Hockey Regina announces the re-appointment of Kim Perepeluk as head coach of the Midget AAA Rebels and Brad Herauf as head coach of the Midget AAA Pat Canadians for the 2014/15 season.

Kim returns for his third season as Rebels head coach. Under Kim’s leadership the Rebels have been very successful. The Rebels have finished in first place each of the last two seasons. In 2012/13 the Rebels won the SFMAAAHL and went to the National Championship (Esso Cup) where they finished fourth. This past season the Rebels lost in the SFMAAAHL final to the eventual National Champions Weyburn Gold Wings.

Brad returns for his second season as the Pat Canadian’s head coach. In Brad’s first season, the Canadians finished in fourth place and lost out the eventual League Champions Notre Dame Argos in a hard fought 5 game semi-final series.