On Monday the Saskatchewan Roughrider Plaza of Honor Committee announced a new member will be inducted into the Plaza of Honor. This year Reggie Hunt will join the previously announced Chris Szarka in having their names forever etched into Saskatchewan Roughrider history.


Due to travel and timing difficulties, Omarr Morgan has been removed as an inductee for 2014. Morgan remains eligible and will be reconsidered for future induction.  
Plaza committee chairman explained why on Monday’s SportsCage on 620 CKRM.

“We’ve tried phoning, we’ve tried emailing, we’ve tried going through former coaches and teammates,” Lipp explained.  “But we just can’t seem to get him to respond to us.”

That suits Reggie Hunt just fine.  The TCU grad was a multiple Division All-Star and All-Canadian during his six year career with the Riders (2002-2007) plus a Grey Cup champion.

“I was more than excited to receive this honour,” Hunt told the SportsCage on Monday.  “I understand there were circumstances that came about but they reassured me that it was inevitable and it was going to happen anyway so I was more than happy to jump on board there.”

Besides being Saskatchewan’s most prestigious sporting dinner, the Plaza of Honor Dinner has contributed over $6 million to the Saskatchewan Roughrider Football Club.


The Plaza of Honor Dinner presented by SaskTel has inducted 116 individuals who have made major contributions to the proud tradition of the Saskatchewan Roughrider Football Club. The club has also inducted the 1966, 1989 and 2007 Grey Cup championship teams.


The cairn honouring the Plaza of Honor Inductees is situated outside the main gates on the west side of Mosaic Stadium. The Plaza of Honor cairn is sponsored by SaskTel, SASK SPORT INC. and the City of Regina.


This year’s dinner is set for Friday, September 19th at the Credit Union Eventplex – Evraz Place. To accommodate a much larger audience, the event will once again take place in the Eventplex and will allow patrons a spacious opportunity with a large reception area throughout the evening to meet and greet friends and associates.

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10 years ago

other than his game record for tackles, what else did Hunt do?

The Plaza of Honour is turning into the Plaza of ordinary dinner

10 years ago

Probably our best and most consistant defensive player over a 5 year span 2003 to 07.

CFL All-Star 2003
CFL West All-Star 2003, 04, 06, 07

Grey Cup Champ 2007

10 years ago

Still no Roy shivers?

10 years ago

Roy won't get in as long as Hopson is in charge. Too bad really. He took a real mess of a situation and got it started to where it is today.

10 years ago

I hope Anon #1 is joking.

10 years ago

I sincerely hope Shivers "NEVER" gets in. He was the main reason Henry left here. The man is an arrogant idiot

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Mr.Shivers deserved of Saskatchewan Roughriders recognition. Henry? How many years has the old man Burris been in the CFL? and still inconsistent as years go by, same story with Durant, old and inconsistent.

10 years ago

Roy Roy Roy!!!! Roy Roy Roy!!!! Roy Roy Roy!!!! Roy Roy Roy!!!!

10 years ago

Roy deserves the recognition … at some point. (How many '07 cup players came in under shivers?) Arrogance level is a criteria? Liked his honesty even when it hurt. Yeh he is a walking controversy but results is what counts. Us older folk remember pre Roy/Danny.

10 years ago

Jeez. So which QBs do fans want? Pick three from the past 20 years of all we have had.

10 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Drew Willy.

10 years ago

Mr. Shivers and Mr. Barrett built the 'Riders from a joke to a contender. Before they came it was widely known the franchise was mickey mouse and free agents avoided signing here. They made it cool to play in Sask.

I am embarrassed by the racist backlash they faced and continue to face.

Durant is 3 games from an MVP run to a championship, it seems to me there is only one reason people would call for him to be cut.

10 years ago

Shivers deserves recognition for building the nucleus of the franchise. The 2007 Grey Cup team was his doing no matter what anyone sez….. I agree that he built the franchise from a joke to a long term contender. I'm getting tired of the criticism of Durant. Cant win every game.

10 years ago

I think if Morgan and Szarka were voted in and Morgan can’t attend then only Szarka goes in this year.

This thing is turning into honour anyone who has worn the green uniform plaza

10 years ago

It is kinda small time to take a guy off your list because he can not come to your dinner. Either the guy is a rider legend or he isn't. Turns out this has nothing to due with honoring what a guy has done for this team and town and more to due with selling dinner tickets and booze… A piss poor decision

10 years ago

Hey, Riders said they can't him (Morgan) down. Reggie is very deserving of the honour…..they done right!

10 years ago

Would hope this plaza garbage and it's related committee doesn't follow along into the new stadium. New stadium, new Image, new ideas, moving progressively forward into the future.


10 years ago

Congrats to Omarr Morgan and rather than say kiss his a##, he just didn't take their call.

Prime example the politics at play with that thing, and the money they make off of it, the guys that need the attention jump. The others look at it like a place they worked, and similar to not attending a High School reunion it's in the past and let it go.

Some of us don't need reunions, we move on.

Omarr Morgan was shut down, and he doesn't need a night for anyone to recognize it.

10 years ago

Omarr not "a yes man" to the establishment. Didn't the Roughriders cut him?

10 years ago

The Riders used to be a class organization. Oh the good old days. $$$$$$$$$$$$

10 years ago

The Reaper would have went in next year anyway. They know their list years in advance. Its not who can we call today? Gimme a break. Good for Reggie. One of the most consistent over his whole time in green. Still the best DB nickname as well.

10 years ago

haha….. "Didn't the Riders cut him?"

Everyone gets cut at some point.

Geroy got cut this year, just spun as a retirement.

Rey Williams got cut. Same as above.