CALGARY (CP) – Barring a setback in practice this week, Bo Levi Mitchell is expected to be the starting quarterback for the Calgary Stampeders on Friday against the Saskatchewan Roughriders in Regina (8:00 pm, TSN, CKRM).

After watching Mitchell navigate the wet McMahon Stadium turf in Tuesday’s practice, Stampeders head coach John Hufnagel was closer to giving Mitchell the green light to return to game action.

Mitchell sat out Calgary’s last two games with a sprained left ankle and stretched knee ligament suffered in the fourth quarter Sept. 13 against Toronto.

“Not 100 per cent, but it looks good that he’ll be playing the game,” Hufnagel said. “He looked good out there today. I’m not trying to hide anything. I just want to have one more day to make sure he is ready to go.”

Calgary owns the best record in the CFL and tops the West Division at 11-2. Saskatchewan and the Edmonton Eskimos are tied for second at 9-4.

Friday’s game is the first meeting this season between Calgary and the defending Grey Cup champions. The Stampeders went 14-4 last season, but were upset at home in the West Division final by the Roughriders.

The Stampeders can clinch a playoff berth with a victory Friday, although a loss by the Winnipeg Blue Bombers (6-7) to Ottawa in the earlier game that day would also secure a playoff berth for Calgary.

Mitchell owned the CFL’s highest quarterback efficiency rating at 100.5 per cent before he was tackled on a four-yard run by Toronto’s Shea Emry and went down awkwardly on his left leg.

Mitchell dressed as Calgary’s No. 3 on Saturday, but didn’t play. He performed footwork drills and took first-team reps in pouring rain Tuesday.

“There were no setbacks today so that was big for us,” Mitchell said. “It’s what the coach wanted to see. It’s what I wanted to see.”

The Stampeders have a bye week after Friday’s game and won’t play again until Oct. 18 in Winnipeg.

Mitchell said there was discussion about delaying his return for the extra healing time, but Hufnagel wants the 24-year-old Texan back in the game if he’s able to play.

“We have nothing accomplished yet,” Hufnagel said. “We haven’t gotten a playoff spot yet. I would like to get home-field advantage. I would like to finish in first place and we’ve got a lot of football left against a lot of very strong football teams.”

If Mitchell does play Friday, it’ll be his first trip to Mosaic Stadium as the starting quarterback. The Roughriders are coming off a 24-0 loss to the Edmonton Eskimos, but that’s unlikely make the stadium any quieter Friday.

“Someone did an interview right before the season and asked me what my favourite thing about football is and it’s silencing a stadium,” Mitchell said.

“Going into somebody else’s house and somebody likes to be loud like Sask., like the Seattle Seahawks, and just hearing that stadium go silent is probably the greatest noise there is.”

Meanwhile Stampeders MVP running back Jon Cornish got in on the action on Tuesday as well.

“There’s two things I remember about playing in Regina,” Cornish told reporters. “One, I love getting Italian Star before every game. It’s my favourite sandwich shop in all of Canada.

“Two, I love watching the disappointed faces on Rider fans as they leave after a loss. There’s nothing better. They are so angry from all the beer they have been drinking the whole day. It will be an 8 o’clock game. Everybody will be drunk at the game. Seeing them go home unsatisfied. I want nothing more.”

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9 years ago

That's a challenge if I ever heard one. Let's make it so loud he can't get in any kind of groove. Rider Nation needs to join the team and be the 13th man instead of hopping on and off the bandwagon. We need all of you!

9 years ago

it will be quiet stamps will hang 45 on the riders… a pounding

9 years ago

It will be louder than ever as the Riders are pounding those over rated stumps. Mitchell will be eaten alive by the Riders unstoppable d line

9 years ago

BLM may run into a steamroller. Riders just need enough offence to allow some breaks for the D. Last week they were on the field way too much. And had a short 5 day week before an away game. And BTW … only Sk has 3 of those this year … Edmtn/Cal had none … unless you count when both games were against each other. Excuse of a loser? No … it's a reason. Any D in football is impacted by those issues. (So don't fire Hall yet)

9 years ago
Reply to  oldriderfan

riders will be lucky if their offence doesnt cost them any points let alone score any lol

9 years ago

That is a great sound. I remember it well from the west final last year…


9 years ago

jon cornish reaction to losing 2013 wf against sask. "its actually kinda cool".

you bet it was, jon. you bet it was.

9 years ago

maybe "doubles" can learn to throw with his left arm in time for friday night. couldnt possibly be any worse than trotting sunseri or doege out to slaughter again

9 years ago

It’s amazing these comments only come out when they know they’ll be facing the Riders back-up QB

9 years ago

You might be on to something Anon. I mean if old mick can teach Rocky to fight right handed surely old George can do the same with doubles. Then in the last game switch back. Theyll never see it comming! Btw love the Cornish comments. How friggen boring would this league be without "villans" like this guy and he plays it petfectly. I'm a die hard Rider fan but he puts his money where his mouth is. He can flat out play and we should be thankful we have personalities like this in the CFL! Bring it on Cornhole!


Pat Strain
9 years ago

I can honestly say I enjoyed watching the Riders beating Calgary last year in the West final more than watching them win the Grey Cup. Sooo satisfying .

9 years ago

That is a great sound. I remember it well from the west final last year…

Actually, the West final was pretty loud, because half of McMahon stadium was cheering for the 'Riders.

See, when we lose at home, the stadium is silent. When Calgary loses at home to us, the stadium is loud, because it's cheering the home team's loss.

That's happened a lot in Calgary. Playoffs 2013. Playoffs 2010. Playoffs 2009 (OK, maybe that was here, but it was loud too). It's obviously a familiar experience for Cornish.

It's no wonder Cornish prefers silence.

9 years ago

Too funny…..they should hold a ' symbolic Grey Cup ring presentation at the start of the game. Perhaps make it Grey Cup appreciation day at Mosaic. Those losers just don't get it. They along with their overrated coach have been chokers so long, it isn't funny. From the sounds of it they may get another opportunity this playoffs. Nothing nicer than going into McMahon , seeing a see of grreen, then watching all the red jerseys file out by the middle of the fourth quarter. The last thing they want to do is face us in any playoff game. Yes… Read more »

9 years ago

Lots of talk from a guy who hasn't won a grey cup as a starter. Textbook lack of class from a dude with an inferiority complex. Clown.


9 years ago

If the stamps trash talk works as good as Edmontons ads, it will be 28-2 for cowtown at the half. We can only hope an pray Calgary's trash talk lights a fire under the Riders. But it won't, at least not enough for a W!

9 years ago

and maybe he will moon all those fans again as in the past and he will get arrested for indecent exposure..!!! Go Riders!!!

9 years ago

Cornish Yaps Off when he knows our Team is Hurting Bad. I hope when he gets hit that he will poop himself from eating all those Cornish Flakes !

9 years ago

I wonder if the Italian Star will come up with a Cornish Rushin Sandwich to match their Dressler.

9 years ago

Maybe BLM should make sure he is starting before he flaps his gums.

Calgary just announced that Drew Tatortot is starting. Hopefully him and Cornhole have one of there tickle fights on the field again…

9 years ago

After Edmonton thoroughly outclassed the Riders in all phases, I can definitely see a silent stadium with a similar performance. Riders need to show up, even if Offense is struggling the D can at least show up and take some wind out of these 2 arrogant goofballs. By that I mean playing physical…and a bonus would be allowing under 11 yards per carry. I'll be there cheering loud, but if John White hit 192…its not unrealistic for Cornish to hit 300 if the Riders come out listless again. Batten down the hatches Riders..time to play for Pride and try to… Read more »

9 years ago

Cornish has no class and only very little talent, one could only expect a stupid remark like that from him.