Star Roughrider slotback Chris Getzlaf has practiced with the team the past two days after missing the prior three games with a lower body injury.  Getzlaf, who was the team’s leading receiver after Week 1, says things are progressing well.

“I feel good!” Getzlaf smiled after Wednesday’s workout.  “Finally got to go out there and run the past couple of days.  It’s great to get back out there with the guys, get in running shape, and get ready to go.”

Getzlaf was asked what the chances are that he’ll play Saturday in Ottawa in the Riders’ Week 6 game.

“I think the odds are pretty good.  I think right now I’m looking to travel and work my way into the lineup.  I want to go out there and make plays.  If I’m not called upon, I’m gonna be out there and just have the mental edge.”

Rider head coach Corey Chamblin wouldn’t declare Getzlaf ready to return from injury, but says his presence would provide a big boost to Darian Durant’s offense.

“I think anytime there’s familiarity there, it’s always positive,” Chamblin explained.  “He is our top receiver so it’s always good to have him in.  We always want those guys to play.”

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10 years ago

He must have amnesia, going by the number on his tank top he thinks he's Rod Williams. LOL

But seriously, Getz coming back is great news.

10 years ago

The banquet circuit must be coming to an end.

10 years ago

Agreed. This is fantastic news for our cf of l squadron. Go get em footballers!