* ONE MORE TIME: The Saskatchewan Roughriders will oppose the Hamilton Tiger-Cats in the 101st Grey Cup at Mosaic Stadium on Sunday (5:30 pm kickoff, TSN, CKRM Rider Radio Network).  It is simply the biggest game in the Saskatchewan Roughriders’ 103-year history.  The forecast calls for sunshine, a high of minus-1 degree Celsius and the Roughriders are 6-point favourites.

* STARTLING STAT: The Ticats are 11-5 since they were swept by Saskatchewan in a home-and-home series in July (37-0 and 32-20).  Rider coach Corey Chamblin’s right when he says they’re facing a completely different team come Sunday.  Hamilton has won six of its last seven games.

* WHY THE RIDERS WILL WIN: Simply put, it’s their time.  Similar to the Montreal Alouettes of a decade ago, the Riders have been knocking on the door of a Grey Cup championship.  Montreal was perennially in the Grey Cup back then, but came away with bitter losses to Edmonton and BC.  However in 2009 and 2010 they were a veteran team, scarred by their past championship losses, and finished the job.  Same goes for the Roughriders here.

* DURANT SNUBBED (AGAIN): Ticats quarterback Henry Burris was given the nod by the CFLPA for their All-Star team ahead of Darian Durant.   Obviously it’s voted on by CFL players and it was announced Thursday night.  The only Rider All-Stars were Kory Sheets, Chris Getzlaf, Alex Hall and Craig Butler.

* TRACTOR FACTOR VS THE AUSTIN FACTOR: It’s scary though, to consider Hamilton coach Kent Austin is 4-0 in Grey Cups.  How do the Riders game plan for the Austin Magic?  You just can’t.

* PIPE DREAM: The Austins and the Mike Sillinger family were neighbours in January of 2008 when Shelley Austin told Carla Sillinger that, after Kent announced his resignation from the Roughriders, that he would come back one day with another team to win the Grey Cup in Regina.  This story just came up this week from Carla’s husband Mike.

Former Regina Pat and long-time NHL’er Jamie Heward was standing nearby and chimed in, “Big deal.  I’ve had lots of dreams that didn’t come true!”

Still, it’s eery.

* QUOTE OF THE WEEK: It comes from Ticats DB Brandon Boudreaux in the Hamilton Spectator: “From what I understand there are no distractions in Regina because there is nothing to do there, whatsoever.”  Dude, you’re coming from Hamilton.

* THE OLD SWAMP DOG: Canadian Football Hall of Famer Ron Estay is in Regina for Grey Cup festivities.  I had lunch with him on Thursday and we discussed his seven Grey Cup rings (six with Edmonton and one with Saskatchewan).  In all, he has 16 championships in football.  Asked for his prediction, the Estay said, “It’s gonna be tough.  But I think Regina will take it.”  Ron is now making his home in New Orleans, working for an oil company.

* HISTORICAL NOTE: The Regina Roughriders became the Saskatchewan Roughriders in 1946.

* TOO COLD TO PARTY: I heard outdoor events were cancelled on Thursday.  If that’s true, it’s a travesty given all the time that’s gone in to planning.  It was my worst fear; that the cold would ruin things.  Fortunately it will be decent for Sunday’s game, which is the most important item on the agenda.

* COME AGAIN?: CFL Commissioner Mark Cohon relented this week and said the league is considering moving the schedule up a month, to begin in June, so as not to deal with these frigid temperatures in the Grey Cup Playoffs.  However it seems to me heaven and earth will have to be moved for it to happen.

* CHRISTMAS SHOPPING: Vancouver Province columnist Ed Willes has written a book entitled END ZONES & BORDER WARS, The Era of American Expansion in the CFL.  It’s a must-read and is in all bookstores now, as well as  Ed provided me with a copy on Thursday and signed it, “To Rod, from one CFL guy to another, Best Wishes, Ed“.  I will be reading it on the beaches of Jamaica this winter.

* TIGER-CAT TALES:  I got a minute alone with Ticat quarterback Henry Burris on Thursday and asked him when he’ll finally tell the whole story of why he left the Roughriders in 2005.  “Once I’m done playing,” Henry smiled.  “I think I have enough distractions right now!  Once I’m done playing we’ll get together and lay it all out.  Right now I want to keep ’em booing at me because I think once I tell the story they’ll stop.  I wanna wait till I’m done and playing so that fans can truly understand what happened and listen to it from a level perspective.”

It’s everything you think, plus a whole lot more.

* ONRAIT AND O’TOOLE: When do the famed duo from Fox Sports One get into town for Grey Cup?  I shot Dan a text but received no response.  I understand they’re coming.

* BUILT FORD TOUGH: Even though the Argonauts didn’t make it to the Grey Cup, there’s a rumour Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is coming to the game as a fan.  Be on the lookout!

* FROM THE MOUTH OF BABES: From my daughter, the A-Train, as I was driving her to school on Thursday: “What will happen if the Riders win the Grey Cup on Sunday?  Will everything change?”  I told her no one knows.  That’s the exciting part.

* MANY HAPPY RETURNS: How is former Ticat Chris Williams making out with the NFL’s New Orleans Saints?  I wonder if he realizes what he’s missing.  Kent wins again.

* A FORGOTTEN STORYLINE: WR Corey Grant won a Grey Cup with the Roughriders in 2007.  I forgot all about “CG2” until Thursday morning when I saw him at Hamilton’s media brunch.  He’s now the Running Backs Coach with the Ticats.  He always has a smile on his face and he was a tremendous Roughrider.

* JERSEYS: I’ve been told the Roughriders will likely wear their regular green home uniforms for Sunday’s Grey Cup.  They lost the 2009 and 2010 Grey Cups in retro outfits.  I’ve also been told the final decision on what they wear will be made after a collaboration by Corey Chamblin, Brendan Taman and Jim Hopson.

* BIG BUCKS: Rumour is the Riders will rake in at least $1,000,000 in merchandise sales this week and potentially $1,000,000 more if they win.

* BREAKING RECORDS: The Riders’ 40 rushing attempts in the West Division Final were a CFL Playoff record.  Offensive coordinator George Cortez was caught off-guard by that stat on Thursday.  They certainly didn’t go into the game planning to do that.

* T.O.P.: The Riders also set a playoff record in time of possession at 40:42 against the Stampeders.

* HARM TO CARM: I understand my Rider Radio analyst Carm Carteri has lost his voice during Grey Cup Week.  I haven’t seen him since Tuesday but I know it’s not from excessive carousing, but more likely from exhaustion from all the events he’s been involved with.  However I know he’s a pro, and he’ll be ready to call Sunday’s game with me.

WHEW!  I think that’s enough.  It’s been busy.


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10 years ago

What role did Eric Tillman play in helping Hamilton get to the Grey Cup?

10 years ago

Thank-you for all the amazing coverage! It is greatly appreciated by Rider fans outside the province.

My head and my heart say that the Riders will win, but the "Austin factor" is creating whispers of uncertainty. Time to call on the football gods again, for one more favour this season!

Enjoy the rest of the festivities. I hope it goes so well that not only Carm, but everyone else in the province is voice-less on Monday!

10 years ago

Hey Rod hope you're enjoying the festivities so far, we've been enjoying the excitement via media so far but will be there tomorrow and Sunday. Just wanted to shout out to Brendan Labatte and Brett Jones congrats! Henry can have the all star honor, Darian will get the Grey Cup.

10 years ago

I think the Riders will be wearing their regular green jerseys and not the retros. TSN has been shooting promos and the Rider players are wearing the regular jerseys. Plus at practice they usually wear the helmet of what they are going to be playing in and it is the green helmet with the rectangular S design.

10 years ago

jus hopin the riders can CRUSH this Austin magic garbage!! as far as im concerned,austin is,and always will b,the top VILLAIN!!! the guy snubbed the riders twice,roy left henry no choice!!!! in DD I TRUST!!! his time……

10 years ago

How about this quote off "The Scratching Post" by Boudreaux:

"I can't say I feel like we have it already because we still have to play the game but … we have it already, " the Hamilton Ticats defensive end said. "I'm making a guarantee we're going to win this game."

10 years ago

The pic of durant looking at the cup…you can see how bad he wants it…hes got that look…hes gonna do some damage on sunday. But this has all the makings of one of the biggest dissapointments in rider history. How do you top the 13th man fiasco…this loss will top it…losing on our own turf..burris hoisting the cup on our field….disgusting. I hope im wrong. Nobody is giving hamilton a shot…i just have a feeling hamilton is taking this one and shocking everybody….disgusting…27-22 ti-cats…maybe if sheets and sanders can have a game like they had against calgary…then maybe we can… Read more »

10 years ago

To Brandon Boudreaux's comment on nothing to do whatsoever in Regina so there are no distractions… please see D.A. and Taj Smith. lol

10 years ago

" Go Cats Go !!!!

10 years ago

Boudreaux is a moron who I'm happy opened his mouth, remember what happened when Sheets shot off his mouth before the Calgary game at the end of October, and then Price last week.

Boudreaux just painted a big fat bullseye on himself. I, for one, am happy he did so. Seeing how pissed off Durant looked like last week can't help either with his comments.

10 years ago

-37 Celsius with the wind chill this am, The Weather Network. Brutal climate for any event. No faith in the predicted forcast for Sunday, it will be off the mark as per usual with the wind and the late start to the game as the temperature drops throughout the evening. Team players prepare, and be careful.

10 years ago

Got to feel tor the visitor's accomodated in the trailer campers.

10 years ago

It’s no secret Austin’s wife hated Regina, she hated it when Kent played here and hated it when he coached here. Even with the faux comments about loving it in Regina and how they handled it when Austin played here.

For her to say Kent will come back and win with another team just proves the Austins viewed the Riders as a place to cut their teeth and wipe their dirty feet on the welcome mat we call Taylor Field.

Here’s hoping that the fans on the East side just give it to Austin, Burris and Fantuz Flakes

10 years ago

It would crack me up to see Rob Ford appear in the Grey Cup parade.

10 years ago

Burris can be rattled and if DD can get away from the rush and get out of the pocket, unlike Ray, then Sask will win. lets go

10 years ago

Not to take anything away from Getzlaf but a bit surprised by the absence of Dressler from the CFLPA All Star team.

10 years ago

Durant can be rattled big time and if HB uses his leg power for the first down markers when In trouble, then Hamilton will win, actually they will win no matter what the circumstances, let's go Tiger Cats.

Doug Mc
Doug Mc
10 years ago

Rod, If what you say is true re the reason Burris left, why do you still campaign that Shivers should be included in the Rider Plaza of Honour. With Burris we may have won a couple Grey Cups, earlier. Also, there is no doubt we lost a true hall of fame coach. It was pretty tramatic at the time!

10 years ago

Just heard Arash Madani on Calgary radio and he's picking Hamilton. Can't stand that guy, really hope he's wrong and RP rubs it in his face.

10 years ago

So Labatte wins the 'lineman of the year' and isn't on the all-star team???

Old Cuss