaf will be huge and the Riders will unleash a furious, unstoppable pass rush.  Also the Stampeders just can not overcome their injuries.

3 – WHY THE STAMPEDERS WILL WIN: Should starting quarterback Kevin Glenn falter, Drew Tate is waiting in the wings to save the day as he’s done so many times against Saskatchewan.  Also the Hufnagel/Dickenson game plan is just too fluent given their years together, the players’ familiarity with the system, and perhaps the best offensive line in the league (statistically they are).  Also, the Stampeders will be more disciplined in the penalty department.

4 – QUOTE OF THE WEEK #1: It comes from football maven John Lynch when asked what happens if Calgary opposes Hamilton in the 101st Grey Cup in Regina.  “I’ll be watching the NFL Network,” Lynch said.

5 – QUOTE OF THE WEEK #2:  It comes from Regina Thunder coach Scott MacAuley when I asked him at what point did he see in Vancouver Island’s eyes that the Canadian Bowl game was over?  “I’d say during warmups,” MacAuley snickered.

6 – QUOTE OF THE WEEK #3: This one’s from ESPN Radio’s Colin Cowherd – “Mediocre people don’t like high-achieving people, and high-achieving people don’t like mediocre people.”


7 – QUOTE OF THE WEEK #4: “We’re gonna spank their little Ti-Cats” – Toronto Mayor Rob Ford on Thursday, calling out Hamilton Mayor Bob Bratina.

8- Will the Argonauts rue the day they turned their back on Ford?  For a franchise crying out for attention in Canada’s largest city, you’d think they’d kiss the feet of their Mayor for his undying support.  Instead, they slam the door in his face.  What do we always say on this blog about supporting people when they need it the most??


* Darian Durant’s 97 yards rushing in last week’s Western Semifinal were a career high and are the 5th-most by a quarterback in CFL playoff history.

* Running backs Jon Cornish and Kory Sheets rushed for a combined 3411 yards this year.  The CFL record for the top two ball-carriers was set in 1994 by Cory Philpot and Mike Pringle (3423 yards).

* The Riders and Stampeders tied for first in the CFL’s turnover ratio, both at +19.

* Rider kicker Chris Milo was 10/10 against Calgary this season while the Stampeders’ Rene Parades was 5/5 against the Green & White.

* This is the ninth consecutive year in the playoffs for the Stampeders.  The club record is 13 (1989-2001).

* The Riders were 5-4 on the road this year.  It’s their best road record since 2008.

* Calgary had 10 West Division All-Stars this year while the Riders had 9.

* The Riders’ Ricky Foley is 2/2 in Grey Cup appearances.  Teammate Paul Woldu has two rings, but I believe only appeared in one Grey Cup game.

* The Riders, as a team, have 209 career playoff games under their belts, and a grand total of 17 Grey Cup rings in their locker room.  I couldn’t find Calgary’s stats on that in the game notes.

8 – CALGARY RADIO: I earned a new-found respect for Jock Wilson of CHQR 770 radio last night.  He was very respectful in our visit on Stampeders radio last night and ended our chat with, “I admire your respect for the Roughriders but did you actually vote for Chris Getzlaf over Jon Cornish as Top Canadian?”  I admitted that in fact I did, which kept Cornish from being a unanimous winner, but thoughfully laid out all the reasons why.  Jock responded, “Well … at least you’re honest”.

Frankly it was a thrill to be on with Jock.  He used to host Calgary Flames broadcasts and I listened to him religiously while going to school in Calgary.

9 – NICE WORDS FROM VANCOUVER:  Interesting thoughts on the Roughriders from Ed Willes, a former Reginan, in Monday’s Vancouver Province:

– “Speaking of the Roughriders, you might have heard about the team’s merchandising operation but you can’t really appreciate it until you see it at Mosaic Stadium.

The main store is about half the size of a Winners and crammed, I mean crammed, with anything that can hold a Riders logo.

Their annual retail sales tops out at over $10 million a season. That’s more than every other Canadian sports franchise, save the Toronto Maple Leafs and Montreal Canadiens. It’s also more than the NFL’s Jacksonville Jaguars and Carolina Panthers. But it goes deeper than that. The Riders drive TSN ratings. They’re the league’s biggest draw on the road by a considerable margin.

They’re basically the engine that drives the CFL’s business, and if they make it to this year’s Grey Cup in Regina, watch out.

There will be a party, my friends.”

10 – Hamilton running back Dahhran Diedrick has pulled out his two Montreal Grey Cup rings to show his Ticats teammates as motivation for the 2013 CFL championship.  I bet it works.  Incidentally you can see those Grey Cup rings in the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame right now.  Alouettes scout Alan Ford has graciously donated his for their Grey Cup exhibit.

11 – WHL OBSERVATION: The Calgary Hitmen lead the Dub in attendance at 7258 while Prince George is last at 1612.  The overall league average is 4020 and the Regina Pats are somewhere in the middle.

12 – NHL OBSERVATION: Who lasts longer in Edmonton; Dallas Eakins or Nail Yakupov?

13 – PRESS BOX SPORTS BAR: Their Friday lunch specials are the Cowboy Burger ($11.99, it’s amazing) and the Cowgirl Burger ($10.99).  A reminder Saturday is UFC and Sunday is the CFL West Final.  The Press Box says Go GSP and Go Riders!!


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The Woz
10 years ago

Not sure where you are getting your forecast. Calgary has a snowfall warning for up to 8 inches of snow by saturday then high of minus nine on sunday….

10 years ago
Reply to  The Woz

Check environment Canada this morning and you will see where the -11 comes from.

10 years ago

Dallas Eakins is safe in Edmonton: A) They are already paying out Krueger and Tambilini for their contracts. B) McTavish gave Eakins the vote of confidence yesterday. C) Consistent coaching is required in order for systems to develop and a culture to be born. Eakins will get this team going, however, not until McTavish finds a goalie. As for your comments on the Rodeo yesterday Rod, like how Redneck can you make our province sound "this rodeo clown even was wearing a wireless microphone…like Madona"….Jesus RP Rodeo clowns have been doing this for a decade at least when I use… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

You do realize you just came off as a complete idiot don't you?

10 years ago

To say I'm a little nervous about the game is an understatement. But thats what we love about sports. You can't get that feeling of winning or losing from a regular tv show. Its a beautiful thing.

Go RIders!!!!

10 years ago

hope stump killer,getz, things up for dress,taj n simon,who needs to bring his A game…geroy shoulda had that catch near endzone last game…@ close to $200 000,what exactly has he dun this year!! in DD i trust!!

10 years ago

They might jerk your vote. It won't last forever but for now Cornish is the best player in the league, let alone best Canuck. I wish you'd list your reasons for voting otherwise.

Old Cuss

10 years ago

I see some game keys as :
Winning the turnover battle ,
Cornish under 80 yards,
Giving up fewer sacks,
and 7's instead of 3's{ obviously).
Go Riders!

10 years ago

Take your snowboots RP!!!

10 years ago

Roddy! As a Stamps fan I have to say I actually wish you were our guy. See you at McMahon! Will be sad to see your team lose, for your sake.


10 years ago

Up top you talk about the Argos shouldn't dis supporters then you act like a 10 year old when someone is critical of you.
For some reason you turn in to a whinny kid every once in a while like when you wouldn't talk during a taping of In The Huddle to teach John Lynch some kind of lesson.
You act like you are entitled to have all of us listen to you no matter how stupid you act.

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Hear ! Hear !

10 years ago

Ha ha. You got em going now Roddy! Rod can vote however he wants, you can't just pull someone's vote because he disagrees with everyone else.

When we win the Grey Cup in 2 weeks I'm getting "Rob Ford" drunk!

BOOM. Just coined a new phrase!

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Anyone can vote how they want, and that's their prerogative. But maintaining a professional unbiased conclusion/opinion to the task at hand Important to one's long term Integrity.

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

That's what I said. Anyone can vote how they want. Thanks for proving I'm right.

10 years ago

Gainer the gopher released by the Roughriders, woun't be on the flight out with the team to Calgary. Management should do likewise with $imon, too costly.

10 years ago

A couple three things: 1) Dallas Eakins will not last until Christmas because the only loyalty the Oilers show is to the old guys that were there during to glory days. The other thing is nobody wants to admit they were wrong and the fact is the Oilers drafts didn't develop. Now is that the players or is it the system. I'm saying it is the players. If you could pass a puck into the net they'd be in first place. There isn't a grain of sandpaper on that team, and their skilled guys at an NHL level just aren't… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

5) Calgary vs Hamilton Grey Cup.
Calgary wins.

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Dallas Eakins will last past Christmas. It clearly isn't a coaching issue in Edmonton when you've had 6 different coaches in the past 7seasons and have had the same results. Sooner or later they will realize that just because the NHL is a faster game doesn't mean you can build a team around undersized forwards, average at best defense and zero goaltending. The CFL MOP will either be Jon Cornish or Ricky Ray. Durant had a very good season, however in the eyes of the CFL I doubt they feel it was MVP worthy.

10 years ago

Why should Eakins be another coach that is let go? Doesn't any realize with how awful that team has been and looks it is regressing even more this year that this crap they have on the ice comes to down to the players.

10 years ago

If the Stamps are in the GC … I'll be cheering for the EAST!! Evidently Lynch is not going to the game???? GO RIDERS… >> !!

10 years ago

Uh Obama,
I usually agree with most of what you say, BUT, looks like you will need to begin to accept the 'highway robbery' as you say. Durant can not win MOP as he wasn't even nominated for the award.

10 years ago

Nik Lewis practices yesterday…I think the Stamps still have enough capable receivers at this point. I bet he ate himself up to 3-hundy during his break though so maybe they should put him in at Defensive Tackle?

10 years ago

Those country hick Roughriders entering the metropolitan city of Calgary, can they stay away from all the side show attractions without getting in trouble.

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Nice try cupcake.
Y'er welcome

todd in the 403
todd in the 403
10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Uh its Calgary not Montreal

10 years ago

Calgary is no metropolitan city friend. Perhaps if you got your head out of your horse's arse and go see the world, you'd realize that.

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Have Indeed travelled the world assuming sir. City of Calgary and It's surrounding metropolis area, world class beautiful. Regina, no metropolitan anything, a scab on the prairie for all to see. Perhaps if you got your head out of your cow's arse and go see the world, you'd realize that.

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Get back In your assigned cow stall for your daily wash and comb so you can look your best for tonight's show and tell activities of Agribition.

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I didn't realize they let world travelers from the big metropolis of Calgary get on an airplane with fresh manure on their boots wearing a stinky, sweat stained ball cap. I hope you didn't give Canada a bad rap with your delusions of grandeur.

10 years ago

I am sure that the Riders would be also be upset if Rob Ford was in a Rider jersey talking about eating pussy (but not in reference to the Ti-Cats).