PCL’s Shawn Hamelin updated reporters on New Mosaic Stadium construction progress Wednesday morning.
Construction is 77% complete with the “substantial completion” scheduled for August of 2016. That means PCL’s commitment will be fulfilled at that time.
Final completion is scheduled for 16 months from now and that means the Roughriders offices and locker room facilities, concessions and outer terrace.
View from the northeast concourse …
View of the eastside grandstand …
North endzone structure and Roughriders offices ….
The eastside ramps and view of downtown Regina …
The PCL trailers and old Mosaic Stadium in the background …

Some stadium facts and figures …
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8 years ago

That roofline looks like it will leave a lot of the lower bowl seats uncovered.

8 years ago

I have a tough time getting excited over an outdoor stadium in a climate like Saskatchewan has. Is it really an improvement?


8 years ago

Sorry Gainer, not much wrong with the climate in Regina these days and it will only get warmer in the years ahead, look for palm trees to be planted around the stadium some day. Real football is played outdoors. Just ask the Packers.

8 years ago

Have you been to Taylor Field lately Gainer? Oh wait, no. You come out at the beginning of the game and then again at the 4th quarter. Oh wait, that's the real Gainer.

This is clearly a vast improvement over the current state of Rider games. The new venue, concessions, elevators and overall atmosphere will be top notch.

Looking forward to it!

Tanner Mochoruk
8 years ago

Does roof only cover upper deck…

8 years ago

The old Mosaic Stadium was an absolute dump and should have been replaced decades ago.

Anyone who thinks it was acceptable for amateur or pro sports needs to get out a little.

Numerous high school teams have better stadiums then the decrepit old Mosaic. It served it's purpose, now the only thing that should be in it is a large volume of dynamite!

8 years ago

I always wondered who the man in the Gainer costume is, but thanks to Cam Broten for taking time out during the campaign to weigh in on Rods blog.

Forrest Trump
Forrest Trump
8 years ago

Gotta love the increase number of toilets and pee stations!

8 years ago

Enjoy your ninja turtle field rednecks lol

8 years ago

looks like they will play near a poor neighborhood

8 years ago

They have addressed the wind issue, and that has always been the biggest problem.

A little rain or snow is never that bad except when accompanied by wind…

Let's talk weather everyone… (RP) here comes the hits…


8 years ago

Final completion date 16 months from now? That's July 2017 … cutting it closer than I expected.

8 years ago

Beautiful stadium but how can this be Dome Ready? Roof line looks shorter than renderings? Am I missing something?

8 years ago

average seat width has only increased by 2 inches? Not enough, in my opinion.

This Guy
8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Try P90x

8 years ago

Wawawawawaw, why all the negativity? Drive by this awesome site and picture late 2017 watching a game in it. I think it's a huge boost to Regina and can't wait to see the finished product. I'll have no problem taking a bus or shuttle from the east end if parking is scarce, it'll be worth it.

8 years ago

Thanks for the pictures you beautiful man. Any pictures of the beautiful Mrs Sportscage from the tour? Or was Remple hogging the lens like usual?

Donald Gump
Donald Gump
8 years ago

The best bet with folks with big butts is to but a seat in one of the suites. All you can eat buffet a must!

Christopher Evans
8 years ago

Went to the preview center and checked out the seating. 20" is not near wide enough for general admission seating. Not enough room for two adult males to sit side by side, generally speaking… nor once they're suited up for cooler weather! Disappointing… about the only disappointing aspect of the new stadium I can really say.

8 years ago

Rod. 16 months until completion. Which puts that it July 2017. Isn't that passed when it was supposed to be ready?

Russ from Saskatoon.

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Heavy duty cost over-runs not yet forcast Russ from Saskatoon will delay. Now that O'Day in charge of hotdog and beverage operations, he'll have someting to do on behalf of the Roughriders club instead of twiddling his thumbs.

Christopher Evans
8 years ago

They're getting into construction speak on a lot of these things, Russ! There will be different benchmarks for substantial completion, operational completion, leasehold improvements (by tenants), and the landscaping aspect. They could likely arrive at 90%-95% complete and be easily operation… with such things as offices not being quite complete or the landscaping around the outside not being 100% as examples. I have heard there are some stiff penalties for being late, but it seems odd with the wonderful winter weather the last two years, relatively speaking, that they aren't a little further ahead?!?!