* We’re back at it tonight as the Regina Pats host the Prince Albert Raiders at 7 pm in the Brandt centre and I’ll be calling the action live on Access 7 with colour commentator Nevin Markwart.  As my friend Johnny Athens says, “It never ends baby.  It never ends”.  Pats GM Chad Lang says, in a way, it feels like a home-opener because with Roughrider season now behind us, the Pats are on centre stage.  He’s right.

* The Grey Cup will be in attendance at tonight’s hockey game, along with a dozen or so members of the Roughriders for a pregame ceremony.  Get your tickets and we’ll see you there!!  IT’S HOCKEY SEASON.

* Pats attendance actually went UP during the 2007-2008 WHL season, the last time the Roughriders won the Grey Cup.  Regina also went on to capture the East Division pennant that year with Curtis Hunt as coach and late-season additions like J.D. Watt, Victor Bartley and Ryan Bender.

* Back to the Roughriders.  The victory in the 101st Grey Cup is slowly starting to sink in for yours truly, but it hasn’t fully yet.  At some point it will and I’ll know when it does.  Sort of like last Sunday’s game day when it finally hit me the Riders were actually going to play in the big game.  It hit me at 10:30 am and my palms got sweaty, my heart raced and I got shortness of breath.  It lasted right up until we went on air at 4:00 pm.  When all of what the Riders accomplished in 2013 hits me, it will be a physical thing as well.  How peculiar!

* But I’m realizing the 45-23 win over Hamilton in the Grey Cup was huge to finally shut-up what I call the “YAH BUT” crowd.  You know the ones.  Maybe you’re one of them.  Like when Saskatchewan won the Grey Cup in 2007 these people said, “Yah but Kevin Glenn broke his arm in the East Final or else the Riders would have lost”.  Or when, at the time, Darian Durant’s touchdown-to-interception ratio was 28-11 this fall.  These people said, “Yah but 10 of those interceptions came in four games,” or whatever it was.

These people have nothing – absolutely nothing – to say about the Riders’ championship in 2013.  It must be driving them nuts!  Whether you want to admit it or not, the Riders’ fourth Grey Cup title is all about V-I-N-D-I-C-A-T-I-O-N.  From top to bottom.

The definition of vindicate: “to clear, as from an accusation, imputation, suspicion, or the like”

Let me count the ways:

1 – President Jim Hopson’s unwavering support of GM Brendan Taman even when, “I was about the only one left who believed in him,” Hopson said this week.  CHECK!

2 – Taman’s belief in head coach Corey Chamblin even when some questioned his methods.  CHECK!

3 – Chamblin made some uncomfortable moves on his coaching staff, letting go some assistants, shuffling Bob Dyce to make room for George Cortez, and playing chicken with Craig Dickenson and losing.  CHECK!  Corey came out on top.

4 – Chamblin’s staunch defense of Dwight Anderson when everyone, including me, wanted him out of here.  CHECK!

5 – George Cortez beats the team who fired him less than one year ago, in the CFL championship game.  CHECK!  George wouldn’t discuss it, but he wouldn’t be human if he didn’t feel some sense of vindication.

6 – Ricky Foley takes a significant paycut to sign with the Roughriders.  In the end he got paid, and then some.  CHECK!  “If I’d have known what it was like to play here, I would have done it years ago,” Foley said.

7 – Darian Durant?  Where shall I start.  Let’s just quote him.  “When I was younger, I read and listened to all that was said,” Durant said on Monday.  “I would die for this team.  So for all those who didn’t want me here, or didn’t stand by me, you all know what you can do”.  CHECK!  Darian has a very long memory.  I’m glad I’m not in his crosshairs!

8 – Kent Austin, Henry Burris and Andy Fantuz all left Saskatchewan for greener pastures and better opportunities only to come back and lose to the Riders in the biggest game ever.  CHECK!

9 – The cocky Stamps, Jon Cornish, Maurice Price, Juwan Simpson, Charleston Hughes, et al.  CHECK!

10 – The 13th Man.  Dead.  Gone.  Good-bye.  CHECK!

11 – I was hoping to get to 13 of these.  If you can think of more, help me out.


* Still waiting to hear if the Roughriders are getting fined for ignoring protocol during the player introductions in the 101st Grey Cup and coming out as a team, unscripted.  Neither team President Jim Hopson nor coach Chamblin are concerned.  They’d do it again.  Call it a “cost of doing business”.

* Was it a first for the Riders to storm the field for a championship game?  Initially some thought it was.  The New England Patriots warned the NFL they would not be introduced individually for the 2001 Super Bowl and the league obliged.  We thought what the Riders did on Sunday was a first in pro football (because they didn’t warn anybody about it) but a former Calgary Stampeder informed me the Winnipeg Blue Bombers did this exact same thing in the 2001 Grey Cup.  “It pissed our guys off,” he told me.  I checked with former Blue Bomber Mike Abou-Mechrek on this and he confirmed it.  “Yeah but it didn’t seem as big of a deal as this,” Abou said in a text message Thursday night. “I was introduced as the starting left tackle and then was benched right after Oh Canada”.

* This Grey Cup championship for Rider GM Brendan Taman — his first — proves nice guys don’t have to finish last.

* The Riders are getting plaudits far and wide for placing an ad in the Hamilton Spectator this week, paying tribute to the Ticats.  It was classy.  But I believe the Alouettes did something similar in the Leader-Post after either the 2009 or 2010 Grey Cup and I remember muttering under my breath, “screw you“.  Pretty sure the Ticats are feeling the same thing.

* TWEET OF THE WEEK: From Edmonton Oilers goalie Ilya Gryzgalov:

“@bryzgalov80 Rider fans look like crazy bunch.  So much fun in the stands.  Complete opposite of how game was in Calgary last week against Flames”.

* Bryzgalov tried to convince teammate Jordan Eberle to rent a private plane and fly to Regina for Grey.  He wanted to meet our “friendly gopher”.  Jordan told him it was a great idea, but it was also too late.

* Couldn’t get into Riderville?  Don’t feel too bad.  I couldn’t get Eberle’s family in either.

* Funny how things change.  Calgary’s John Hufnagel is no longer a lock to win the 2013 CFL Coach of the Year Award, or the Annis Stukus Trophy.  He’s now a longshot.  It has to be between Corey Chamblin and Kent Austin and frankly, I’ve got to give the nod to CC.

* Congratulations to Kirk Penton of the Winnipeg Sun for being named the Gibson’s Finest CFL Reporter of the Year.  He’s definitely one of the good guys in this perilous trade.

* George Cortez will likely be getting a call from Wally Buono now that the Lions’ offensive coordinator position is open.  The Lions will target Paul Lapolice and/or Cortez however I have a REAL strong feeling George will stay here.

* However if he leaves, it would be nice if the Riders discussed the opportunity with Marcus Crandell.  He’s out of football, living in Sherwood Park, Alberta working for a friend of mine.  Pretty sure he’d come back at the drop of a hat.  He really got worked over by the Eskimos.

* Would be stunned if Jason Tucker isn’t the receivers coach, or something, in Edmonton next year.  His resume looks pretty good, having spent the past two seasons as such in Saskatchewan and having three 1000-yard receivers under his guidance this year.

* Bodog’s Grey Cup odds for 2014:

Saskatchewan 3-1
BC 7-2
Hamilton 7-1
Calgary 4-1
Toronto 6-1
Montreal 8-1
Edmonton 9-1
Winnipeg 12-1
Ottawa 25-1

* Poor, poor Winnipeg.  They were even the butt of a Pinball Clemons joke on TSN’s pregame show.  Pinball and TSN’s Rod Black were taking the Grey Cup around to places it’s never been before and Clemons joked, “Like Winnipeg?”  In truth they took it to the Tartan Curling Club, the Broken Rack and Golden Mile bowling alley.

* CFL Commissioner Mark Cohon was non-committal about putting the Roughriders in Touchdown Atlantic IV.  Simply put, the Riders are the victims of their own success.  No team wants to give up a home game against the Riders and move it to the tiny Moncton stadium because they’d be giving up hundreds of thousands of dollars.  However Cohon admitted that the event has fizzled so what better way to give it a shot-in-the-arm than to bring in Canada’s Team?  What if we said pleeeease?

* CANADA’S TEAM:  Haha.  Edmonton radio host Dave Jamieson asked me on Monday what it’s like to be hated by the rest of the nation now rather than to be the “loveable losers” we used to be.  You know the answer to that.  They know what they can do, right Darian?


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10 years ago

Great line from Pinball…hahaha

10 years ago

I've had a few friends this week admit they were wrong. They would get down on 'certain' areas of the team. But now feel different.
I guess thats what championships do.

10 years ago

Rod, you should ask Dave Jamieson how it feels to cheer for a losing team like the Eskimos… I'm sure it feels a lot worse than being hated for having success! Also, screw hamilton, screw austin, burris, fantuz, congi, etc. and screw anyone who thought the 13th man thing was funny! We're the champs now! Man it feels amazing to say that! Go Riders Go!!!

10 years ago

Sorry to be a downer…but the Bryzgalov account is a parody. Just like FakeGainer, or FakeArashMadani.

10 years ago

Rob Bagg's persistence and dedication to come back from multiple knee injuries. He wasn't a bystander, contributed huge, and it finally paid off for him and the team on Sunday. Check..

Trev. .

10 years ago

Love the comment screw those who laughed at us for the 13th man loss. Our 13th man win is a smack in the face you all deserve.

I would add another 'screw you' to those in the media and elsewhere that started talking up the NFL in Toronto just after our Grey Cup win. Something about those non fans in Toronto feeling American NFL will be better for the country than Canadian CFL. Yes the whole country could have their own 13th Man if they supported their teams like we do.

10 years ago

C ya tonight Rod.

10 years ago

I have always said riders fans are passionate – but how can we honestly say knowledgeable. The 'fans' wanted him gone but Darian Durant now sits a Grey Cup away from being the GREATEST Rider of all-time!

He would leave a three time GC winner! Meanwhile, the fans would have zero credibility.

The green coloured glasses saw the truth.

10 years ago

x10 on the Rob Bagg point. Notice how Dressler gave him the Cup right away on the stage and how pumped he was about it. He has been through hell this season and I'll never forget watching him cry as he left the field after he'd hurt his knee again. That hurt so much. Hoisting that cup must have meant the world for him. Another point? People here wanting Cortez tarred and feathered after the offence stalled out in the later part of the season. He certainly pulled the rabbit out of the hat at the right time and now… Read more »

10 years ago

Where is the love for Richie Hall???

Involved with three Rider Grey Cups now, The 'Loyal Disorder' was ready to run him out of town on a rail and Paul McCallum his lawn at the midway point of the season. Richie's defense won this Grey Cup. When the offense sputtered in the playoffs (and it did sputter against BC) The defense bailed us out.

Lee from Moose Jaw
Lee from Moose Jaw
10 years ago

Rod, great blog today! To add to the Vindication list (to get to lucky 13). How about Rob Bagg battling back from injuries time and again to become a Grey Cup Champion. CHECK!

10 years ago

With all these points of vindication for members of the organization it just goes to show that only teams win championships. All these folks came together to win a championship. Want solid proof? Before the season some people talked about how much Dressler hated the fact that DA was now on the team. Well, if you watch right before the trophy presentation at the side of the stage DA and Dressler shared a big hug. Guys that hate each other don't do that. This is a true team in every sense of the word. They stuck up for each other… Read more »

10 years ago

All season long we kept hearing and reading, "This is the team Brendan built to try to win the Grey Cup." My question is, aren't you supposed to try to win the Grey Cup every year???


10 years ago

Hi Rod and all the Blog Supporters What a great week we have had in Rider Nation!To add to your list12 – Geroy Simon. A true pro who was able to coach and mentor our receivers on the field. A big part of gromming Sheets and Durant to be champions. To top it off – 2 TD's and the first superman pose for a Grey Cup Game!13 lets not forget Chris Milo. Only one field goal in GreyCup 101. All season he was bang on – over 88% acculturate. To think some wanted to run him off last year and… Read more »

10 years ago

The funny thing is its the naysayers that in the end gave DD some extra drive.

That kid who tweated DD should almost get a ring.

DD has been on fire ever since that famous tweet.

10 years ago

I enjoyed Darian's remarks after the game, telling his detractors what they could do. I am excited about what I have seen from our quarterback this year – he has figured out how to get to the next level and I can't wait for next season to begin. Darian's determination was written all over his face as our team made its playoff run. Go, Riders! AJS

10 years ago

I hope Cortez sticks around, I can't wait to see this unstoppable play.

10 years ago

And the next player banner at Taylor Field goes to… Richie Hall!!

Tony G

10 years ago

For decades the Riders have been loved in this province both through a few good times and many bad ones. They will be loved for decades to come. The fraction of 1% who were DD detractors are insignificant, and they appear in every major sporting city. There are times during the season when specific players will become the centre of some scrutiny or controversy. Almost everyone does it, i.e. your comment about Anderson. Fans are only human and sometimes voice opinions that sometimes prove wrong. Lets not forget that between 2011-2012 we weren't basking in the glory of victory. A… Read more »