“In response to rumours regarding my future in the Canadian Football League with a club other than the Calgary Stampeders, I feel the need to express the fact that I am extremely happy and proud to be a member of the Stampeders, I’m under contract with the club beyond the 2015 season and I intend to honour that commitment.
I’m very pleased with our organization and all we have achieved, and I look forward to many future successes.
After reconfirming these intentions to our fans, players and organization, I hope everyone’s focus remains entirely on having a tremendous 2015 season, not speculation or false rumours about the future.”
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9 years ago

I didn't think Huff responded to rumors in the media. Expecially like this. Something smells fishy. If nothing was wrong to justify these rumors then why say anything at all. Expecially Huff.

Derrick in Drinkwater

9 years ago

Stop drinking the water in drinkwater.

9 years ago

Half of JJ BARNAGEL will return!

9 years ago


donna Campbell
9 years ago

Did Gary Lawless break the original story??

9 years ago

Dickenson's contract goes til 2017, but he is expected to head coach next season.
Murphy's contract is done this year, he will be courted by a few franchises as GM.
So if they don't want to lose Dickenson or Murphy (the future), Huf is the odd many out? Ken King doesn't wanna pay him for another 2 years to hang around?

9 years ago

As it should be. What else can the guy say. Not an answer anyway. We all tend to grab at who happens to be on top at the moment. No call for him when Ken Miller would beat him in the big games. Or Chamblin in '13. A great coach for sure but time for a new generation.

9 years ago

The Riders won in spite of Ken Miller. The players on the field beat him in the big games, not Ken "I never say a passive play call I didn't like" Miller.

9 years ago

Firstly; one has to admire the prepared statements and word smithing that goes on at times like this. "I intend" to honour that commitment. The road to hell is paved with good "intentions"; very amusing indeed. This was a very ambiguous statement for obvious reasons after all what else was he supposed to say today? Secondly; usually where there is smoke there is fire. Why was he even in a position today to need to make a statement? There are very clearly some things going on in the background which reach far beyond this statement. Lastly It's rather amusing how… Read more »

9 years ago

Is Brett Smith the next Bo Levi Mitchell? When Durant's contract expires will they keep Smith and let Durant sign as a free agent somewhere else (perhaps .. Ottawa). What would the Huff do?

9 years ago

Murphy will be courted by nobody to be GM. Have you ever laid eyes on the guy? He makes Taman look like a GQ cutout. Perception can be important as well.

9 years ago

Re: No credit to Ken Miller. "Winning is all that matters"

9 years ago

Madani, Lawless and their bed crumb trail of wannabes really know as much as the average fan with an internet connection.

9 years ago

What's he supposed to say? It's mid-season and he's under contract. Personally, I don't think the Riders could do better. Huf and Kent Austin are in a class of their own. O'Day would know a hell of a lot more if he'd spent five years working for Huffer rather than following Taman around.

9 years ago

why did Huff make a statement? – probably because some reporter put a question to him after hearing the rumor and he wanted it to go away to avoid distracting his players. Hate the Stamps as much as the Evil Empire but Huff has done a great job for them.

9 years ago

Careful issued statement to the obvious, can't have legal consequence come back to bite if outside tampering determined at a later date.

9 years ago

This is all about tampering ….

9 years ago

If Huffer ain't coming here's your guy. Assistant General Manager, Director of Player Personnel CFL: Entering 11th seasonStamps: Entering 8th season Murphy is entering his eighth season with the Stampeders. After helping to shape the roster that allowed the Stampeders to win the 2008 Grey Cup in his first stint with Calgary as assistant director of scouting, Murphy joined the Winnipeg Blue Bombers in 2009 as their director of player personnel. He then returned to Calgary in 2010 as director, player personnel and is now the assistant general manager, player personnel for the fifth straight season. Prior to joining the… Read more »

9 years ago

So….Rod is all over Lawless about his sources (which for the record he stated he heard from) this is no different……but Rod's all over from it cause it comes from Madani?

How do you spell Hypocrite?

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

There's a difference. Clueless said he has a source…end of story. Rod said Madani has something to say, then let Madani say it. It's a big difference…

9 years ago

how is this different that when the Presser to address Chamblin's future happened? Oh, right cause its Calgary and you have bad blood cause they didn't hire you!
