Saskatchewan Roughriders General Manager Brendan Taman updated the status of quarterback Kevin Glenn during his weekly appearance on 620 CKRM’s SportsCage on Monday.  Glenn was injured in the second half of Sunday’s 31-21 home loss to Hamilton and did not play the fourth quarter.

We asked Taman if his 36-year old quarterback will be able to start Friday’s game at Edmonton.

“You’ll hate the answer I’m going to give you but I have to give it to you honestly,” Taman said.  “At best it’s 50/50.

“He was in this morning.  He’s pretty sore.  Obviously we’re putting him through some tests and whatnot.  We’re waiting to get some results.  I know he’s not 100%.  I can guarantee that right now.”

Taman declined to disclose the nature of the injury nor on what play he was injured.  He did admit Glenn took a pounding in the game.

“To be honest with you it had nothing to do with the refs,” Taman said.  “They brought a lot of different looks for us and they got pressure on our quarterback.  Every hit was legal – I have no problem with the hits – he just took a lot of them.  We just need to turn that around and get that on our side, with the opposing quarterbacks.”

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9 years ago

Maybe now you idiots will realize why Roddy always has the Riders back. Nobody else reported the update on KG other than CKRM.

Keep up the good work.

Tanner in Cgy

9 years ago


9 years ago

The highlight of the Sports Cage today was the Eskimoo fan calling in to trash talk. Hilarious stuff!

9 years ago

Don't try and tell me that Lawrence hit on Baggs two point convert was clean. Three seconds late with a helmet to the chin. Bush league!

9 years ago

Are injuries still no excuse? Heard lots of talk about Ham had no running game because Gable was injured. Heard lots of talk about the Stamps poor run and protection due to injuries. Their GMs obviously did poor recruiting and coaches unable to manage with injuries. Be fair everyone.

9 years ago

Time for BT and his HC to take some responsibility for where the team is. Poor drafting of OL/DL and Canadian talent and a HC wearing to many hats.

9 years ago

My prediction ….. Glenn is out 4 to 6 weeks.

9 years ago

My Prediction >>>>> RIDERS ARE OUT PERIOD !

9 years ago

If the OC cant scheme to protect the QB any better, it's best that Glenn stay on the sidelines. Good luck Smith, you're next.

9 years ago

My prediction is that Glenn will totally play and the riders think they are being smart trying to get the esks to fall for the lame excuses that Glenn is actually hurt ,he will play mark my works

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Oh he'll play alright, and then the Eskimos are really going to lay a hurt on the old man.

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Actually, the Riders take their injuries seriously and rest guys when needed. Unlike Winnipeg.

9 years ago

Don't fret Riderville ! Word on Dewdney is Taman made the call out to Kerry Joseph to once again come out of retirement to save/salvage the 2015 season. Good call, at least he has experience at the QB position.

9 years ago

It seems like it is the Riders forever destiny to be a bad football club no matter who is at the helm. There has been more futility than greatness when you look at the history of the club in its entirety.

9 years ago

With our teams' vast financial resources, why is our scouting department so terrible? We should have at least one scout for every Canadian and U.S. college conference. When Roy took over he had squat for finances but he had something better, connections. Tillman also had a crazy amount of connections too, his players most of which still form the core of this team. Sure you can make the argument that we've got new blood in Knox, doughty, Smith and Demski but it has to be across the board. Young players who are full of piss and vinegar and push the… Read more »

9 years ago

What struck me about Chamblin's pre game speech was that he took no responsibility for the kind of team the Riders will be for the rest of the season but placed it all on the players. Last I knew the schemes and play calling from the sidelines and coaching also helps to determine the kind of team they will be. No We in You yet it was the word You that he used. To me he sounded like he was berating the team not motivating them.

9 years ago

"mark my works"


9 years ago

Our O line is a little hard on QBs.

9 years ago

The funniest thing I have heard is people debating whether Smith or Sunseri should start if Glenn can't. You've seen them both …. does it really matter which one of them starts.

9 years ago

The sound of breaking ankles continues to resonate through the disgruntled Ridernation as scores of part time/fair weather fans leap from the bandwagon. Its sad how piling on the Riders appears to be in fashion nowadays, yet you naysayers happily swing from the Riders bag when the winning streaks occur. Perhaps you'd be more at home on Saskatchewan's "B" team football show where they eagerly take pot shots at anything to do with the organization as they try to come to terms with not being good enough to be the teams official broadcaster yet again. Imagine being so weak at… Read more »

9 years ago

I foresee another ill-timed interception, and more pain for Glenn on friday.

9 years ago

I think it is hilarious that people beak Taman and the Riders "depth" when they have over a handful of legit starters, including their franchise quarterback and other impact starters, out with long term injuries. It is not an excuse, it is fact. The young players (Knox, Doughty, Hollins, Demski, Smith, Ainsworth, Early) have been thrust into roles and have been outstanding! If anything it is time to cut the fat of the Chicks, Brackenridges, Getzlaf's, George's. Where have they been?


9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

To knowledge: I agree cut the fat. But who replaces the Chick, George and Bracks in your scenario? Names please!!