Saskatchewan Roughriders Assistant General Manager Jeremy O’Day stepped into the SportsCage to discuss the current plight of the 1-2 football team.  O’Day couldn’t confirm the report that the team is poised to sign veteran running back Will Ford, an East Division All-Star, who was cut by Winnipeg on Monday.  However he said the fumble problems of running backs Athony Allen and Hugh Charles have caused some concern at that position.

“The tough part about it is if either one of our guys hadn’t turned the ball over, we probably wouldn’t even be talking about it right now,” O’Day said.  “But because everyone’s looking at that position and it’s under the microscope, it seems to be the topic of discussion.  And rightfully so – guys need to know turnovers are a big part of the game.  Both the guys we’ve had in there have had some good success, they just unfortunately couldn’t hang onto the football and that can be a big problem if it’s not taken care of.”

O’Day also cautioned the Rider Nation that it’s still very early in the season so it’s not time to be jumping to conclusions.

“In the bigger perspective we also have to understand we’re only three games into the year and we’ve played one good football game and two bad ones,” O’Day reasoned.  “We’re a team that’s had some turnover and have some guys in new positions and we need some time to get that cohesiveness together.  We need to get the guys working on the same page but it doesn’t happen overnight in pro football.  You can’t just plug a guy in and thing it’ll be like normal.  It’ll take some time but we’ll improve.  The good news is we have room to improve.”

In Saturday’s 26-13 loss to BC at Mosaic Stadium, the Riders were in position to win the game late however they couldn’t pull it out.  They lost the turnover battle 3-1.  However winning games early can mask some problems and on the bright side, the Riders are going to work to fix these issues earlier rather than later.

“That’s the truth – you have to take care of the small things and you’re absolutely right; sometimes when you win a game your mistakes aren’t looked too much under a microscope,” O’Day concluded.  “When you lose, obviously they’re amplified a little more.  The turnovers are a huge concern and you have to protect the football.  You don’t have to be super smart to know that if you turn the ball over, you’re not going to win many games.  You’re right though, there are some positions and guys that need to step up and play a little bit better.  They understand that but the good news is they know that and they’re upset about it.”

The Roughriders are currently on their bye week and don’t play again until Saturday, July 26 when they host Dwight Anderson and the Toronto Argonauts.

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10 years ago

Plug and play? Oday have you not noticed Winnipegs record?

10 years ago

The fumble problems are a concern but I we need to be realistic. One fumble should not cost a player their job. Players will make mistakes. What's more concerning is the complete lack of offensive production. Changes to the gameplan need to be made

10 years ago

Lets be 100 percent up front. The preperation from the coaching staff is just as much to blame for this poor offensive production. The Bombers and the eskimos coaching staff seem to have their teams firing on all cylinders. im sorry but as good of an OC we have. doubling as a QB coach just isnt the same as having a mentor that isnt double your age.

10 years ago

I agree with anon #3, there needs to be a QB coach. It's been proven in Riderville already, before Khari was here to when he was here to now that he is gone.

10 years ago

I agree with the last commentary, that the coaching prep is about as much to blame as the offensive production. The defense basically held the Riders in the game against BC, the O simply didnt perform, particularly in the Red Zone. Fumbles are going to happen, and I'm really unsure if benching a guy for a fumbel really cures anything. Remember when Miller used to bench a QB for a int in 2008, really dint help until you had a steady QB in there.

10 years ago

Time for Chamblin and his ego to sit on the pine

10 years ago

Players are going to fumble, I don't think our RB's are the main issue. At the end of the 2nd qtr why were they even running the ball? Durant should have taken 3 knees and end of the half. Poor play calling is part of the problem, bad penalties, lack of return game and dismal punting. Plus lack of a decent receive other than Taj and Getzlaf.

10 years ago

O'Day also cautioned the Rider Nation that it's still very early in the season and it's not time for people to be jumping off of buildings.

Let's see how relevant the very early in the season comment is at the end of the season.

10 years ago

How many grey cup winning coaches are commenting here…? Exactly. Big deal bombs and esks are 3-0. Esks were 5-0 couple years ago and where did they end up? Yeah no one likes to be 1-2 but its a long season and ships aren't won in July

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

What fumes are you Inhaling?

10 years ago

Two seasons ago when Chamblin fired Craig Dickenson for having a winter job I predicted all of this. I told my buddies that Chamblin was just like Mike Keenan in hockey. First year, big improvement, next year Stanley Cup finals, next year everyone tuned him out. That happened time after time with Keenan and that's what's happening with the Riders they've tuned out Chamblin, they no longer want to play for him.


10 years ago

So what month are ships won in?

10 years ago

Oh I don't know maybe November?

10 years ago

If you fumble the ball you loose your job so if you throw an interception it ok?

Or if you miss a tackle or three its also ok?

I love a teams coaching staff who send out mixed messages.

Do not spill the water on the sidelines as the water boy could be replaced.

Coaches do not use this gimic as a major problem for your team you have much bigger problems in all areas.

10 years ago

Durant has thrown interception in every game this season and wasn't benched? This Allen this is overaction, he fumbled once in 2 games but is a league leading rusher, give him a chance to improve just like Fantuz in his early days, Getzlaf to this day drops catches. You need to show your RBs confidence and they will get better so does the offensive line which has not played like the best unit in the league.


10 years ago

He's obviously quite right about wins masking mistakes.

How 'bout Willy's floater that the Montreal DB dropped that would've ended the game right before Willy threw the winning TD. A 10 year old could make that catch.

Good thing Willy got a 2nd chance to right that mistake otherwise everyone might not be so high on him and the BB.

You get one break to go your way and you're a hero. It goes the other way and you're the goat.

10 years ago

Interceptions aren't always the QB's fault. If Durant is throwing to where the guy is supposed to be and if he isn't there then, interception. I'd even guess that the reason Charles was sat down was for the fumble but also for the fact that he dropped the ball in the end zone on a easy catch all he has to do is hold on. Hey I can't do it but he should be able to he is a veteran pro player. Coach will sit guys down for sure if there not going to play to level He expects. I'd… Read more »

10 years ago

Lol u guys crack me up. The sky is falling, thesky is falling. The coach is too much of a softy, he should be fired. This year, the coach is too much of a hardass, he should be fired.

I used to get all worked up over these comments Rod but now I just chuckle. You know why, Rod…last year my wife got diagnosed as bipolar…(here's your quote of the week)…

These Rider fans on your blog are bipolar. I've seen it first hand. I can recognize the symptoms.


10 years ago

Running backs are not just fumbling, they are blocking poorly, picking up blitz's poorly, running some improper pass routes, dropping easy touchdown passes. That all adds up to getting benched. All of those things are obviously important to a Cortez offence as we saw with sheets last year, and when sheets was injured last year riders also has some bad games. In the case of a Cortez offence running backs are not a dime a dozen.

10 years ago

Where is the GM hiding ? He's the person who should be on the team hot seat. He's the person responsible for player recruitment..He's the persons responsible for the on field product with which the coaching staff has to work with. The final end responsibilites stops at his doorstep. If he's Incapable of his job duties, then upper management needs to act accordingly at their earliest convenience, the sooner the better.

10 years ago

Are you for real? One things for sure…you would make a good Nazi…lol…
The Rock

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

The Rock Nazi…