Sportsnet/SportsCage CFL insider Arash Madani is reporting Kerry Joseph is poised to announce his retirement.  Joseph’s remarkable CFL career began as the fifth quarterback on the depth chart of the now-defunct Ottawa Renegades and peaked with a league MVP award and a Grey Cup title with Saskatchewan in 2007.

The 40-year old Joseph was a back-up with Edmonton last season.  He will soon inform Eskimos GM Ed Hervey of his decision to leave the game.

Madani writes that it would be fitting that Joseph would leave the CFL with a one-day contract from the Saskatchewan franchise he quarterback to its third Grey Cup championship ever, and retire a Rider.

The Louisiana native played collegiately at McNeese State before breaking into the NFL where he spent one season in Cincinnati and four years with the Seattle Seahawks as a defensive back.  After being released in 2002, Joseph spent a full year out of football.

Madani reports that Joseph’s hope is to get into coaching at the college or pro level.

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10 years ago

Nothing but class met him grey cup weekend he had all the time in the world to talk to a couple of nobodies. All the best Kerry!!

10 years ago

One of only four! Thanks Kerry, your the best!

10 years ago

We have an opening for a QB coach here. Cmon Corey, make it happen!

10 years ago

Thanks KJ, all the best in the future. Wonder if he's destined for a coaching position with the Riders as has been rumored since the end of the season?

On the flipside, today is also Bell Let's Talk day to raise awareness about mental health initiatives. Can't forget about that.


10 years ago

Huge respect for KJ and what he did in 07. However, does he really offer anything immediate as a QB coach?

C'mon Corey bring in a quality and experienced QB coach to help DD.

10 years ago

One of my all-time favourite Riders! Best of luck to him.

10 years ago

I am a Rider fan. I was thrilled with the outcome of the 2007 season, but let's not put the horse in front of the wagon. On what grounds does one good season of football translate to an effective QB coach? Look at his career following the 2007 trade, disaster in Toronto and pretty much a non – factor in Edmonton. Had Nicholls not been hurt in camp he would have been completely irrelevant this past season.
Great guy…Yes. Future QB Coach of the Riders…hopefully not.

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I like the horse in front of the wagon. Makes more sense than the HS you're spreading.

10 years ago

Hope he retires as a Rider. Make it happen Hopson/Taman. Always viewed him as a Rider anyway.

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Make it happen Hopson/O'Day.

10 years ago

There’s no QB coach opening, Cortez has that role.

There is a RB coach spot open with Cortez moving to QB's

10 years ago

There’s no QB coach opening, Cortez has that role.

There is a RB coach spot open with Cortez moving to QB's

10 years ago

Already announced Cortez is the QB coach

10 years ago

"Always viewed him as a Rider." Seriously? Because of the cup of coffee he had here?

10 years ago

Hmmm ! 2007, ""that's the year The Sk. Football God Kent Austin built a Saskatchewan Roughriders Grey Cup championship team in just one season as the head coach and then left for better future golden opportunities"", (Hamilton Tiger Cats). Kerry Joseph was the starting QB for that club, great on you Kerry Joseph for winning, good luck on all endeavors.

10 years ago

""Always viewed him as a Rider."Seriously"…..I can see you haters coming out of the woodwork…..yes Seriously. 2007 Grey Cup would not have happened without Joseph and missing him in 2008 pretty well capsized the boat. If you don't love the team when it wins a Grey Cup all you can do is hate and put manure on players lawns.

10 years ago

If by 'capsized the boat' you mean had a rough season before appearing in three of the next five Grey Cups, winning one (should have been two), then yeah you are bang on with your assessment.

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

13th man team, ha ha, what stupidity by a so call professional football club. Major brain fart that day by all involved

10 years ago

KJ had 2 good years – both when Kent Austin was his overseer. Outside of those two great years he had an ordinary career at best. Yes he did win us a cup and for that we should be eternally grateful. Sure he is a good person and upstanding citizen but not one of our all time greats.

10 years ago

We have the best QB coach in the league, so it is not a fit here. Maybe as a Quality control position or something like that to get his feet wet in coaching world. But would he not know the Hamilton staff more so than anyone in the rider staff, or even be given an opportunity in Edm..

10 years ago

Kerry Joseph was pure class. Not sure if he gets the respect in Saskatchewan that he should.

This is a guy that could have stayed in the NFL and cashed in as a DB. He wanted to play QB, and followed that path.

Some would argue he could have gone down as a Regina legend had he stayed here to sell cars or work at the Refinery.

10 years ago

What's with these 'insider' creeps? Three weeks ago Naylor announces Calvillo is retiring followed 10 days later when AC has his press conference. Now Madani makes a grand announcement and Joseph hasn't even talked to Hervey yet.
No class whatsoever in either Naylor or Madani.

Old Cuss

10 years ago

I could see KJ being brought in as a guest coach in camp or hired on as some sort of 'assistant' before being tagged with a QB coach role with the Riders.