It’s understandable that the status of quarterback Darian Durant is the latest hot-button topic here in the Rider Nation whatwith Thursday’s release of franchise greats Weston Dressler and John Chick.  I don’t know where it started, but the internet has been ablaze with speculation that the Face of the Franchise’s days with the Green & White may be numbered under the new Chris Jones regime.

However Roughriders Assistant V.P. of Player Personnel John Murphy snuffed out any of that talk on Monday’s SportsCage on 620 CKRM.

“He’s our starting quarterback.  That’s his status,” Murphy asserted via phone from Florida where the Riders staged a pair of free agent tryout camps over the weekend.  “For people to be … I don’t know, other than the fever pitch of how things have started or will continue, Darian Durant’s our starting quarterback.

“The most important thing for us is that he’s on a great path.  He’s been between Toronto with his family and with his girlfriend and down in Atlanta rehabbing.  He’s on a great course and he even thinks he’s ahead of schedule.  At times we’ve had conversations about slowing down a little and making sure that he’s delicate with the rehab.  There’s no truth to any of the suggestions that Darian Durant’s going to be doing anything other than playing quarterback for us this season.”

Durant’s 2015 season ended late in the first half of the Riders’ Week 1 home loss to Winnipeg when he suffered a torn left achilles tendon.

The Roughriders will hold their third free agent tryout camp this Saturday in Mobile, Alabama.


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9 years ago

Wonder if the $ saved from releasing Chick and Dressler will be used to replace the turnstiles the Riders placed in front of Durant the past couple years?

9 years ago

Durant is the starting QB …………. for now.

But when he does not agree to a base salary of $200,000. with bonuses that may make it possible to hit $500,000. with the rb and receivers he will have he stands no chance of getting there.

9 years ago

Why do I not like this regime already? They just feel like they're rent a bodies and don't understand what it means to be a Rider.

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Yeah, being a Rider means finishing with a losing record, no chance of playoffs and being the loveable losers of the CFL. Don't you guys know that?

Man the old boys club is getting annoying with their schtik.

Gundersons Yorkton

Dick Rubnutz
Dick Rubnutz
9 years ago

Can't wait for Doubles to be leading the team once again. True Rider legend.

9 years ago

Great news, thanks Rod.

9 years ago

The Riders used to be the pride of the cfl

now with Jones and Murphy they have quickly become the laughing stock of the cfl

It really is sad

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

The Riders used to be the pride of the cfl

now with Jones and Murphy they have quickly become the laughing stock of the cfl

It really is sad

No I'm pretty sure 3-15 makes you the laughing stock of the CFL.

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Enough already with spurned man love hating.

9 years ago

Arash Madani @ArashMadani

Never believe coachspeak.

9 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Murphy isn't the coach, moron.

9 years ago

Also on your show. Bitching about losing the coin toss and not getting a chance with your offence.

I thought you said defence wins championships. Then say it like you mean it!

9 years ago

Whatever is best for the team and contributes to a winning product on the field.

9 years ago

I agree with one of the previous anons. Winning would be awesome but it will take a while to identify with a team with little to no recognizable faces. So goes the business!

9 years ago

Great news. Not that I believed any armchair DD hating GM wannabes. But this is good to shut them up. This is our leader.

9 years ago

Regina is fast becoming an impossible workplace. A few more tweets from the premier and the whole organization might implode and float down the Wascana.
Never try and change a losing culture that has developed over a century.

9 years ago

People are so mentally handicapped it's scary!!

9 years ago

The three or four butt munches on this site who like to live in the past or in some fantasy world are despicable. These unsubstantiated posts are disgusting, If Durant comes back and plays poorly they will all be calling for his head. These are true know nothings who bitch if you keep players and bitch of you move players. There is no winning with these a__holes and unless they are 3-15 or 7-11 the are unhappy. Sad people with sad lives. There is also no winning with the team and they like it that way. This team was in… Read more »

9 years ago

DD is the starting QB,we need to work on protecting our QB's and giving up the least sacks in the league this season.Will DD start 18 games? I don't think so.

We will need to use the second string QB (who ever that might be)more than we may want.Protecting the QB's will be key.

9 years ago

All you need to bring the A$$ Holes out is mention DD on this blog.

9 years ago

Gundersons Yorkton…. Man you are so far off base with your comment it makes an informed person from Saskatchewan laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Since 2007 the Riders have been to the Grey Cup 4 times and have won it twice. No other team can boast that same record. Montreal has other great records to boast about in that time frame.With every Championship team there always comes restocking over the next year or two. Now we are gearing up for sustained success with Jones and Murphy.Im thankful that Murphy took the time to snuff out all the stupid rumors. So take your negative knowledgeable comments… Read more »

9 years ago

>>> Anonymous said… The Riders used to be the pride of the cflnow with Jones and Murphy they have quickly become the laughing stock of the cfl. It really is sad <<< The above comment is either from a Shmo fan from Edmonton or an imbecile that was let out of the sad, lonely and just plain stupid ward of the hospital. A 3-15 season from the previous regime is the pride of the CFL? What a fricken joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hysterical Everything Jones and Murphy have done will improve this team. Having older Vets is great and I for one would… Read more »

9 years ago

Jason Ficter from the riders Facebook page must be pouting over this. All he ever does is spew negative comments about Durant.

9 years ago

I wish we would have kept Dressler, or at least tried to with more effort if we assume Dressler's words are true (And I do).

But Taman killed this team with rich deals and regardless who was the new gm and coach we would have had to make tough decisions to field a competitive team.